==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Mini-Games Guide List<==
The Mage Training Arena is situated north of the Al Kharid Duel Arena. Here, you'll be able to train your magic by using some unique methods, and gain points for some cool new prizes! These prizes include wands, robes, and a new spell!
There are four rooms that you can get to by going through one of the Teleporters. Each Teleporter leads to a different kind of puzzle. You must have the Progress Hat in your Inventory or wielded to enter any of the Teleports.
You get the Progress Hat by talking to the Entrance Guardian. It will tell you how many of each kind of point you have.

Here is a picture of the four teleports and where they go to.

In this room you must get shapes and use an Enchant Jewelry Spell on it to turn it into an orb. You can find the different shapes in different corners of the room. You get points for every 10 shapes you change into Orbs and the number of points you get depends on what kind of Enchant Spell you are using.
North-West corner:- 8 Cube Piles, 1 Icosahedron Pile
North-East corner:- 6 Cylinder Piles, 1 Pentamid Pile
South-West corner:- 7 Pentamid Piles, 1 Cylinder Pile
South-East corner:- 6 Icosahedron Piles, 1 Cube Pile
This is what the piles look like what what items you get from each:
When you cast one of the Enchant Jewelry spells on any of the shapes it will turn into an orb.
You should only cast a spell on a shape if in the bottom-right hand corner of the screen there is the corresponding symbol that tells you that you will get a bonus point for doing it. The symbols that show this are:
You can use the Orbs with the Hole in the middle of the room and every 20 Orbs you put down you will receive a piece of Magic Equipment.
Cut Dragonstones Spawn in this room and if you enchant them you get bonus points depending on what type of enchant spell you use. They are untradeable. To find out how many bonus points you will get just multiply the level of Jewelry Enchant you are going to use by two. However the Dragonstones will disappear if you try to leave the room with it in your inventory.
Your points are shown up in the Top-Right corner of the screen.

The Enchantment Guardian will say every time the shape you need to Enchant changes. You can Enchant about 8 or 9 of one shape before it changes to the next.

There are four exits to this room. To got through Right-Click on it and select "Enter Exit Teleport."
Information About Points
- You receive one point for every bonus shape.
- You receive "x" points per ten orbs deposited depending on Enchant Spell:
- Sapphire: 1
- Emerald: 2
- Ruby: 3
- Diamond: 4
- Dragonstone: 5
- Onyx: 6
- Sapphire: 1
- A Dragonstone will respawn every ten minutes after picked up, and the enchant will be double the amount it is for depositing ten orbs depending on the Enchant Spell:
- Sapphire: 2
- Emerald: 4
- Ruby: 6
- Diamond: 8
- Dragonstone: 10
- Onyx: 12
- Sapphire: 2
- Total Points for every 10 orbs:
- Sapphire: 11
- Emerald: 12
- Ruby: 13
- Diamond: 14
- Dragonstone: 15
- Onyx: 16
- Sapphire: 11
Here is the math to figuring out the runes needed:
# of points needed / # of enchant points per 10 orbs (depending on spell) * 10 (orbs)
Example: To get Infinity Boots using Onyx enchant
1200 points / 16 points = 75
75 * 10 orbs = 750 cosmic runes
Gem Enchanting Chart | ||||||||
Name | Required Points | Sapphire | Emerald | Ruby | Diamond | Dragonstone | Onyx | Onyx Gems |
Infinity Boots | 1,200 | 1,091 | 1,000 | 924 | 858 | 800 | 750 | 100 |
Infinity Gloves | 1,500 | 1,364 | 1,250 | 1,154 | 1,072 | 1,000 | 938 | 125 |
Infinity Hat | 3,000 | 2,728 | 2,500 | 2,308 | 2,143 | 2,000 | 1,875 | 250 |
Infinity Robe Top | 4,000 | 3,637 | 3,334 | 3,077 | 2,858 | 267 | 2,500 | 340 |
Infinity Robe Bottom | 5,000 | 4,546 | 4,157 | 3,847 | 3,572 | 3,334 | 3,125 | 420 |
Beginner's Wand | 300 | 273 | 250 | 231 | 215 | 200 | 188 | 25 |
Apprentice's Wand | 600 | 546 | 500 | 462 | 429 | 400 | 375 | 50 |
Teacher's Wand | 1,500 | 1,364 | 1,250 | 1,154 | 1,072 | 1,000 | 938 | 125 |
Master's Wand | 2,400 | 2,182 | 2,000 | 1,847 | 1,715 | 4,000 | 1,500 | 200 |
Mage's Book | 6,000 | 5,455 | 5,000 | 4,616 | 4,286 | 1,334 | 3,750 | 500 |
Bone to Peaches | 2,000 | 1,819 | 1,667 | 1,539 | 1,429 | 10,700 | 1,250 | 170 |
Max. Points | 16,000 | 14,550 | 13,340 | 12,310 | 11,430 | 10,700 | 10,000 | 1,340 |
This part of the Mage Training Arena you will need Runes for High or Low Level Alching. You cannot take any money in. What you do is enter the Alchemist Teleport, head north until you see a cupboard, and open it to find either a:
- Rune Longsword
- Adamant Kiteshield
- Adamant Medium Helm
- Cut Emerald
- Leather Boots
To gain Pizzaz Points you must alch any of the 5 items you get and whatever money you get you must deposit. Deposit at the very North into the "Coin Collector". You don't get the normal amount of gp for alching each item, so it isn't sensible to just alch lots of Rune Longswords.
The fastest way to earn points in this room is to have six of 4 different items in your inventory. This way you will have the item that you get 30 gp by alching 80% of the time.
With the list of numbers on the right side of the image above, that is the number of gp you will get if you alch each of the items. These numbers will keep on changing. They change about once each time you alch 9 things. The higher the number the more Points you will get and the more gp you get to keep for yourself. You get 1 Point for every 100 gp deposited and 1 gp for every 10 gp deposited. When you exit the room the gp that you have earned will automatically go into your bank.
The more money you deposit the more points you get.
With the table in the Top-Right hand corner if there is a Green Arrow pointing at one of the items when you Alch that particular type of item no Runes will be used up.
Note: When you Exit the room you will not keep any items. All items that you have not alched will disappear.
The Alchemy Guardian stands around in the area between the two portals and will say when the contents of the cupboards change.
To leave the room you must go South and click on "Enter Exit Teleport".
Information About Points
- You receive one point per 100 coins deposited.
- You receive ten gold coins per 100 coins deposited.
- You receive 2x experience points per gold coin (eg. 1 gold coin = 2 exp)
- You will receive 1000 coins, 100 points, and 20,000 exp per 10,000 coins deposited.
Cycle of the items in order from left to right when portal is to the left and bank is to the right, it will always be in order but it is random where the item will start, once you find on of them you will find the next heading toward the bank first for the top row and towards the portal for the bottom row:
Boots - Kiteshields - Medium Helms - Emerald - Rune long - Empty - Empty - Empty
There are 1 point, 5 point, 8 point, 15 point, and 30 point Alchs.
Note: It's advised to use the 15 and 30-point alchs.
There are certain times where there will be bonus alchs (which means you can alch for free of that item). The below table does not include the bonuses.
Here is the math to figuring out the runes needed:
# of points x 100 (coins deposited per point) / Alch Price (15 or 30) = nature runes needed for the points
Example: To get Infinity Boots
120 points x 100 = 12,000
12,000 / 15 = 800 nature runes
12,000 / 30 = 400 nature runes
Coin Alchemy Chart | |||
Name | Required Points | Nature Runes (15 Coins) | Nature Runes (30 Coins) |
Infinity Boots | 120 | 800 | 400 |
Infinity Gloves | 225 | 1,500 | 750 |
Infinity Hat | 400 | 2,667 | 1,334 |
Infinity Robe Top | 450 | 3,000 | 1,500 |
Infinity Robe Bottom | 500 | 3,334 | 1,667 |
Beginner's Wand | 30 | 200 | 100 |
Apprentice's Wand | 60 | 400 | 200 |
Teacher's Wand | 200 | 1,334 | 667 |
Master's Wand | 240 | 1,600 | 800 |
Mage's Book | 550 | 3,667 | 1,834 |
Bone to Peaches | 300 | 2,000 | 1,000 |
Max. Points | 8,000 | 53,334 | 26,667 |
In this room you will use Law Runes. What you do is try to get the Stone to the grayish hole. You must move the Guardian Statue:
Now there should be two options:
- Observe - Very helpful. You will be able to move and see where your stone is going because your camera will have zoomed out to show the whole maze. Select "Observe" again to go back to the normal view.

- Reset - Will reset your stone to the place where it started.
But you have to cast "Telekinetic Grab" to move it. Here's how it works: Let's say you were on this side.

The stone will move towards you until it hits a wall. Keep doing this until you reach this:
The aim is to get the stone onto this. The Guardian Statue always faces South. Once you have done it you will earn 2 Points and your chat screen will appear like this:

If you complete 5 Mazes in a row you will get 8 bonus points, 10 Law Runes and some Magic xp.

You can tell how many Mazes in a row you have completed by looking in the Bottom-Right hand corner of the screen.
The Guardian in this room is the Telekinetic Guardian.
When you complete a Maze the Guardian Statue will turn into the Maze Guardian and by talking to him you can move onto the next Maze.
Information About Points
- You receive two points for every completed maze.
- For every five mazes you complete, you receive eight points, 1,000 exp and 10 Law Runes.
- Total of 18 points, ten law runes, and 1,000 exp every five mazes.
- Double it and its 36 points, 20 law runes, and 2,000 exp for every ten mazes (easier).
What you need is exactly 50-80 law runes for it is random as the mazes require 7-10 laws, but since you get 20 law runes for every 10 mazes, you only need 5 to 8 laws per maze.
Here is the math breakdown of runes needed:
# of points required for an item / 36 (points every 5 mazes) * cost of law runes per 10 mazes = # of law runes needed for the item
Example: To get Infinity Boots
120 points / 36 = 3.33 (repeating)
3.33 * 50 laws = 167 rounded
3.33 * 80 laws = 267 rounded
Note: It is highly recommended you use the bigger of the two amounts of runes needed.
Law Rune Chart | ||
Name | Required Points | Number of Law Runes |
Infinity Boots | 120 | 167-267 |
Infinity Gloves | 175 | 244-389 |
Infinity Hat | 350 | 487-788 |
Infinity Robe Top | 400 | 556-889 |
Infinity Robe Bottom | 450 | 625-1,000 |
Beginner's Wand | 30 | 42-67 |
Apprentice's Wand | 60 | 84-134 |
Teacher's Wand | 150 | 209-334 |
Master's Wand | 240 | 334-534 |
Mage's Book | 500 | 695-1,112 |
Bone to Peaches | 200 | 278-445 |
Max. Points | 4,000 | 5,556-8,889 |
In the graveyard you'll need the spell "bones to bananas," therefore, you'll need level 11 Magic. The runes you need are Nature Runes, Water Runes, and Earth Runes. The best way to do it is to be wielding a Water or Earth Staff. Once inside, you will be constantly hit 2 damage by falling bones. You can’t stop, or avoid this. So, for this, the best thing is to take some food like Cake, Salmon or Trout.
The point of this game is to get Bones, turn them into Bananas, and put them in the Food Chute's.
Grab the bones like this:
These are the bones you can get:
The first bone turns into 2 bananas
The second bone turns in to 3 bananas
The third bone turns into 1 banana
The fourth bone turns into 4 bananas
The best way to save some Runes, is getting a full, or almost full inventory of Bones, and then turning them all into bananas at once. This way, it only costs one Nature Rune.
After that you must put them in the food chute.
If you deposit enough Bananas into the chute you will get one or two Runes or a certain type. You can get Death, Blood, Water, Earth or Nature Runes.

If you die in this room you will lose 10 points, but if you have less than 10 you score will only go back to zero.
Information About Points
- You receive one point for every 16 fruit
- You use one nature rune per inventory
- You get four of each type of bone which gives: 1-4 fruits.
- Every 16 fruit you deposit, you receive 25 exp.
Inventory Should be the following:
- Slot 1: Nature runes.
- Slot 2: Water runes.
- Slot 3: Death runes.
- Slot 4: Blood runes.
- Slots 5 to 8: Food.
- Slots 9 to 28: The following bones in order.
- Inventory 1: 3 Yellow Bones, 4 White Bones, 3 Brown Bones
- Inventory 2: 1 Brown Bones, 4 Blue Bones, 1 Yellow Bones
- Inventory 1: 3 Yellow Bones, 4 White Bones, 3 Brown Bones
You will deposit 20 fruits per slot, and you will get 5 points per 4 trips.
Note: This is without using Bones to Bananas/Peaches to get fruit to restore hp.
Here is the math for the number of nature runes needed:
# of points / 5 (points) * 4 (nature runes per trip) = # of nature runes needed
Example: To get Infinity Boots
120 points / 5 points = 24
24 * 4 nature runes = 96 nature runes
Coin Alchemy Chart | |||
Name | Required Points | Required Nature Runes | Recommended Nature Runes |
Infinity Boots | 120 | 96 | 120 |
Infinity Gloves | 175 | 140 | 175 |
Infinity Hat | 350 | 280 | 350 |
Infinity Robe Top | 400 | 320 | 400 |
Infinity Robe Bottom | 450 | 360 | 450 |
Beginner's Wand | 30 | 24 | 30 |
Apprentice's Wand | 60 | 48 | 60 |
Teacher's Wand | 150 | 120 | 150 |
Master's Wand | 240 | 192 | 240 |
Mage's Book | 500 | 400 | 500 |
Bone to Peaches | 200 | 160 | 200 |
Max. Points | 4,000 | 3,200 | 4,000 |
Outside the building there is a Magic Tree on each side. They are very convenient for Banking at the Duel Arena.

There are also revolving Statues that symbolize Air and Water Runes. The Air one is to the West of the entrance and the Water one is to the East.
Air Statue
Water Statue

Beginner Wand: 30 Telekinetic, 30 Alchemist, 300 Enchantment, and 30 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Apprentice Wand: 60 Telekinetic, 60 Alchemist, 600 Enchantment, and 60 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Teacher Wand: 150 Telekinetic, 200 Alchemist, 1500 Enchantment, and 150 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Master Wand: 240 Telekinetic, 240 Alchemist, 2400 Enchantment, and 240 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Mage Robes
Infinity Top: 400 Telekinetic, 450 Alchemist, 4000 Enchantment, and 400 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Infinity Hat: 350 Telekinetic, 400 Alchemist, 3000 Enchantment, and 350 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Infinity Boots: 120 Telekinetic, 120 Alchemist, 1200 Enchantment, and 120 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Infinity Gloves: 175 Telekinetic, 225 Alchemist, 1500 Enchantment, and 175 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Infinity Bottoms: 450 Telekinetic, 500 Alchemist, 5000 Enchantment, and 450 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Mage's Book: 500 Telekinetic, 550 Alchemist, 6000 Enchantment, and 500 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Magic Spells
Bones To Peaches: 200 Telekinetic, 300 Alchemist, 2000 Enchantment, and 200 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
BattleStaff: 20 Telekinetic, 20 Alchemist, 200 Enchantment, and 20 Graveyard Pizzaz Points.
Mist Rune: 1 Telekinetic, 1 Alchemist, 15 Enchantment, and 1 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Dust Rune: 1 Telekinetic, 1 Alchemist, 15 Enchantment, and 1 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Mud Rune: 1 Telekinetic, 1 Alchemist, 15 Enchantment, and 1 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Smoke Rune: 1 Telekinetic, 1 Alchemist, 15 Enchantment, and 1 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Steam Rune: 1 Telekinetic, 1 Alchemist, 15 Enchantment, and 1 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Lava Rune: 1 Telekinetic, 1 Alchemist, 15 Enchantment, and 1 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Cosmic Rune: 5 Enchantment
Chaos Rune: 1 Alchemist, 5 Enchantment, and 1 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Nature Rune: 1 Alchemist, and 1 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Death Rune: 2 Telekinetic, 1 Alchemist, 20 Enchantment, and 1 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Law Rune: 2 Telekinetic
Soul Rune: 2 Telekinetic, 2 Alchemist, 25 Enchantment, and 2 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
Blood Rune: 2 Telekinetic, 2 Alchemist, 25 Enchantment, and 5 Graveyard Pizzaz Points
- Charmed Warrior
- Entrance Guardian
- Enchantment Guardian
- Rewards Guardian
- Alchemy Guardian
- Telekinetic Guardian
- Graveyard Guardian
- Maze Guardian
- Flying Book
Second Floor
Enchanting Room
Alchemist's Playground
Maze Map 1
Maze Map 2
Maze Map 3
Maze Map 4
Maze Map 5
Maze Map 6
Maze Map 7
Maze Map 8
Maze Map 9
Maze Map 10
==>All Runescape Guide List<==
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