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==>Runescape Quest Guide List<==
Start: Begin by speaking to Father Reen just south of the Al Kharid Bank.
Skills: 30 Crafting and the ability to defeat a level 100 demon. Level 37 Prayer is highly recommended (Protect from Magic).
Quests: Demon Slayer and The Golem.
What You Need: Desert Robes, Knife, Waterskins, Shantay Passes, one vial, an extra set of Desert Robes (Shade Robes and Black Wizard Robes work too) Black Wizard Hat, Black Cape, Pestle and Mortar, Silver Bar, about 1,000gp.
Recommended Items: A Ring of Dueling or Amulet of Glory for easy teleportation, a Ring of Charos (a) for reduced magic carpet prices, and food and potions for fighting the demon.
Quest-Obtained Items: Silverlight, Demonic Sigil Mould, Demonic Tome, Strange Implement, and three Demonic Sigils.
Getting Started
Speak to Father Reen just south of the Al Kharid Bank. He will ask for you, the slayer of Delrith in Varrock, by name. Once you identify yourself as being you, Father Reen will inform you of a group of black wizards that intend to unleash another demon on Runescape!

Father Reen's plan is not to stop the summoning of the demon, Agrith Naar, but instead for you to help them summon it. You're then supposed to slay it after the summoning. He tells you to go to Uzer and speak with his compatriot, Father Badden.
The Lost City of Uzer
For this part, you will need some Standard Desert Traveling Gear (SDTG). These can all be purchased from Shantay at the Shantay Pass. You will also want to bring one (1) vial, a black cape, a black wizard hat, Silverlight, pestle and mortar, and an extra set of desert robes.
You can craft the vial using your Crafting skill, or you can purchase it from Jatix in Taverley for around 12 gp.You can buy a Silverlight for 500gp from Sir Prysin in Varrock Castle if you don't have one. A pestle and mortar can also be bought from Jatix for around 4 gp.
Notes: If you have a ranging level of 70 or higher, you only need to bring one vial, SDTG, Silverlight, pestle and mortar, and a set of Black Dragonhide armor. You can buy a set of black Dragonhide armor from players.
If you have a magic level of 40 or higher, you only need to bring one vial, SDTG, Silverlight, pestle and mortar, and a set of Black/Red Mystic Robes. Black/Red Mystic Robes can be bought from players for around 700 - 850k.
If you have completed the Curse of Zaros Mini-Quest, you only need to bring one vial, SDTG, Silverlight, pestle and mortar, and a set of Ghostly Robes.
After you have obtained all the necessary items, head out into the desert. Be sure to drop the Shantay Disclaimer and picture yourself mashing it into the sand for fun. Talk to the Rug Merchant just southeast of the pass. Choose to take the magic carpet to Uzer. The ride costs 200 gp or less each time, depending on how far you've gotten on the Rogue Trader Mini-Quest.
Once you arrive in Uzer, you will immediately take a drink of water from one of your waterskins. Head south to the ruins of Uzer and speak to Father Badden. He will repeat some of what Father Reen has already told you and add some further directions. Apparently, he wants you to get yourself in with the black wizards.

Meeting "Evil" Dave
Head down the stairs into the catacombs of Uzer. To your immediate right after walking down the stairs is a bunch of nasty-looking black mushrooms. Pick one and grind it up with your pestle and mortar and the juice will automatically flow into an empty vial. Pick two more if you didn't meet any of the requirements in the note above.
Now, go north straight down the center aisle until you reach the portal you went through in The Golem. Here you will find Evil Dave standing guard making sure that no one can enter the portal. Talk to him and ask if you can join the black wizards. He will tell you, although they are short one person due to the mysterious disappearance of one of their members, that you don't look "evil" enough.

How exactly do you look "evil" in Evil Dave's opinion? Simple! Smear some black mushroom ink (the black liquid in a vial you got from grinding mushrooms) on Silverlight. It will turn jet black in color. After you have done that, wield it. If you brought an extra set of desert robes, grind up another black mushroom and smear the ink on your extra desert robe (top). Repeat for the extra desert robe (bottom).
This will make them lose their ability to protect you from the searing desert sun; that's why you need an extra set. Put them on after you've made them black. If you brought black dragonhide armor, wear that. If you brought ghostly robes, put them on. If you brought black/red mystic robes, wear them. Talk to Evil Dave again, and he will say...

A cutscene will follow and you will be allowed to enter the portal.
Denarth - Looks Demonic
Once again, walk down the center aisle until you reach the Demon's throne. Speak to the leader of the black wizard's, Denath. Ask him to join.

He will tell you to make yourself a Demonic Sigil out of silver in order to chant the incantation with the other wizards. Denath also tells you the incantation (it is different for every person but contains the same words): Agrith Naar Camerinthum Tarren Caldar Nahudu.
To make anything in Runescape, you first need a mould. Talk to Jennifer , ask her for the mould, and she'll give it to you.
Matthew - The "Simon" (Lord of the Flies) of the Quest
After obtaining the mould from Jennifer, speak to Matthew to learn that all is not as it seems. Josef, the guy who mysteriously disappeared and whom you are replacing, discovered a book written by a chap named Ellenar that Denath was hiding from them. He snatched it and ran out of the catacombs with it just as Denath discovered that it was missing.
Matthew is afraid of what happened to Josef, for he did not have enough money for the magic carpet and could not have gotten very far in the desert with such a heavy book. Also, unlike the other wizards who speak of nothing but wealth and power, Matthew is suspicious and thinks that Denath may be pulling a fast one on them all.
Although the plot is twisting fast, you shouldn't proceed any further until you get that sigil made. Head back to Al Kharid by taking the magic carpet or teleporting with your Amulet of Glory (Al Kharid) or Ring of Dueling (Duel Arena).
Head to the furnace and use your silver bar with the furnace while you have the Demonic Sigil mould in your inventory. Choose to make a Demonic Sigil and you will have your very own Demonic Sigil. Practice chanting random words for fun with it.
Back to Uzer... and the Demon
Head back to Uzer, restocking your SDTG if you need to. At this point, it would be wise to bring food and potions with, because you will probably not make another trip to the bank before battling the demon. Talk to the friendly clay Golem , whom you may remember from The Golem quest. Ask him if he has seen anything strange last night and he will tell you he has.

The Golem then saw the "man in dark robes" start to run away, but changes his mind before he leaves Uzer. The man, Josef, hides the book in an unused kiln seconds before Denath appears and incinerates poor Josef into ashes, thinking that the book was destroyed as well.
"Look-in" one of the unused kilns (there is one west of the stairs, one slightly southeast of the stairs, and one north of the Rug Merchant) and you will find a Demonic tome. Read it to discover the confession of Ellenar, a Saradominist who was executed for summoning none other than... Agrith Naar. He explains how he was doing it for Saradomin instead of against him.
On the seventh page, Ellenar describes the incantation he used to summon Agrith Naar. Surprisingly enough, it is not the same as the one Denath told you, but instead, backwards! The last few pages of the tome are also missing for some peculiar reason...
Bring the Demonic tome to Matthew and show it to him. He takes a look at it and although his suspicions are increased, there is no time to elaborate upon them, for at that moment, Denath calls everybody to begin the summoning ceremony.
Denath and his six black wizard apprentices form into a circle. Take your place in the missing part of the circle and Denath will tell you to lead the chanting of the incantation.
Select the "Chant" option on your Demonic sigil and select the word that Denath told you to start with, not the one listed in the tome. Everybody will follow your lead.

Continue to select each word in the order that Denath gave you until you are finished. A pulsing red circle will appear in the middle of the ring of black wizards. Instead of Agrith Naar appearing, Denath himself will step into the circle!!! The whole throne room starts shaking. Matthew realizes how stupid everybody was to believe what Denath told them.
The tome's incantation is the one used in summoning the demon. However, the one Denath told you is backwards. Chanting the incantation backwards will "unsummon" Agrith Naar. Which is exactly what Denath wants, because HE is Agrith Naar and wants to be sent back to the demonic plane (as opposed to our human plane), so that his powers will be fully realized! What a dirty jerk.

Rallying the Troops for the Final Battle
The portal back to the catacombs is fluctuating dangerously. Three of the seven wizards decide to desert before they're entombed in the throne room for eternity. Enter the portal, and you will see Jennifer get killed by ghosts. Pick up her sigil.
You will see Evil Dave and Eric in the middle portion of the catacombs. Well... Evil Dave and Eric's dead body, that is. Denath/Agrith Naar caused some rocks to fall out of the ceiling on top of Eric so that there would be less wizards left. Eight are needed to summon him back to the human plane.
Note: Once you're in the catacombs, falling rocks will do 1 damage to you every 10 seconds or so. Denath/Agrith Naar clearly would rather see you dead.

Try to convince Evil Dave to go back into the throne room and he will give you Eric's sigil. You now have four sigils (one that you made, Jennifer's sigil, Eric's sigil, and Denalth sigil). Head up the stairs to the Ruins of Uzer, but before you do so, grab the Strange Implement in the northwest room of the catacombs. Outside the catacombs, a sandstorm caused by Denath/Agrith Naar is raging heavily. You will take damage much like in the catacombs.

Note: The more time you waste in rallying everybody for the summoning, the more frequently you will get hit 1 damage. It starts at around once every 10 - 15 seconds and gradually increases to once every 5 seconds.
Talk to the golem and try to enlist his help in the summoning. Although the golem really wants to help, the programs inserted in his head prevent him from entering the throne room. Use the Strange Implement on the Golem and you will remove the program that forbids him from entering the throne room. Ask him to help again and he will be more than willing to assist. He takes one of your sigils and heads off to the throne room.
Talk to Father Badden and ask him to help in the summoning. He will readily agree without much trouble, taking another one of your sigil (one left).
Talk to Father Reen, who had arrived in the desert a while back, and try to get him to help in the summoning. Unlike Father Badden, Father Reen isn't so eager to summon a demon. He cites the order of Saradomin and flatly refuses to help you. Remind him that he was the one who wanted you to summon the demon and slay it in the first place and he will reluctantly trudge off to the throne room for the summoning, taking your second to last sigil.
The Final Confrontation
Go back down the stairs, into the catacombs, and through the failing portal. Talk to Matthew, and your seven summoners will assemble into a circle. Although this motley band looks nowhere as uniformed as when you first "summoned" the demon, it'll have to do. Take your place in the circle, this time in Denath's place, and chant the incantation the way the tome says to do it.

The pulsating red circle will reappear and Agrith Naar will come out of it. He thinks that Matthew reorganized everybody and promptly incinerates him like he did to Josef. You attract his attention and announce that you, not Matthew, summoned him.
Immediately turn on Protect from Magic, for his fire-based magic spells can do consistent 10s while his melee attacks are slightly weaker. Fight him, making sure that you continue to eat throughout the battle. Check on your prayer every now and then just to make sure it doesn't run out. Drink a prayer potion if you need to. You can fight him using whatever weapons or spells you want, but you have to do the final blow with Silverlight or else Agrith Naar will start healing himself.
Note : If you have to teleport out, you will not have to re-summon the demon. He will calmly twiddle his thumbs and converse casually with the other seven until you return to slay him. You may bring armor and food with you to help you fight him. Also, if you forgot before, take a hammer and chisel with you to cut the gems.
Once Agrith Naar dies, his blood will blow onto your Silverlight, making it "Darklight". Unequip Darklight and you will be given the option to gain experience in any combat skill, besides prayer. Attack, Strength, Defense, Hitpoints, Magic, and Ranging are all considered Combat skills. Once you choose which skill to receive experience in, you will have finished Shadow of the Storm!

- Darklight
- 10,000 experience in any combat skill except for Prayer
- 1 Quest Point
Darklight Info
Darklight is a different shade of black compared to the mushroom-blackened Silverlight because it now has Agrith Naar's blood all over it. If you don't like this new color (maybe because it doesn't match your outfit anymore), you can buy another Silverlight from Sir Prysin in Varrock Castle for 500 Gp and recolor it with black mushroom ink.

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