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==>Runescape Mini-Games Guide List<==
The Tears of Guthix mini-game is a simple game in which you try and collect tears before the timer runs out. Remember, you must have already completed the Tears of Guthix Quest before being able to take part in this game.
Firstly, you should know that you can only do this once a week. Not only this, but you must either earn 100,000 experience in total, or gain at least a quest point to be able to try this again. Your character may tell Juna stories, but if you haven't achieved another 100,000 experience or a quest point, you will be unable to enter.
On another note, the Tears of Guthix mini-game gives experience towards your lowest skill. If you have multiple skills of the same level, you'll gain experience in the skill with the lowest experience total.
You'll need a few things to help you out in the cave:
- A Candle, Lantern or Torch - for seeing in the dark cave. See the Crafting and Firemaking guides for instructions for making them.
- Spiny Helm
- Optional, for protect from Wall Beasts.
- Teleport Runes -Optional, for a quick journey.
You don't need your Stone Bowl, as Juna will keep it for you.
Getting There
To get to the Tears of Guthix mini-game, head to the Lumbridge Swamp Caves and follow the passage to the Giant Frogs. There will be a cave in
the southern half of this area; go inside and head east down a small hill.
Once you find Juna the Serpent, speak to her and tell her a story. After you've told her a story, she will let you enter the game area. You must tell her a different story each time you wish to play, in order to go inside.
In the cave, there are 2 different types of Tear Drops:
Blue Tear Drops - these are the Tear Drops that you must collect during the game.

Green Tear Drops - these are the Tear Drops that you'll want to avoid while playing. Collecting them will decrease your Tear Drop count.

From time to time the Tear Drop areas will change places, and it appears to be random. When you first start, your Tear Bowl will look like the one below.

You must fill the bowl up before the time runs out. Just click on the Blue Tears on the walls to fill it. Once the time is up, you'll drink the bowl of tears to receive your experience. The amount of time you get to play the game depends on your quest points, and it seems that the amount of experience can vary as well. It is believed that the experience per tear can be found by using the following equation:
(tears * quest points) / 2.

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