Special thanks to Aracnos, Micronblast, Mrcsupertrain, Scary Monkey, Stupidnoob92, Warren, tantalizingg
Brimhaven Dungeon is a large cavern located below the tropical city of Brimhaven, which can be found on Karamja Island. There are a number of strong monsters inside, so it is highly advised that you bring armor and food with with you when training.
Required Equipment
- Armor - Initiate, Proselyte or Monk Robes since this armour gives a prayer bonus and it's not very valuable.
- Weapon - Dragon Scimitar, Barrows weapon, or an Abyssal Whip.
- Food - Lobsters or Sharks
- 905gp - 30gp for the boat ride and 875gp to enter the dungeon. You may need more if you're taking a Charter Ship.
- Teleportation Method - Runes, Glory Amulet, Ectophial, etc.
- Woodcutting Axe
- Prayer Potions
If Slaying Dragons
- Anti Dragonfire Shield
- Anti Dragonfire Potion - used with the Anti Dragonfire Shield; optional, but helpful for lower levels.
- Extra Prayer Potions
Helpful Stats:
- A high woodcutting level
- A high combat level
- 34+ Agility will get you through all the agility obstacles
- 22+ Agility gets you over the log balance
- 12+ Agility will get you across the stepping stones
- 43+ Prayer
The colors indicate what routes there are to Brimhaven Dungeon.

The prices are as follows:
- Port Sarim: 30gp
- Charter: Read the Charter Ships Guide for information.
- East Ardougne: 30gp
How to Get In:

This is the entrance to the dungeon , along with some gold rocks, but this is the bad news...

So select the Pay option and click continue to pay him 875Gp.

Now that you have paid Saniboch the entrance fee, you should be able to walk into the Dungeon.

Once your inside, there is a big variety of rare monsters to train on, such as Fire Giants and Metal Dragons. Occasionally, you will find some vines that will block your pathway. Luckily, if you use a good woodcutting axe, the vines will take no more than three seconds to cut.

Your going to need the objects specified at the beginning of this guide. Also there are some pictures of the dragons below. If you want an in depth guide to dragon hunting this isn't for you, this is just some basics, here are some in depth guides.
- Dragon Hunting
- Metal Dragon Hunting
Some General Requirements Are:
- Baby Red Dragons - 60+ Combat
- Bronze Dragons - 65+ Combat
- Red Dragons - 70+ Combat
- Iron Dragons - 75 + Combat
- Steel Dragons - 90+ Combat
Note: All of these require 43 Prayer.
Now you know the requirements you should be ready.
All of the dragons require 43 prayer & An Anti Dragonfire resistant with the exception of the Baby Red Dragon which doesn't need either. But training on Baby Red's isn't advised. If your after Baby Dragon Bones kill Baby Green's or if you don't like the wilderness, Baby Blue's.
Also, both types of Red Dragons are the only dragons accessible without having to go past level 172 Black Demons It seems like a lot but the can't touch you with prayer.
Most people who come to Brimhaven Dungeon come for the 3 prestigious creatures: the Metal Dragons! If you read the above passage you should know you have to go past level 172 Black Demons but as said before, they can't touch you with prayer.
Once you're at the Black Demons, there will be Iron and Steel Dragons to the south, Bronze Dragons to the East, and Red and Baby Red Dragons to the north.
Mage is recommended for killing these dragons but melee works fine, however range is strongly not recommended.
If you're low on Prayer Potions and are out of or low on food, Run or Teleport immediately!
Moss Giant - Level 42 - 60 Hits
Wild Dog - Level 63 - 56 Hits
Baby Red Dragon - Level 65 - 67 Hits
Fire Giant - Level 86 - 111 Hits
Greater Demon - Level 92 - 87 Hits
Bronze Dragon - Level 131 - 125 Hits
Red Dragon Level - Level 152 - 145 Hits
Black Demon - Level 172 - 157 Hits
Iron Dragon - Level 189 - 173 Hits
Steel Dragon - Level 246 - 220 Hits
Saniboch - Pay him to enter the dungeon.