==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Quest Guide List<==
Start: Begin by talking to Councillor Halgrive in East Ardougne.
Skills: None!
Quests: None!
What You Need: 100gp to buy a Plague Jacket and Plague Trousers.
Recommended Items: Energy Potions, Boots of Lightness
Getting Started
Here's where you can start the quest:

You are about to embark on what is probably the most annoying quest in the whole of RuneScape. You will need patience and if you want to make it a bit easier on yourself, a few friends to help out. The objective is to catch some sheep. Sounds easy? Well, they have a will of their own but, as with all quests, it can be done: Here is how.
Start the quest by speaking to Councillor Halgrive who is located between the General Store and the Church in East Ardougne. He will tell you there are some plagued sheep in the area, and it is imperative to have them destroyed before the whole city is infected. You agree to help and he will tell you the sheep’s bones need to be incinerated after having been fed with poisoned Sheep feed that he will give to you.

Next speak to Doctor Orbon, you can find him in the church just a few steps north, who will eventually sell you some protective clothing for a mere 100gp. Suit up in this Plague Jacket and these Plague Trousers and you are ready to go.
Head north and out of the city gate. On the western side of the road you will find a fence, follow it north and turn west at the end. Once you see a gate enter the Sheep pen. In the barn you will find a Prod. Take it and wield it: It is your most important tool for the next ‘few’ minutes.

On the map you can see where the different colored sheep are located. You will need to herd one of each color to the gate and into the pen. Also you will see the easiest routes for the different coloured sheep. I you have a few friends handy they could help out a lot by blocking the sheep from running away from you.
When proded, the sheep will move 3 squares, always in north, south, east or west direction, and always in the direction you are facing when you prod it. If you are standing south of the sheep facing north it will walk/run north. When fleeing the sheep can and will move diagonally with the same speed you can run at. Overtaking is a bit hard to do: That is why a number of friends are helpful, they can block it for you.
The easiest way is to start with a red sheep. Prod it north until it is parallel with the fence west of the road, then stand to its eastern side and prod it so it will end up against the fence. The fence is your friendly helper for all of the sheep. Prod it north again until you reach the end of the fence. Prod it west, again until the end of the fence...

... and then south until it is in front of the gate. When it is in front of the gate stand to its western side and prod it: It will automatically go through the fence.

You now can feed it...

... thus killing it...

... and burn the bones in the Incinerator in the barn.

Once you have done this for one of each of the four different colors, red, green, blue and yellow, you are done. Head back to Councillor Halgrive and speak with him.

Quest Complete!

- 3,100gp
- 4 Quest Points
==>All Runescape Guide List<==
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