==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Quest Guide List<==
Start: Begin by speaking to Jorral, found northwest of Ardougne.
Skills: 40 Smithing, 20 Crafting, and 7 Magic.
Quests: Restless Ghost and Priest in Peril.
What You Need: Strung Sapphire Amulet, Ghostspeak Amulet and a Spade. You'll also need Ectotokens if you haven't finished the Ghosts Ahoy Quest.
Getting Started
Firstly, talk to Jorral who is located northwest of West Ardougne.

He tells you about the history of the city, and that it is lost.

Tell him that you will try and help, and he will tell you to find three different characters:
- Erin
- Droalak
- Blanin
He can be found in the Ardougne Market, and he is the Silver Merchant. Talk to him and ask about the outpost, and he'll give you an Enchanted Key.
Droalak the Ghost
Droalak can be found in Port Phasmatys. Be sure to bring a Ghostspeak Amulet with you, and speak to him directly south of the General Store. He will tell you to get a Sapphire Amulet (unenchanted) to give to Melina. Melina can be found in the building directly north of the cooking range. Once you've done that, head back to Droalak to get a Scroll.
The last one to find is Blanin the brother of Dron the Warrior, and he can be found in Rellekka. He is near the chicken farm, so speak to him and then find Dron. He is north of the Helmet shop, and once you find him, tell him that you need to talk.
You will need to answer his questions:
- What weapon does he use? - An Iron Mace
- When does he like to eat rats? - Breakfast
- When are kittens best devoured? - Lunch
- What do I usually eat for tea? - Bunnies
- What colour spider blood tastes best? - Red
- How many years old am I? - 36
- And months? - 8
- What are the most interesting ages for battle - Fifth and Fourth
- And my house is situated where? - Northeast side of town
- What is my brother's name? – Blanin
- What is my pet called? - Fluffy
- What is 5 plus 7? - 12, but what does that have to do with anything?
Now head back to Jorral and talk to him. Go to a bit north of the Castle Wars Arena, but just south of the Observatory, "feel" the key, and when it says “The key is steaming, it must be right below your feet” dig with a spade. Then you'll get a chest. Use the key with the chest and you'll get a Journal.

Head back to Jorral and talk to him. He will give you a letter, that you must deliver to king Lathas. King Lathas can be found at Ardounge Castle, upstairs. Talk to the king and he will give you a letter. Now take the letter from King Lathas back to Jorral. Quest Complete!

- 750gp
- 1,000 Prayer and Crafting experience
- The ability to use the Enchanted Key throughout RuneScape - the chests are discussed below.
- 3 Quest Points
The Chest Loot
Note: For a more in-depth guide for these chests (with maps and more specific info), please see the Enchanted Key Mini-Quest guide.
The order is random for each player, but the rewards are the same for each location.
#1: 10 Mithril Ore, 20 Steel Arrows, 15 Law Runes
#2: 15 Iron Ore, 10 Mithril Ore, 5 Air Runes
#3: 15 Iron Ore, 40 Rune Essence, Guthix Mjolnir
#4: 5 Earth Runes, Saradomin Mjolnir, 20 Iron Arrows
#5: 29 Rune Essence, 20 Mind Runes, 15 Law Runes?
#6: 10 Mithril Ore, 40 Rune Essence, Zamorak Mjolnir
#7: 15 Iron Ore, 36 Rune Essence, 5 Air Runes
#8: 36 Rune Essence, 10 Mithril Arrows, 5 Air Runes
#9: 20 Fire Runes, 20 Iron Arrowtips, 40 Rune Essence
#10: 15 Iron Ore, 15 Death Runes, 20 Mithril Arrows
#11: 30 Water Runes, 39 Rune Essence, 20 Iron Arrowtips
Summarized Rewards From All Chests: 30 Mithril Ore, 20 Steel Arrows, 30 Law Runes, 60 Iron Ore, 15 Air Runes, 230 Rune Essence, Guthix Mjolnir, 5 Earth Runes, Saradomin Mjolnir, 20 Iron Arrows, 20 Mind Runes, Zamorak Mjolnir, 40 Iron Arrowtips, 15 Death Runes, 30 Water Runes.
The locations are not exact, as for each chest is a small area (rather than a single square) that you can dig to find the chest.
#1: Go east along the mud path South of Rellekka (that you head along during The Fremennik Trials to get to Lalli and the Golden Apple Tree) until there is a short bit that heads South, just before that head South towards river, its near the first Oak Tree you get to.
#2: Go to the Body Altar and head West to the 2 mounds of dirt. It is near the tree just East of the South mound.
#3: Go to the 'T' junction that leads off to the Digsite. Take the road North until it starts to turn West. It is around there.
#4: Go South of the Falador South wall by the chainmail shop. Then head South until you are just North-West of the Oak tree just West of the Air Altar. It is around there.
#5: Go to the entrance to Lumbridge Slayer Caves in the swamps. Head North-West so there are dead trees on your West and South and a plant on your East. It is around here.
#6: Go to the ponds just North of Al Kharid and West of the Duel Arena. Stand so you have one pond North of you and the other one West of you. It is around here.
#7: Head to the Bush Farming Patch next to the Monastery south of Ardougne. Head due North. There will be a Bush just to your East when the patch is just about to go off your mini-map. Dig just West of the bush.
#8: Go to the house you go to at the end of the Temple of Ikov quest to find Lucien. From there there is a sort of path between the trees that heads west. Go along it until the trees start to curve out of line. Dig around here.
#9: Go to the Making History Quest start point and head North-West to 3 boulders. Head North from here to an area with several gnome benches. Dig around the most Southerly bench.
#10: Go to the South of the peninsular south of Port Sarim where Thurgo the dwarf (the one that likes Redberry Pies from quests like The Knight's Sword and The Giant Dwarf ) lives. From here head North-East until you get to a beach with a Hammok, a Bench and some Fire Remains on. There is a boulder by the Hammok and a Leafy Tree by the bench. Stand so the Leafy tree is to your east and the boulder is to your South. It is around here.
#11: Walk West of the Spirit Tree in the Gnome Stronghold so the Spirit tree is on the edge of your mini-map. It is around here.
Once you have found all of the chests, the key will dissolve in your hands.
Mjolnir Info
These Mjolnirs add 11 to your Crush Attack bonus and 14 to your Strength bonus.

==>All Runescape Guide List<==
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