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==>Runescape Mining Guide List<==
Mining is one of those skills that are not easily trained. You cannot buy supplies like some other skills, making it a very tedious Skill. This guide will show you how to train Mining at a decent speed, how to make money from that Skill and how to use that skill in your Runescape journey.
Levels 1-21
So, you decided you wanted to get your Mining level up and you want to train it as fast as possible. At that level, you should mine Copper and Tin. So bring your Pickaxe (of any kind) and mine Copper and Tin until you reach level 21. If you want to use it for Smithing, then you will have to bank it. So you should choose a mine that is close to the Bank without being too crowded so you can get all the ores.
For non-members, it is recommended that you go to Lumbridge Swamp. It is south of the Lumbridge's Castle, it is quite close to the bank and it is not crowded so you can mine and bank easily. For members, I would recommend the Taverley Mine. It is close to Falador's Bank only if you have 5 Agility to use the Shortcut. If you do not have that 5 Agility, then you can try the Port Khazard Mine. There are a lot of ores to mine near a General Store and a Bank Deposit Box. If you want to use your ores later, I would recommend using the Deposit Bank Box.

However, if you want to have even faster experience and you do not want to bank the ores, you can use “Powermining” This means, mining and dropping or even mining and trading to a general Store. If you are a non-member, you can use Rimmington Mine to Powermine Copper and Tin. Mine the Copper and Tin there, and then sell to the General Store in the City. This is the best way for both non-members and members.
Levels 21-41
Now that you have 21 Mining, you can use a Mithril Pickaxe. The fastest experience at that level is mining Iron. If you want to bank the Iron, I would recommend using the Dwarven Mines to mine the Iron as it is quite close to a bank and it is not crowded. You can also mine it in the Port Khazard if you are a Member.
If you do not want to bank the Iron and you only want to Powermine it, you can use 2 Spots: You can use Al-Kharid; there are a lot of Iron rocks there so you will have no problems mining it then dropping or you can use Rimmington, mine the Iron there and sell to the General Store. Only use Al-Kharid when the Scorpions do not attack you, this means 29 Combat minimum. For members, it is highly recommended to use the Dorgheshuun Mines if you are Powermining Iron. That mine is only accessible after completing the Lost Tribe quest. You can mine the Iron there and then sell to Mistag who is near you. You need a light source there but it is recommended to have a Mining Helmet so you save an inventory spot. To get a Mining Helmet easily, you can kill those Goblins near you and they may drop it. All you have to do is to light it, note that 65 Firemaking is required to light those helmets.
Levels 41-99
Now that you have access to the Rune Pickaxe, you can start your real Mining Journey. This is the best pickaxe in the game and it allows you to mine faster then ever. The difference between that section and the sections above is that being a member, you will have to mine another type of ore than non-members. Those ore gives you better experience and faster training. Being a non-member, you will have to stick with Iron as it is the fastest experience. Powermining is faster experience then banking the Iron. If you want to Powermine, you can either use Al-Kharid or Rimmington. Remember to always use Rimmington when your combat level is below 29.

If you are member, you have a better option. You can Mine Sandstone in the Enakhra's Mine from the Enakhra's Lament Quest. So make your way to the Mine and Start Powermining Sandstone until you reach level 45.
As soon as you reach 45 Mining, Swap to Granite and start Powermining it until you reach 99 Mining. This is the fastest experience but remember that you do not have to mine it all in one shot. You can take breaks from time to time so you do not get bored of Mining. Since that Mine is in the Desert, remember to wear Desert Clothes, to bring waterskins (4) and to bring a method of teleportation incase things go wrong (random event, thirst, etc). It is recommended to bring an Amulet of Glory or a Ring of Dueling so you can Teleport to Al-Kharid, go to bank, and come back. If you plan on staying there for a long time, you should bring more waterskins and go fill them every time you will need more water. If you do not want to move a lot, you can bring runes to cast the Humidify spell to refill all your Waterskins; remember your Spellbook has to be set on Lunar Magic. If you do not have access to that Spell, you can fill your waterskins from the Enakhra's Temple. Note that you need a bowl to fill your waterskins from that fountain. fill the bowl from the fountain, then use the bowl with the waterskins.

Levels 1-21
The Only way to make money from Mining at that Level is by Mining Rune Essence. You need to complete the Rune Mysteries Quest in Order to Access to the Rune essence mine. So From Varrock, make your way back and forth to the Rune essence mine and mine the Rune essence until you reach 21 Mining. Rune Essence can easily be sold for 30 coins each. If you are member and you have 66 Magic, you can Mine it in the Magic Guild. It is very close to Yanille's Bank. Try selling the essence in either a Populated world in Varrock East Bank or in World 16, in the Air Altar. You will get a lot of trades in both of these locations.
Levels 21-60
After you get 21 Mining, buy a Mithril Pickaxe and start Mining Iron. If you want to make money, you will obviously need to bank your ores. So you will have to find a Mine near a Bank. I would recommend the Dwarven Mines if you are a non-member or the Taverley Mine if you have 5 Agility. If you do not have that Level in Agility, you can mine the Iron in Port Khazard and bank it using the Bank Deposit Box there. If you are using Taverley Mine, use Falador's West Bank and if you are using the Dwarven Mines, use Falador's East Bank. You can easily sell the Iron for 100 coins each in Falador East Bank in a Populated World. Remember to switch your Pickaxe for a Rune Pickaxe when you reach 41 Mining.
Levels 60-85
Now, you can enter the Mining Guild. There are 37 Coal there so you will have no problem Mining these rocks. With your Rune Pickaxe and 60 Mining, it should be quite easy to Mine Coal. This way is the best for both members and non-members. When you have a Full Load of Coal, bank in Falador's East bank and go back again. Stay in the 6 rocks near the ladder for faster banking. Coal can easily be sold for 180 coins each. But the Coal Price is very unstable and only the Buyer can decide of his price. So you might need to reduce your price a little bit if you want to sell your coal. Depending on the day, the hour or the demand of coal, the Mining Guild might be crowded. If you find it crowded, you can Mine the Coal in the Skeleton Mine. If you have a quite high Defense level you might not need food. If your defense is lower than 75, you might want to bring some cakes or some pizzas so you can heal from Skeletons. Although this is a very good mine, you need to be aware that this is in the Wilderness. So beware of Player-Killers.

Levels 85-99
At 85, you have the ability to mine Runite Ore. These Ores can easily be sold for 10-12k each so it is an incredible way of Money-Making. If you are a non-member, you can Only Mine Rune in the Wilderness. It is in the Deep Wilderness so do not bring anything you cannot afford to lose. Please refer to the Wilderness Survival Guide for more information on Rune Mining in the Wilderness. If you are a member, you do not have to Travel in the Wilderness. You can use the Mine in the Heroes' Guild. This is the most accessible mine that is not in the Wilderness. Since Rune rocks take a lot of time to respawn, you might want to swap worlds while Mining. Pick 5-7 worlds and hop between them and mine the ores one after the other and then hop to the next world. After you reach 99 Mining, Mining Rune becomes one of the most profitable money-making way so this skill is worth the time and the efforts.
This part of the guide will only show the best locations for the commonly used items that can be mined. Other types of ores will not be in this part of the guide. Locations that have a star (*) next to them are the best locations to mine these types of ores.
Pure & Regular Rune Essence
- Varrock East Bank to Aubury:
Requirements: Rune Mysteries Quest. - Yanille Bank to Magic Guild:*
Requirements: Being a Member, 66 Magic.
- Crafting Guild to Falador West Bank:*
Requirements: 40 Crafting, 5 Agility for Shortcut or 37 Magic for Falador Teleport - Varrock South-West Mine to Varrock West Bank:
Requirements: None - Port Khazard Mine to Port Khazard Deposit Box:
Requirements: Being a Member
Copper and Tin
- Taverley Mine to Falador West Bank:*
Requirements: 5 Agility - Lumbridge Swamp to Lumbridge Bank:
Requirements: None - Port Khazard Mine to Deposit Box:
Requirements: Being a Member
- Taverley Mine to Falador West Bank:*
Requirements: 5 Agility - Dwarven Mines to Falador East Bank:
Requirements: None, but high combat is advised to not be bothered by Scorpions. - Port Khazard Mine to Deposit Box:
Requirements: Being a Member
- Crafting Guild to Falador West Bank:*
Requirements: 40 Crafting, 5 Agility for Shortcut or 37 Magic for Falador Teleport - Chasm Mine to Al-Kharid Bank:
Requirements: None, but high combat is advised to not be bothered by Scorpions. - Tzhaar Mine to Tzhaar Bank:
Requirements: Being a Member
- Mining Guild to Falador East Bank:*
Requirements: 60 Mining to have access to the Mining Guild - Coal Trucks:*
Requirements: Being a member, 20 Agility is Optional but Strongly Advised. - Skeletons Mine to Edgeville Bank:
Requirements: None. If you are a Member, an Amulet of Glory for fast escaping from Revenant Ghosts is highly suggested
Sandstone and Granite
- These rocks can only be found in the Enakhra's mine and are only used for Powermining.
- Arzinian Mines:*
Requirements: Between a Rock Quest. There is no need to bank here as a Dwarf will bank for you, however, he will ask for a small fee every time you want him to bank. - Crafting Guild to Falador West Bank:
Requirements: 40 Crafting, 5 Agility for Shortcut or 37 Magic for Falador Teleport. - Dwarven Mines to Falador East Bank:
Requirements: None. - Tzhaar Mine to Tzhaar Bank:
Requirements: Being a Member
- Mining Guild to Falador East Bank:*
Requirements: 60 Mining to have access to the Mining Guild - Hobgoblin's Mine to Edgeville Bank:
Requirements: None. If you are a Member, an Amulet of Glory for fast escaping from Revenant Ghosts is highly suggested.
- Hobgoblin's Mine to Edgeville Bank:*
Requirements: None. If you are a Member, an Amulet of Glory for fast escaping from Revenant Ghosts is highly suggested. - Dwarven Mines to Falador East Bank:
Requirements: None.
- Runite Mine to Falador West Bank:
Requirements: None. Food and a method of teleportation is strongly advised. - Heroes' Guild Mine to Rogues' Den:*
Requirements: Heroes' Quest, 50 Thieving and 50 Agility
Granite can be mined on average in one hit, even at 45 Mining, and it gives more experience than Iron Ore. The amount of experience you receive from mining Granite depends on the size of the piece you mine:
- 5kg - 75exp
- 2kg - 60exp
- 500kg - 50exp.
Equipment and Inventory

In the two empty spaces have 200gp and a Shantay Pass. When you have used the Shantay Pass you can unequip your pickaxe.

This Equipment is highly recommended, you can add anything you like to the empty spaces/cape slot/glove slot.
For the serious Miners, if you have completed Dream mentor and if you have 68 Magic you can use the spell Humidify. Casting the spell will fill all vessels that you have in you inventory. The spell requires 1 Astral, 1 Fire and 3 Water runes, it would be best to keep a Water Staff wielded. Using this method you could practically stay here forever, providing you have the required runes that is!
The Quarry
You may be wondering where to go, well here is a simple map showing the quickest route.

From the Shantay Pass, buy a flight to the Bebadin Camp for 200gp, then follow the blue line to the Quarry.
If you have completed the Enakhra's Lament Quest, you will have received a Camulet. This will teleport you right next to the Quarry! The Amulet has 4 charges and to recharge use Camel Dung on it!
The Strategy
When you are in the Quarry, stand here:

Mine one piece of granite where you started.

Now move to the next rock and as you click it, right click the piece of Granite in your inventory and hover over Drop.

As soon as the rock changes color, click drop.

Now move to the next rock, and repeat.

Using this method, you can gain anywhere from 25,000-35,000 exp per hour at level 45 Mining, and at 65+ Mining you can peak at 50,000 exp per hour, which is currently the best exp in the game!
When your pickaxe gets broken, you can get it repaired in the Dwarven Mines. Just talk to Nurmof the Pickaxe Seller and he will repair your pickaxe for a small fee. It costs 1100 coins to repair a Rune Pickaxe.
- When getting a Rock Golem, do not fight it. His drops are not good and you will only waste your time.
When Mining, always remember to keep yourself as light as possible. Members have Boots of Lightness, Spotted/Spottier capes and Gloves of Penance they can use to reduce their Weight.
Always keep Gems you get from Mining, you can either use these for Crafting or sell them to other players or other Shops. You can increase your chance of mining a gem by wearing an Amulet of Glory. You can only get a Sapphire, Emerald, Ruby or a Diamond from Mining.
Dwarven Stouts can be bought from Falador's Pub. They can increase your Mining and Smithing level by 1. Thus, you may be able to enter the Mining Guild while being 59 Mining, but you will have to drink one every time you go in until you reach 60 Mining. Also note that its effects last even if you log out and change worlds.
Mining can easily be combined with other Skills. For example, you can mine ores and Superheat these Ores (43 Magic needed). That way you will get Mining, Magic and Smithing experience. It can also be combined with skills like Crafting and much more.
You can Teleport To the Mining Guild and to the Crafting Guild by using a Necklace of Skills. It is an enchanted Dragonstone Necklace.
If you are going to run a lot from a mine to a bank, you may want to use some Super Energy Potion to get back your energy, refer to the Herblore Guide for more information on how to make these potions.
With an enchanted Sapphire Bracelet, you can mine soft clay instead of normal clay. This means you do not have to water them one by one and this could become handy if you use them for crafting.
When you Achieve 99 Mining, you will have access to the Mining Skillcape. That cape can be bought from the Dwarf in near the Stairs of the Mining Guild. Be sure to read the Capes of Achievement guide if you want more information on the Mining Skillcape.

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