Original Guide By Lima Bean
Special Thanks To -Ryan-, Baby Luigi, Golden arm42, Lima Bean, Mrcsupertrain, Damaged500
Welcome to the Varrock Sewers! This area is very interesting with many different attractions, despite the revolting odor you may encounter.
Start off at Varrock, easily accessed by using the Varrock Teleport spell (requires 25 Magic, three Air Runes, one Fire Rune, and one Law Rune) or simply by walking.

The manhole, acting as an entrance to the sewers, can be found northeast of Horvik's Armory.

(1) Rats
When you climb down the manhole, you will find a large area inhabited by some Level-1 Rats and three Level-3 and Level-6 Giant Rats. They are popular monsters for training on in the sewers. In the northwestern area, just south of a small stream of water, you can find Sir Prysin's key if you are doing the quest, Demon Slayer. In addition, members can find Phingspet and Grimesquit, two women who play a role in the Rat Catchers Quest.

(2) Zombies
Heading north through the eastern passage, you will come across a couple of Level-13 Zombies. You can also see a few Level-1 Rats scurrying about.

(3) Scorpions
North of the Zombies, you will see some Level-14 Scorpions, some more Rats, a dead tree which you can chop down, and a small stream.

(4) Rack
If you continue southwest, you'll arrive at a small room with two Level-6 Giant Rats. North of that is a room with a rack with a corpse beside it.

(5) Skeletons
Proceed northwest and you'll come across a few Level-21 Skeletons a couple of dead trees, a small bed, and the stream you saw earlier. These Skeletons are trained on often because they are often maged from the other side of the stream. A popular spell used against them is Crumble Undead (requires 39 Magic, two Earth Runes, two Air Runes, and one Chaos Rune). It's very powerful against Skeletons, Zombies, Ghosts, and Shades (the first three can be found in the sewers).

(6) Ghosts
Just west of the Skeletons, you will come upon a small room filled with some Level-19 Ghosts.

(7) Rune Respawn
Continue southwest and you'll discover an area with a respawn of one Mind and one Body Rune. There are also some Level-24 Zombies. These Zombies can be trained on across the stream from the area you can find Sir Prysin's key. You'll also spot a ladder you can climb up.

(8) Grizzly Bear Cage
If you climb up the ladder you just saw, you'll stumble upon a cage containing a dying tree you can chop down, two respawns of three and four coins, and a Level-21 Grizzly Bear.

(9) Web
Continue west and you'll arrive at a room with two Level-25 Skeletons. To the south of the room is a web. You'll need a sharp blade (e.g. scimitar, knife) to slash through it and continue through the sewers.

(10) Spiders
Once you make it past the web, to the southeast you'll come across many Level-1 Spiders and Level-2 and 27 Giant Spiders. You can also find a Knife respawn. You can use a Knife with the web to cut through it.

(11) Deadly Red Spiders
Continue west along with the small stream of water and you'll arrive at a very large room filled with Level-34 Deadly Red Spiders. They are popular to train on. There are also many coin respawns, a respawn containing six Earth Runes, an Iron Axe respawn, and two Red Spiders' Eggs respawn. Red Spiders' Eggs is an ingredient used for making Strength Potions if you give it to the Apothecary in Varrock, along with Limpwurt Roots and five coins.

(12) Moss Giants
To the west there are two rooms containing Level-42 Moss Giants. They are being trained on very often. The northern Moss Giant room also contains an Obstacle Pipe, which requires an Agility level of 51 to use. It leads to the Edgeville Dungeon.

Deadly Red Spider (Level 34)
Ghost (Level 19)
Giant Rat (Level 3, Level 6)
Giant Spider (Level 2, Level 27)
Moss Giant (Level 42)
Rat (Level 1)
Scorpion (Level 14)
Skeleton (Level 21, Level 25)
Spider (Level 1)
Zombie (Level-13, Level-24)
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