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==>Runescape Crafting Guide List<==
There are all sorts of ways to train your crafting, from making Cow Hides into leather, to pottery or glassblowing. This guide will show you some helpful ways to train your Crafting level quickly.
Cow hides can be obtained by killing cows all over runescape. Here are some of the best places to kill them:
North of Lumbridge's Grain Mill
South of Falador
Next to the Crafting Guild
North of East Ardougne
West of Port Phasmatys
You can also buy them from other players for 90 to 130gp each. After you have obtained your hides go to Al Kharid and have the Tanner tan your hides into soft leather for 1gp each. While you are in Al Kharid stop by the crafting store and buy a needle and plenty of thread
(1 thread per 5 pieces of leather).
Levels 1 - 7: Make leather gloves, approximately 48.
Levels 7 - 9: Make leather boots, approximately 20.
Levels 9 - 11: Make leather cowls, approximately 22.
Levels 11 - 14: Make leather vambraces, approximately 35.
Levels 14 - 18: Make leather bodies, approximately 57.
Levels 18 - 38: Make leather chaps, approximately 996.
Levels 38 - 99: Make silver tiaras, approximately 247,696. Silver can be mined in the mines of: Al Kharid, Edgeville Dungeon and the Crafting Guild(40 Crafting required). When you get bored of making tiaras go to the Crafting Guild and craft clay bowls.
Levels 1 - 7: Make leather gloves, approximately 48.
Levels 7 - 9: Make leather boots, approximately 20.
Levels 9 - 11: Make leather cowls, approximately 22.
Levels 11 - 14: Make leather vambraces, approximately 35.
Levels 14 - 18: Make leather bodies, approximately 57.
Levels 18 - 38: Make leather chaps, approximately 996.
Levels 38 - 58: Make leather coifs, approximately 5,245.
Levels 58 - 66: Make green vambraces, approximately 4,384. To get green hides either kill green dragons in the wilderness or buy them for approximately 1,800gp each from players.
Levels 66 - 99: Make blue vambraces, approximately 179,117. For blue dragon hides kill blue dragons in Taverley Dungeon or the Heroes Guild dungeon. You can also buy these from players for around 2,300gp each.
Level 80: You can make glory amulets. If you wish, you can trade your dragonstone amulets or glory amulets for dragonstones from other players. This will give you some good experience as well as make you a known and nice runescape player.
Level 85: You can make toy cats. You will need to have a fully upgraded crafting table, 42 construction required, in your Player Owned House or use a friends crafting table to make. These can be sold or used for fun.
Levels 90: You can make fury amulets. The best crafting item is yours! To obtain onyx stones, you will need to buy it from the store for 300k TokKul. You can also buy from players or trade a fury amulet for a onyx stone and 50 to 100k cash.
This way can make you over 123million!
Levels 1 - 7: Make leather gloves, approximately 48.
Levels 7 - 9: Make leather boots, approximately 20.
Levels 9 - 11: Make leather cowls, approximately 22.
Levels 11 - 14: Make leather vambraces, approximately 35.
Levels 14 - 58: Spin bow strings, approximately 15,883. You can either pick the flax or buy it for 100 to 110gp each. Bow strings sell for 180 to 200gp each making you a nice profit. The best place to spin flax is in Lumbridge Castle.
Levels 58 - 66: Make Earth battle staffs, approximately 1,470. Read the Seaweed area for tips on how to get it fast. For complete information including maps and tips on how to make battle staffs read the guide here.
Levels 66 - 99: Make Air battle staffs, approximately 59,706.
Level 80: You can make glory amulets. If you wish, you can trade your dragonstone amulets or glory amulets for dragonstones from other players. This will give you some good experience as well as make you a known and nice runescape player.
Level 85: You can make toy cats. You will need to have a fully upgraded crafting table, 42 construction required, in your Player Owned House or use a friends crafting table to make. These can be sold or used for fun.
Level 90: You can make fury amulets. The best crafting item is yours! To obtain onyx stones, you will need to buy it from the store for 300k TokKul. You can also buy from players or trade a fury amulet for a onyx stone and 50 to 100k cash.
Seaweed can be obtained by either fishing (using a big fishing net), as a drop from rock crabs, picking it up in its respawning spots, or buying it from Charter Ships in the Catherby area.
Respawn Areas
On Entrana, you can pick some of the seaweed up and use telekinetic grab to get the others.

Note: One great benifit of the Entrana spawns is that they are near the Law Altar. If you have 54 Runecrafting, it is easy to craft or Run Laws while you gather seaweed at the spawn. As the altar is on the route, it takes only a few brief seconds to craft the runes. You can use pouches if you have them. Simply wear your Law tiara, bring the pouches and/or essence with you. Then craft the runes and walk over to the spawn.
Shilo Village, there are four seaweed that respawn here.

Northeast of Rellekka, this is the best way by far as it is close to a bank and it has nine seaweeds respawning.

There are three main ways go get and bank seaweed here. The first is to make many lyres and have them enchanted. This will take one raw shark per lyre or one raw bass each while wearing your Ring Of Charos (a). After you have enchanted them all, use the lyre teleport to get close to the seaweed, pick the seaweed up then glory amulet or dual ring teleport back to a bank and repeat. The second way is to have started the Giant Dwarf quest. Bank your seaweed in the Keldagrim bank. The fastest way is to use Fairy Rings. Above the Keldagrim entrance, is a fairy ring (DKS), which you can use to go to the Zanaris bank.
Charter Ships
The Charter Ships located in the Catherby area will usually have 10 or more seaweed in stock for you to buy. They also stock Soda Ash, which is the form of seaweed you'll need in glassmaking.
After you have all your seaweed go cook them all into Soda Ash on a range, fires will not work.
Gems can be mined from any type of ore rock. Wearing a Glory Amulet (4) will increase your chances of getting gems. You can also mine gems in Shilo Village if you have 55 Mining and have completed the Shilo Village quest. Of the gems you can mine in Shilo Village, Sapphires, Emeralds, Rubies and Diamonds can be used in crafting jewelry. Opals, Jade and Red Topaz can be cut and either sold to a General Store for a few gp, or noted and brought to Gabooty in Tai Bwo Wannai Village who will buy them for Trading Sticks. You can use the trading sticks to buy village clothing or to get into the Mahogany and Teak tree area.
Another good place to obtain gems is the Rogue's Den as well as through many random events.
- Hand in the Sand - 9,000 exp
- Elemental Workshop II - 7,500 exp
- Cabin Fever - 7,000 exp
- Enakhra's Lament - 7,000 exp
- Recipe for Disaster - 3,500 exp
- Observatory Quest - 3,250 exp
- Shilo Village - 3,195 exp
- Nature Spirit - 3,000 exp
- Fremennik Trails - 2,813 exp
- Giant Dwarf - 2,500 exp
- In Aid of the Myreque - 2,000 exp
- Murder Mystery - 1,406 exp
- Tears of Guthix - 1,000 exp
- The Golem - 1,000 exp
- Making History - 1,000 exp
- Dwarf Cannon - 750 exp
- In Search of Myreque - 600 exp
- Elemental Workshop I - 5,000 exp
- Goblin Diplomacy* - 200 exp
- Sheep Shearer* - 150 exp
Good luck on crafting!
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