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==>Runescape Mini-Games Guide List<==
The Fight Caves mini-game is located inside of TzHaar, where different creatures live. Inside the volcano is a mini-game that will test your strength and endurance against waves of vicious creatures. It's a difficult mini-game, and only the best will survive until the end. Remember that you do not lose your items if you die inside the Fight Caves.
It is located a short distance south of the TzHaar bank, with a mini-game symbol on the mini-map. TzHaar is located in Karamja Volcano.

What You Need
Recommended Stats:
- 90 combat
- 55 prayer
- 75 range
- A high defense level (perhaps over 80).
This guide will teach you how to do Fight Caves with the Guthans Barrows set.
To fully succeed in Fight Caves, you will need the correct items.

- Black dragonhide body
- Black dragonhide chaps
- Two bows - you can replace bows with Crystal Bows, Magic Shortbows with 1,000 Rune Arrows, or Karil's Crossbow. It is best to have 1,000+ arrows, and at least two bows.
- Two super restore potions
- 4 Saradomin Brews
- Two Range Potions
- 16 Prayer Potions.
All potions must be 4-dose.
- Full Guthans
- Cape - Legends, Obsidian, or a Skill Cape would be the best
- Unholy Symbol - for attack and prayer bonus
- Black Dragonhide Vambraces
- Ranger Boots - used for best performance, can be replaced with rune boots
- Ring of Recoil
A Map of the Caves

As said before, you will be going against waves of monsters, consisting of creatures of varying levels. There are 63 waves in all, and you must survive through all 63 to successfully win the game. More info about the monsters you'll be facing is shown below.
Waves of Creatures | |||||
Wave | Monster Levels | Wave | Monster Levels | Wave | Monster Levels |
1 | 22 | 22 | 180, 90 | 43 | 360, 90, 45, 22, 22 |
2 | 22, 22 | 23 | 180, 90, 22 | 44 | 360, 90, 45, 45 |
3 | 45 | 24 | 180, 90, 22, 22 | 45 | 360, 90, 90 |
4 | 45, 22 | 25 | 180, 90, 45 | 46 | 360, 180 |
5 | 45, 22, 22 | 26 | 180, 90, 45, 22 | 47 | 360, 180, 22 |
6 | 45, 45 | 27 | 180, 90, 45, 22, 22 | 48 | 360, 180, 22, 22 |
7 | 90 | 28 | 180, 90, 45, 45 | 49 | 360, 180, 45 |
8 | 90, 22 | 29 | 180, 90, 90 | 50 | 360, 180, 45, 22 |
9 | 90, 22, 22 | 30 | 180, 180 | 51 | 360, 180, 45, 22, 22 |
10 | 90, 45 | 31 | 360 | 52 | 360, 180, 45, 45 |
11 | 90, 45, 22 | 32 | 360, 22 | 53 | 360, 180, 90 |
12 | 90, 45, 22, 22 | 33 | 360, 22, 22 | 54 | 360, 180, 90, 22 |
13 | 90, 45, 45 | 34 | 360, 45 | 55 | 360, 180, 90, 22, 22 |
14 | 90, 90 | 35 | 360, 45, 22 | 56 | 360, 180, 90, 45 |
15 | 180 | 36 | 360, 45, 22, 22 | 57 | 360, 180, 90, 45, 22 |
16 | 180, 22 | 37 | 360, 45, 45 | 58 | 360, 180, 90, 45, 22, 22 |
17 | 180, 22, 22 | 38 | 360, 90 | 59 | 360, 180, 90, 45, 45 |
18 | 180, 45 | 39 | 360, 90, 22 | 60 | 360, 180, 90, 90 |
19 | 180, 45, 22 | 40 | 360, 90, 22, 22 | 61 | 360, 180, 180, |
20 | 180, 45, 22, 22 | 41 | 360, 90, 45 | 62 | 360, 360 |
21 | 180, 45, 45 | 42 | 360, 90, 45, 22 | 63 | 702 |
- Level 22 (Tz-Kih) - Drains prayer. Hits up to 4
- Level 45 (Tz-Kek) - First form acts like a Recoil Ring. Turns into two level 22s after you kill it. Hits up to 7.
- Level 22 (Tz-Kek) - Comes from the level 45. Hits up to 4.
- Level 90 (Tok-Xil) - Ranges and melees. Hits up to 13.
- Level 180 (Yt-Mejkot) - Heals itself and other monsters if you are in attacking range of his melee attack. Hits up to 25.
- Level 360 (Ket-Zek) - Always mages. He only melees you if you are too close to him. Hits up to high 40s.
- Level 702 (TzTok-Jad) - Last monster, uses a lethal combination of range, magic, and melee. The only way to protect yourself from Jad is to switch prayers, and be away from his melee attack. Hits up to 99s.
- Level 108 (Yt-Hurkot) - Four healing monsters come out when Jad has reached half health. They can hit often, they can inflict damage in the low 10s.
If you can, drink 1 dose of each potion in a super set before entering, but do not bring the set inside the caves as it will take up space. This will increase your stats for about 15 minutes. Use Guthans only on the level 22s, 45s, and 90s. Keep using Guthans for the first part of Caves, until you reach the 180s. When the 180 waves begin, hide in the middle of the Italy rock. It is located to the east, and shaped like its name. The 180s will be stuck, and you can use range against them. Put your bow on accurate, as you are in no hurry. Be sure to kill the 22s and 90s before killing the 180s, and get the 180s stuck behind the monster you're killing. It can heal itself, and other monsters if you are in its melee range. It can also hit in the mid-20s.
Once you see two 180s in one wave, (one oddly colored), be sure to drink some prayer potion doses, but not too much that you skip some points by maxing it out. Drink a range potion dose. Be sure to drink a ranging potion dose as soon as your range returns to the normal level, but be sure to keep at least one dose left for the final wave. Before you kill the 180, put the Protect From Mage Prayer on. Turn your bow to rapid and attack the 360s. When more monsters come out, keep the 180s and 45s behind the 360 you're killing. You should always kill the 22s first because they drain your prayer, and the 90s next because can hit a lot with their range attack. Drink a prayer dose every time your prayer goes under about 20 or more points of your normal prayer level.
If you do get hurt badly, be sure to drink one super restore dose for every two Sara brew doses.
Wave 62, two level 360s will appear. Kill one of the 360s, and start killing the other one. Switch to your best bow (your newest crystal bow or Karil Crossbow). When the last 360 reaches about half health, you need to get ready for the last wave. Drink two doses of Saradomin Brew to increase your health and defense. After you have done that, drink a super restore pot dose, and then drink a ranging dose after you have restored your stats. Max out your prayer with prayer potions. Jad takes about 2-3 prayer pots (4) to kill. Turn on auto-retaliate and get ready. You should either stand in the middle of the arena or stay on the north wall of the Italy rock while killing the 360. Once you kill the last 360, a message will come up saying Jad has entered.
Attack Order:
22, 90, 360, 180, 45
Level 702 Boss:
This is the ultimate challenge. You have waited about 2 to 2.5 hours to get here, and it's all up to whether or not you can kill this beast.
Jad's first attack can be range or magic. Most of the time he attacks with magic first. Use protect from magic. Jad can max his hits all the way to 99, so be very cautious.
His Attack Stances:
- His magic attack will show him lifting his two front legs high in the air and holding them. Switch to protect from magic.
- His range attack shows him quickly bringing down his front two legs, smashing them into the ground. Switch to protect from range.
At half health, four healers will come out and dedicate themselves to healing Jad. When you have the correct prayer on for Jad, try to hit all of the healers, making them follow you, but still pay attention to Jad's attacks. If you kill any of them, they will keep spawning in groups of 4.
Now, there are two ways you can approach the healers from attacking you. First, you can line them up, making the first one in the line attack you, while using the Steel Skin prayer. The second way is to wait for Jad to start a magic attack. After he has initiated the attack, run straight through Jad opposite of you were before, making the healers stuck behind the 702 and not having them attack you.
Pay attention to your prayers, prayer points, and health. In minutes, you'll have a legendary Fire Cape and 8,000 TokKul. You will get about 4,000 TokKul if you die at Jad.

The Spoils (A Fire Cape)
This cape has an effect that appears to be lava flowing down the cape.
What This Means
Many people think that in order to complete the Fight Caves (2 – 3 hours long) they need 2 – 3 hours straight time on the computer. This is NOT true. Of course, it is recommended that you do fight caves when you have straight time but you can also do it without. You can save your progress so when you log back in you will be on the same wave.
How to Save
During a wave, click the log out button only ONCE. Clicking it twice will result in you logging out without saving your progress. Once you have clicked it, you will get a message in the chat box saying:
Your log out request has been received, and after this wave you will be logged out with your progress saved.
- If you click log out BEFORE the end of the wave you will log out, without saving the progress.
- If you click log out AFTER the end of the wave you will log out, with saving the progress
Once you have finished the wave and you were not being attacked for the last 10 seconds you will log out. If you were being attacked you will have to wait 10 seconds, then click log out. NOTE: There will be no other wave coming until you log out and log back in.
Also, never leave the cave when logging out or you will have to start over again.
It is recommended not to log out after the 360s start coming, as when you log in, you will be in the center of the cave with another wave ready to attack you. If your hp is below 50, then you can be killed. So as soon as you log in, be prepared to go to your prayer box, and turn on your Protection from Magic prayer.
Waves Not to Log Off After
Do NOT log off between these waves:
- Wave 42 – 45 ( 360s, 90s, 45s, and 22s)
- Wave 57 – 63 ( 360s, 180s, 90s, 45s and 22s)
Especially during wave 62 and 63. If you log in and two 360s from wave 62 hit you like two 40s, you will probably be dead. If you log in during the last wave (wave 63), the boss, Tok-jad, will kill you in 1 hit! So try not to log off during those waves.
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