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==>Runescape Mini-Quests Guide List<==
Runescape Mini-Quest Start: Talk to Erin from the Making History Quest.
Runescape Quests: Making History.
What You Need: The Enchanted Key.
After completing the Making History, you get to keep the Enchanted Key. Go and talk to Erin from the quest, ask him about the Key and he will tell you that you can find treasure with it.
When you click on the Enchanted Key a message will appear in your chat box telling you whether you are nearer or further away from the chest compared to when you last clicked on it. It will also say how far away from the chest you are:
- Freezing - Very far away; you're on the wrong side of RuneScape!
- Cold - Nearer than freezing, but it could be almost anywhere.
- Warm - Very near, not more than about a 1 minute walk away.
- Boiling - Extremely near, no more than about 20 squares away.
- Steaming - Dig here, you are standing on the chest!
Finding The Direction
To find out which direction to go in is pretty simple if you follow one of these 2 methods.
Method 1
1. Stand in a spot and feel the key.
2. Move North, South, East or West and feel the key again.
3. If when you go in this direction it says that you are getting colder then go back to the original place and try the other direction.
4. If it says that you are getting warmer then carry on moving in this direction until something gets in your way.
5. Now move in a direction 90 degrees from the direction you went in originally, so if to start with you went North or South, this time go West or East and if you went West or East, go North or South and repeat these 5 simple steps.
If when you do Step 2 and it says that the temperature stays the same then if when this happened you went North or South, go West or East and if you went West or East, go North or South.
Method 2
1. Stand in a spot and feel the key.
2. Move North, South, East or West and feel the key again.
3. If when you go in this direction it says that you are getting colder then teleport to a location in the other direction, if it says you are getting warmer then teleport to a location in the direction you moved in.
4. Repeat Step 3 until it says that you are warm.
5. Use Method 1 to find the exact location of the chest.
There are 11 chests to be found around Runescape. The order is random for each person, but the first location is always in the Fremennik Province. The locations in this guide may not be exactly the same as where they are for you, but should take you so the Enchanted Key is boiling and you are very close to the chest.
Fremennik Province
The location of the first chest for all people is in the Fremennik Province.
Co-ordinates: 14 Degrees, 7 Minutes North; 8 Degrees, 28 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Go east along the mud path South of Rellekka (that you head along during The Fremennik Trials to get to Lalli and the Golden Apple Tree) until there is a short bit that heads South, just before that head South towards river, its near the first Oak Tree you get to.
Reward: 10 Mithril Ore, 20 Steel Arrows, 15 Law Runes
With all the rest of the chests the order is random.
Near Body Altar
Co-ordinates: 8 Degrees, 50 Minutes North; 18 Degrees, 37 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Go to the Body Altar and head West to the 2 mounds of dirt. It is near the tree just East of the South mound.
Reward: 10 Mithril Ore, 15 Iron Ore, 5 Air Runes
Near The Digsite
Co-ordinates: 5 Degrees, 39 Minutes North; 26 Degrees, 56 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Go to the 'T' junction that leads off to the Digsite. Take the road North until it starts to turn West. It is around there.
Reward: 40 Rune Essence, 15 Iron Ore, Guthix Mjolnir
Near the Air Altar
Co-ordinates: 4 Degrees, 9 Minutes North; 16 Degrees, 39 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Go South of Falador South wall by the chainmail shop. Then head South until you are just North-West of the Oak tree just West of the Air Altar. It is around there.
Reward: 5 Earth Runes, 20 Iron Arrows, Saradomin Mjolnir
Near Lumbridge Slayer Caves Entrance
Co-ordinates: 0 Degrees, 31 Minutes North; 22 Degrees, 24 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Go to the entrance to Lumbridge Slayer Caves in the swamps. Head North-West so there are dead trees on your West and South and a plant on your East. It is around here.
Reward: 29 Rune Essence, 20 Mind Runes, 15 Law Runes
Near the Al Kharid Ponds
Co-ordinates: 1 Degrees, 52 minutes North; 26 Degrees, 37 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Go to the ponds just North of Al Kharid and West of the Duel Arena . Stand so you have one pond North of you and the other one West of you. It is around here.
Reward: 40 Rune Essence, 10 Mithril Ore, Zamorak Mjolnir
Near Ardougne Bush Patch
Co-ordinates: 2 Degrees, 26 Minutes North; 5 Degrees, 39 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Head to the Bush Farming Patch next to the Monastery south of Ardougne. Head due North. There will be a Bush just to your East when the patch is just about to go off your mini-map. Dig just West of the bush.
Reward: 36 Rune Essence, 15 Iron Ore, 5 Air Runes
In the Grand Exchange
Co-ordinates: 10 Degrees, 18 Minutes North; 22 Degrees, 35 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Simply go to Varrock and head northwest to the Grand Exchange. Head one space northwest of the desk. Dig here
Reward: 36 Rune Essence, 10 Mithril Arrows, 5 Air Runes
Near the Making History Quest Start Point
Co-ordinates: 6 Degrees, 43 Minutes North; 0 Degrees, 46 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Go to the Making History start point and head North-West to 3 boulders. Head North from here to an area with several gnome benches. Dig around the most Southerly bench.
Reward: 40 Rune Essence, 20 Iron Arrowtips, 20 Fire Runes
Port Sarim Peninsula
Co-ordinates: 0 Degrees, 3 Minutes South; 18 Degrees, 11 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Go to the South of the peninsular south of Port Sarim where Thurgo the dwarf (the one that likes Redberry Pies from quests like Knight's Sword and The Giant Dwarf) lives. From here head North-East until you get to a beach with a Hammock, a Bench and some Fire Remains on. There is a boulder by the Hammock and a Leafy Tree by the bench. Stand so the Leafy tree is to your east and the boulder is to your South. It is around here.
Reward: 15 Iron Ore, 20 Mithril Arrows, 15 Death Runes
Near Tree Gnome Stronghold Spirit Tree
Co-ordinates: 8 Degrees, 54 Minutes North; 0 Degrees, 5 Minutes East
Brief Description of how to get there: Walk West of the Spirit Tree in the Gnome Stronghold so the Spirit tree is on the edge of your mini-map. It is around here.
Reward: 39 Rune Essence, 20 Iron Arrowtips, 30 Water Runes
Finishing Off
Once you have found all 11 chests the key will melt in your hand and you will not be able to get a new one, so if you decide to sell your spear you can't go and dig another one out of the ground.
Combined Reward
When the rewards from all the chests are added together you get:
30 Mithril Ore, 60 Iron Ore, 230 Rune Essence, 5 Earth Runes, 15 Air Runes, 15 Death Runes, 20 Mind Runes, 30 Water Runes, 30 Law Runes, 20 Iron Arrows, 20 Steel Arrows, 30 Mithril Arrows, 40 Iron Arrowtips, Guthix Mjolnir, Saradomin Mjolnir, and a Zamorak Mjolnir.

Mjolnirs are God spears. They are a two-handed weapon that has the symbol of a God on the end. They are tradeable and can be wielded without even starting the quest.
They are not very good weapons as they all have the same stats, and those stats are poor.
Attack Bonus
Stab +0
Slash +0
Crush +11
Magic +0
Ranged +0
Defense Bonus
Stab +0
Slash +0
Crush +0
Magic +0
Ranged +0
Other Bonuses
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