==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Guild Guide List <==
The Warrior Guild, as the name suggests, is an exclusive guild for warriors.
Location: The Warrior Guild is located to the west of Burthorpe. North west from Falador and the Heroes' Guild . To get there, you can either teleport to the Burthorpe games room using a games necklace or simply walk from Falador.
Requirements: The Warrior Guild may only be accessed by warriors or in other words, melee characters. As such, you need a total of 130 level by adding up your attack level and strength level. Suppose I have level 70 attack and level 70 strength, it adds up to a total of level 140 which means I am eligible to enter the guild.
Here's a map of the surrounding guild area:

The Warrior Guild hosts a variety of games. Each mini game gives you tokens when completed called "Warrior Guild Tokens." These tokens are earned in different numbers depending on the game and its difficulty. Unlike mini games such as Castle Wars or Pest Control, you don't use the tokens to trade for items. Instead the tokens serve the sole purpose to enter a room at the very top of the guild to fight cyclopes. These cyclopes drops a very unique type of item known as "Defenders." The cyclops come in two varieties: level 78 and level 59, both of which are extremely easy to kill. You can range, mage or melee them.
One important thing to be noted about the Warrior Guild is that you can die there and you will not retain your items. This is unlike the other mini games such as Castle Wars or Pest Control, so be cautious while playing in the guild as it is very easy to get distracted during the mini games and die there. Of course, you do keep your 3 most valuable items.
There are three shops in the guild. As you might have guessed, the shops mainly have items to serve warriors.
Food Shop
The first shop you will see is a food shop run by Lidio found at the back of the guild on the ground floor. This shop is not very useful considering the shop sells food which we commonly do not use much. The foods being sold are trout, bass, plain pizza (yum), potato with cheese and stew.
Potion Shop
The second shop is the potion shop run by Lilla also found at the back of the guild right next to the bank on the ground floor. This shop sells the three most important potions used by all warriors alike. They are strength, attack and defense potion.
The Armory
The third shop is an armory shop found on the first floor of the guild. The shop sells a variety of both armors and weapons. This shop is also not very useful because anyone eligible to enter the guild already have good stats and the items sold in the shop will serve a beginner to an intermediate warrior. However, this shop acts as an all-in-one shop in terms of weapons. The shop sells all kinds of weapons up to adamant including swords, 2 handers, maces, battle axes and daggers.
There are a total of 5 mini games located in the different floors of the guild. The room of the cyclopes cannot be classified as a mini game. Without further ado, lets check out the games.
There are two games in the ground floor in two different rooms called the "Animation Room" and the "Dummy Room".
There are three games in the first floor of the guild (right above the ground floor) in three different rooms called the "Catapult Room", "Shot Put Room" and "Jimmy's Challenge Room".
Animation Room
The animation mini game might be the most popular game in the guild. To play this mini game, you should bring a set of armour. The set should contain three items, Full Helm, Platelegs and Platebody. You may only use melee armors; range and magic armors are not allowed. You cannot mix two different sets of armors and you cannot play the mini game if you don't have a complete set. You cannot use any trimmed armors or any other rare armors such as the Dragon or Barrows armour. See below for the valid armors
This game is located exactly east of the bank in the warrior guild. I recommend you bring some decent armour here such as rune and above since you will have to fight some very tough opponents. Bring good food like lobbies and also teleport runes just in case.
To begin the mini game, bring your armour set (full helm, platebody and platelegs) to the animation room. Look around the room for two "Animation Machines". Use any part of your armour set with the animation machine.

Your armour will spring into life instantly and start attacking you. The objective is to defeat your own armour. The level of the animated armour depends on the type of armour you used. The better the armour, the higher the level and the more tokens you get.

See below for the list of armors along with the combat level you must face and the number of tokens you earn after defeating it.
Armors | ||
Type | Combat Level | Tokens |
Bronze | 11 | 5 |
Iron | 23 | 10 |
Steel | 46 | 15 |
Black | 69 | 20 |
Mithril | 92 | 25 |
Adamant | 113 | 30 |
Rune | 138 | 40 |

The animation room is the fastest mini games to get tokens if you have a high combat level and if you don't mind losing bits of rune armour. Some things to be noted here is that there is a risk of losing your armour here. You may lose a part of your animated armour randomly after you defeat it because it will get too much damage. The chance of losing your armour depends on the armour you used to animate. The better the armour, the lesser the chance to lose it. So you might lose a bronze armour piece each time you defeat it and I haven't lost a single piece of my rune armour after playing 10 games straight.
Dummy Room
The dummy room, well, contains dummies. It located east of the animation room or north east of the bank in the guild. To begin, just get into the room. The objective of the dummy room is to whack the dummies with the right type of attack. The chances of dying in this room is zero as you don't get hit at all.
It is a circular room with some trapdoors around it. A dummy will pop out every now and then. Each dummy is unique and can only be defeated if you use the right kind of attack against it. So I recommend you to bring weapons which have a variety of attack options such as scimitars. You can also bring many weapons so that you cover all the attack styles. So a scimitar along with a battle axe will be a good option.

Here is a list of the dummies with their pictures along with their weaknesses. Alternatively, you can view this list in the games room itself. It can be found on a small notice board within the room.

You have to be quick in this game. You should know by heart all the color combinations before you start the game. You won't have time to refer to a guide. Each successful 'whack' earns you 15xp in the respective skill you chose for the attack style. If you whack the dummy with a wrong attack style, you will get stunned for a few seconds. You can resume playing the game after recovering.
Catapult Room
The catapult mini game is an another easy way to earn tokens. If you are careful enough, you can never die here. This game is located in the first floor of the guild right next to the ladders in the first floor of the guild. The objective of this mini game is to simply defend yourself against the weapons thrown at you by a huge catapult using a special kind of shield. To obtain the shield, speak to Gamfred found just outside the mini game door.
Once you obtain the shield, go through the door, run to the 'target mat' and quickly equip your shield. Immediately you will see a set of 4 defense options. They are Stab, Blunt, Slash and Magic. The objective is to use the correct defense style depending upon the weapon being thrown at you. You will see the picture of the weapon to defend yourself against next to the defense style.
Once you are on the target area, watch the weapon the cannon fires. If you see a spiked ball like thing, use stab defense. If you see something like three blades spinning, use slash defense. If you see a ball of flame, use magic defense. If you see a heavy weight like thing, use blunt defense.

If you use the proper defense style, you will not take any damage. If you use the wrong defense style, you will take a small amount of damage. You earn one token per successful defense style.
Shot Putt Room
This mini game can give you both tokens as well as strength exp. The objective of this mini game is to throw large lump of metals, or for the a better word, cannon balls. There are two spots the room to throw the ball. The longer you throw, the more tokens and strength exp. you earn. The longest you can throw is 13 yards. When you click on the ball, you get three different ways of throwing it.

Your throw is not always successful, you can fail to throw at time. In the events you fail to throw, the ball will fall on your toe (possibly crushing your toe - ouch) and lose a small amount of HP. If you seem to fail too much, then you might want to consider to strengthen your grip. To do this, get some ashes (by killing lesser demons or hell hounds, etc) and use it with a 'Pestle and Mortar' to get 'Ground Ashes'. Dust your hands (by clicking on the ground ashes) to give you better grip while throwing the ball. This decreases the rate of your failure dramatically and also possibly increase the distance you throw the ball.
Jimmy's Challenge Room
Jimmy's challenge is the 'easiest' mini game. There is nothing too hard about this. The objective of this mini game is to balance huge barrels of keg on your head. There are 3 keg respawns. Simply click on a keg to automatically put it on your head. Then move on and click on another keg. And repeat the same for a third keg. The maximum kegs you can balance is around 5.
It is difficult to get up to the third keg as you will mostly lose your balance before you reach the third barrel. If you lose balance, the kegs will fall on to you causing small damages. One thing to be noted here is that the old Jimmy won't give you tokens straight forward. You need to speak to him and then go speak to an another game master to get the tokens.
As mentioned before in the guide, the whole point of the warrior guild is to get the special item called "Defenders". Throughout the course of the warrior guild, you earn tokens. The tokens are used to enter a room full of cyclopes at the very top of the guild. These cyclopes may drop you an item called the "Defender".

You can enter the room of the cyclopes when you have 100 tokens or more. If its the first time you are entering,you will only receive bronze defender. Suppose you got a bronze defender, make sure you show the bronze defender to the Kamfreena each time before you enter and then she will say that the next time you enter the room, you will now get iron defenders. This can go on till you get rune defender. Note that you lose 10 tokens each minute you stay in the room.
The defenders are special items which you can wield in the place of a shield and gives both attack as well as defense bonuses. You need a certain level of Attack and Defense to wield them. The level requirements are shown below. There are seven types of defenders in total:







So that's it. You know what the warrior guild is all about, you know how to play the mini games and now the only thing left is to get those cool defenders. Best of lu
==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Guild Guide List <==
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