==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Quest Guide List<==
Runescape Quest Start: Begin by speaking to the Warrior at the campsite southeast of Draynor Village.
Runescape Skills: 36 Woodcutting, 31 Crafting, and the ability to defeat a level 101 Tree Spirit with limited equipment.
Quests: None!
What You Need: A Knife, a Hatchet
Recommended items: Teleport runes, combat runes or supplies to make a bow and arrows (Feathers, unstrung bow, bowstring, arrow heads, arrow shafts; as well as the required fletching level to make the items), good food.
Recommended skills: A decent magic or ranged level.
Getting Started
At the beginning of the quest, the only item you need to bring is your hatchet. To start the quest, talk to the warrior in the swamp south of Lumbridge. He is on the west side, near Draynor Village.

To squeeze the information you want out of him, ask him the following:

Finally, he spills the beans:

So, a Leprechaun in a nearby tree, eh? Walk slightly north-west to find an average tree. However, when you hover your mouse above it, it gives you the option "Chop tree" and not "Chop down tree".

Once you've chopped at it, Shamus the Leprechaun will appear.

Tell him that you've been inside that shed many times before, and he will tell you about the Dramen staff.

Preparing For Entrana
On Entrana, you'll be up against a level 101 Tree Spirit, and on Entrana you aren't allowed weapons or armour! But do not fear, there are ways around it:
Method 1: Magic (Recommended)
For magic, you should take the following equipment:
- A set of wizard robes and a wizard hat
- An Amulet of Glory, an Amulet of Magic or an Amulet of Power
- If you have one, you can take a God Book from the Horror From the Deep Quest
- Runes for the strongest spell you can cast (Note: You cannot take staves on to Entrana, they must be runes)
- Teleport runes
- A knife
- Food (Lobsters or above are recommended)
- A spare inventory slot
Method 2: Ranged
For ranged, you should take the following equipment:
- An Amulet of Glory, an Amulet of Power or An Amulet of Accuracy
- An unstrung bow of the highest power that your ranged and fletching levels permit
- Equal amounts of arrow heads, feathers and arrow shafts (Only take arrow heads that you have the fletching level to use)
- A bowstring
- Teleport runes
- Food (Lobsters or above are recommended)
- A knife
- A spare inventory slot
Entrana and the Tree Spirit
Now make your way to Port Sarim and talk to the monks to sail to Entrana:

Go round the island, by heading first west beyond the church, then north over a bridge, then finally cross all the way to the west to find a dungeon. The monk will warn you before going down:

Tell him you're willing to proceed, and you will go down the ladder. If you are using the ranged method, now is the time to make your bow and arrows. Downstairs, kill Zombies until they drop an axe:

Now continue along the passage, and run past the Greater Demons (Turn auto retaliate off for this part) and head to the east. You are now at the Dramen Tree.
Now you will have to fight the Tree Spirit, but it is easier than you would think because there is somewhere you can stand and range/mage the Tree Spirit without it reaching you. The location is shown in the picture below. To start the fight, try to cut the tree. The spirit will appear and you can run behind the mushrooms to the safespot.

Once you defeat it, you will be able to cut branches from the tree:

Teleport or homeport to Lumbridge (Note: If you can't homeport and forgot your teleport runes, you can head back in to the room with the Greater Demons, head north and use the portal to the deep wilderness). Now use the knife with the Dramen Branch to obtain the Dramen Staff.
Walk over to the shack in the Lumbridge swamp, it is slightly east of the water altar.

Congratulations, quest complete!

- The ability to cut Dramen Branches and make Dramen Staffs.
- The ability to enter Zanaris by wielding the Dramen Staff and entering the Shed.
- You can now wield Dragon Longswords and Daggers, and you can buy them from the market in Zanaris by giving a Cut Diamond to the Guard.
- 3 Quest Points
Defeating the Tree Spirit at Level 3
Although it may seem unlikely, it is actually easily possible. You will need the following:
- Two friends, one of them should have a high Hitpoints level (Preferably over 70)
- 4 Rings of recoil
- About 75 Pieces of very good food (Sharks, pineapple pizza's, monkfish, etc.)
- Runes for the 'Weaken' Spell
- Runes for the 'Air Strike' Spell or supplies to make a Longbow and about 45 iron arrows
- One 'Saradomin Brew' Potion
The trick is to make the game think you killed it, even though your friend does. This is because in the killing of a monster, the damage from rings of recoil do not count as damage inflicted by the player. Thus, by only hitting one damage on it, the kill counts as your own.
Give the 4 rings of recoil, the runes for the spell 'Weaken' and a full inventory of food to your friend with high Hitpoints. Give a full inventory of food to your other friend, and fill up your own inventory with food.
Head to the dungeon as described in the guide (If you are using ranged make your equipment now), and have your friends kill zombies until they get a bronze axe. Have them give it to you, then move on to the area where the Dramen Tree. Drink your Saradomin Brew, and chop at the tree. Run to the safespot shown in the picture above and use wind strike or your bow on the spirit until you hit 1 damage. Now wait 10 seconds, and then have your friend who has the rings of recoil cast Weaken on the spirit. MAKE SURE HE/SHE HAS AUTO RETALIATE OFF. Now the spirit should be attacking your friend. Every time the spirit hits some damage on your friend, it will take a small amount of damage itself. Now you have to wait for it to kill itself by hurting you: When a ring of recoil shatters (They shatter after 40 damage), put on a new one. When your friend asks for it, drop food at his feet so he can pick it up to heal itself.
Should your friends hit any damage at all on it, you have to start over again.
Once it dies, you will be able to chop the tree. Now homeport out and continue with the rest of the quest.
Note: If you take too long to kill the Tree Spirit, it may disappear and you will need to fight it again.
==>All Runescape Guide List<==
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