==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Guild Guide List <==
Location: Down a ladder just south of Falador's east-most bank.
Requirements: At least level 60 Mining.
The Guild
The Miner's Guild (or Mining Guild) is located at the southern end of the Dwarven Mines, and requires at least level 60 Mining to enter (although you can drink a Dwarven Stout to enter at level 59). The most-used entrance is located right in Falador, just south of the eastern bank in the city.

You will find several Dwarves guarding the entrance to the guild to ensure that only skilled miners can enter.
Of course, there is also an entrance from the Dwarven Mines as well, just beyond the King Scorpions at the southern-most end. And of course, another Dwarf will be found guarding the entrance here as well.
Inside the Guild
Inside of the Miner's Guild is quite dark and cold, since it's part of the Dwarven Mines. The only light comes from the many torches attached to the walls. The Guild is home to about 37 Coal rocks scattered throughout most of the guild, and 5 Mithril rocks located in the southeast corner of the guild.
It's common courtesy that if you begin to mine at a rock that's already being mined by another player, that you find another rock.
==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Guild Guide List <==
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