Special Thanks to Colinross, !!$*t*u*u*d!, Jamster, Skeleton
The Dungeon is mainly used for the Knight's Sword, but there are also some Slayer Monsters in the Dungeon requiring 72 Slayer to kill.
The Ice Cavern is quite easy to find. It's located just south of Port Sarim, on Thurgo's peninsula. Just climb down the ladder to enter the Ice Cavern.

If you are running through the dungeon doing Knights Sword Quest at a low level and find that your energy gets low then there are two places in the dungeon that you can stand safely to let your energy get back without getting attacked.

There are a couple of things in the dungeon other than combat. The first thing is that there are three spawns of 1gp by the Pirates. The other thing that there are the Blurite Rocks used to get Blurite Ore during the Knights Sword Quest.
Skeletal Wyvern Cavern
To get to the Skeletal Wyverns you must be a Member as they are in a separate room through a tunnel.

When you select to go through you will be asked if you are sure that you want to go through.

If you want to go through you must select the option that says:
"Yes, I'm not afraid of death!"

Once you are through there are eight Skeletal Wyverns that are level 140. They use two different kinds of Magic spell and can freeze you.

As you get further and further into the dungeon the monsters get harder and harder. Monsters in the dungeon range from level 6 to level 140.
There are four Muggers in the dungeon and they are level 6.
There are nine Pirates in the dungeon and they are level 26.
There are two different levels of Hobgoblins in the dungeon: six level 28 Hobgoblins and one level 42 Hobgoblin.
Ice Warrior
There are eleven Ice Warriors in the dungeon and they are level 57.
Ice Giant
There are three Ice Giants in the dungeon and they are level 53.
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