Special Thanks to Magic Star94, Pilot
The Edgeville Dungeon is a popular training place for players of all levels. There are many different creatures down here and it is a good place to start training. Another popular area is the mine, where you can find all sorts of ores to mine.
There are two ways to enter the Edgeville mine, one of which requires a particular key to get in:

The main entrance (in blue) is how most people will enter the dungeon. Just climb down the ladder and you're in!

The second entrance (in red) is located a short distance west of the Cooks' Guild . You'll need a Brass Key to enter this way, and you can get the key from inside the dungeon. You can also by Brass keys from players for a low price of coins. If you are to buy a brass key, make sure that you don't run into a scammer. Bass Keys can only be used for getting into this dungeon, nothing else. So don't fall for the common scam if someone says it’s a rare item. If you want to get the key from the dungeon, you have to take the first entrance (in blue). The second entrance (in red) requires you have a Brass Key to get in.

We'll start by entering through the main entrance. You'll notice some Giant Rats and Spiders when you first climb down the ladder.
The Hidden Room
Just down the corridor is a hidden room. This room has 2 different respawns: a 4gp respawn, a 1gp respawn and 2 chests. Just push on the wall east of the ladder you come down from to enter.

The Wilderness Area
This is the gate which leads into the Wilderness. This entire section is Members-Only, so you must be on a Members server to access it.

The Members area of the Edgeville Dungeon is all in the Wilderness, but there is a very low chance of getting PKed because nearly all the time you are in the Dungeon you will have monsters attacking you.

When you first enter the Members area of the dungeon you will enter an area with some Thugs in. They are level 10 and there are also 5 chests near them that you can open and close for fun.

West of the Thugs are Chaos Druids. This is a very good place to kill them because they will automatically attack you and there are 10 spawns of them. As long as there aren't more than 3 people killing them on a world then you will be killing them very fast and be getting a lot of Herbs.

Through the gate North of the Druids are some level 45 Skeletons. They aren't very popular to kill and you may just find them annoying.

Just West of the Skeletons is a room with 3 Black Demons in. It is a good place for high levels to train Ranged because there is a spot to Range them from and not many people PK here.

North of the Demons is a ladder. When you go up it you will appear beside the Air Obelisk. You can enchant Orbs here.

South of the Demons is the room that you must kill the Chronozon in during the Family Crest Quest. There are also Poison Spiders in this room so when getting to the place to Mage Chronozon it is recommended to put on the Protect from Melee Prayer, but if you can't do this then remember an Anti-Poison Potion.

East of the level 45 Skeletons are some Deadly Red Spiders. Also in this room are 6 spawns of Red Spider Eggs used to make Restore Potions.

You will notice that in the North of this room are some Monkey Bars. They require level 15 Agility to cross and you always go North on the West half and South on the East half.

Once you have crossed the Monkey Bars you are in an area full of Earth Warriors. They are level 51 and it is a popular location for high levels to semi-afk, so don't just stand around there, or even start training if there are any other people around because if there is anybody semi-afking then they will start flaming you and make you feel sad.

This is Vannaka the Slayer master.
Edgeville Mine
This is the mine there are 2 Adamant rocks, 1 Mithril, 6 Coal, 2 Tin, 3 Iron, 2 Copper and 3 Silver.

Hobgoblin Camp
Here there are several level 28 and 41 Hobgoblins, a Brass Necklace respawn and a fire that never goes out.

The Zombie Lair
Here is a group of level 24 zombies and a Brass Key respawn used to unlock the door for the other entrance.

The Hill Giants
Here is the climax of the dungeon, the Hill Giants cave. This is the training area of many RuneScape players.

This part of the cave is where most rangers and mages train because of the areas where they can hide behind so that the giants can't get them.

Black Demon level 172
Chaos Druid level 13
Chronozon level 170
Deadly Red Spider level 34
Earth Warrior level 51
Poison Spider level 64
Skeleton level 45 & 25
Thug Level 10
Hill Giant level 28
Hobgoblin level 28 & 41
Skeleton level 21 & 22
Zombie level 18 & 24
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