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==>Runescape Mini-Games Guide List<==
Clan Wars is a minigame for both free-players and members. It is located in level 20 wilderness, just east of the Graveyard of Shadows.
The easiest way to get to Clan Wars is by using a Games Necklace to teleport there. To get to Clan Wars from Edgeville, you should walk north until about level 20 wilderness, then head east when you hit the gray wall of the Bounty Hunter minigame. To get there from Varrock, walk straight north until you reach the lava. Navigate around it until you find the lobby.

Recommended: Wear the best armour available, usually and Barrow armour. If you do not have Barrow armour, wear Dragon or Rune. Use a Whip or Dragon weapon.

Minimum: Full Rune is a must. Any rune weapon is preferable.

Recommended: Wear either Ahrim's Barrow armour or Mystic. If you are using Ancient Magic, bring an Ancient Staff, otherwise, use the Elemental Staff of your choice.

Minimum: Mage Robes are needed, along with an Elemental Staff.

Recommended: For Ranging, wear the best dragonhide that you can. Rune Crossbow for maximum performance, but a Magic Shortbow works if you do not want to spend as much money on this minigame.

Minimum: Full Green D'hide is recommended, along with a Maple Shortbow and Mithril or better arrows.

In the lobby of Clan Wars, you will see tables, two NPCs, and two portals.
One of the NPCs is named Larry. He sells Team Capes 3, 13, 23, 33, and 43 for only 50 gp each.

The other NPC is named Calladin. If you speak to him, he will teach you about Clan Wars.

If you try to enter the portal while your clan is not having a war, you are able to watch a friends war by typing their name in.
To participate in a Clan War, you need to be in a clan chat. You can be in your own, or someone else's. To challenge another clan, you need to be ranked Captain (Silver Star) or higher. After being challenged by or challenging another clan, you will receive a message stating that you need to enter the portal in two minutes or less.

After receiving that message, make sure to enter the portal or your team will have to fight without you.

When you go through the portal, you will come out a different portal on either the northern or southern side of the battlefield. On your minimap, you will see an arrow. Following the arrow would lead you to the center of the battlefield. At the center, there is a wall separating you and your opponent. After the countdown in the top right corner of your screen reaches zero, the wall will lower and you will be able to attack your opponent.

Some strategies:
- Always talk in the Clan Chat when trying to do something, unless when you are trying to Pile someone, then say it out loud. If you want the pile to be private, say it in Clan Chat.
- Near the gates dividing the clans, there are walls. Rangers and Mages should stand behind these walls to prevent themselves from being attacked with melee easily.
- If you are standing behind the walls and a melee-er starts attacking you, run around the wall. They will get stuck. Repeat this until your opponent dies or you die.
- If you dress in robes or another weak armour, the enemy will usually pile the strongest of your team. While they are piling, switch to a better armour and attack.
If you happen to die while fighting for your clan, you will keep all of your items and appear in a jail. In the jail, there is a viewing orb which lets you see the action inside of the battlefield. The viewing orb lets you watch the battle from one of the skeletons in the arena, you are able to look in any direction. There are five different viewing locations: Centre, North-east, North-west, South-east, and South-west.

After completing your battle, you will receive a message.
If your team won, you will see this message:

If your team lost, you will see this message:

==>All Runescape Guide List<==
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