==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Quest Guide List<==
Article From runescape.salmoneus.net,you can get more Runescape Quest Guide .Want to buy Runescape Power leveling
Written By OnYx
Special Thanks To Sparhawke, Roy, Sp0rtsrule, laughing duck, DaNoobProPlayer, dei wei, Hatter Madigan, Don Florty, I Like Pie739
Tutorial Island was the place where everyone started off when they created their Runescape account, but as of the 15th of July 2008 Jagex thought they might try something new. They decided to get rid of Tutorial Island and give players a better way to learn the basics of Runescape with a starter quest, Learning the Ropes.
Note: When you log on to your account that has already passed Tutorial Island, you will automatically receive 1 Quest Point and will have to visit Sir Vant in Lumbridge to receive the the two 250 experience lamps.
Runescape Quest Start: The is quest is begun automatically after you create a new RuneScape account.
Runescape Skills: None!
Runescape Quests: None!
What You Need: Nothing!
Setting Up Your Character
When you log in for the first time with your new Runescape account, you will have the ability to select your mouse button style. Once you have made your mouse button choice, you can now click next and move on to customizing your character. First is the option for a male or female character. Upon clicking next, you get the option of adding/changing your facial features such as hair style and color, beards style and colors (male characters only) and skin tone.

When you are satisfied, click next and you can choose from a select range of clothing to wear. Also, you can change the color of the clothing that you choose. If you later on decide to change your clothing or facial features, you will need to visit Thessalia and the Make-Over Mage respectively (more info on changing you character can be found here). Now you have completed the production of your account, you can now confirm your characters looks and forward onto this Mini-Quest.

A Brave New World
As soon as you enter the land of Runescape, you will find yourself in a large cave with a mysterious Knight. Talk to the Knight to find out his name; Sir Vant. (Servant perhaps?) Sir Vant is a knight from Falador on the look out for a dangerous three-headed dragon which is dangerously close to Lumbridge.

After a brief conversation with the Knight, a cut scene will commence with a dangerous level 243 Dragon walking up to Sir Vant and attacking him. During the fierce battle a troublesome goblin will decide to drop down the ladder in the cave and rummage through some crates looking for something to steal. After a couple more seconds of fighting, the dragon lets of a trembling roar which causes a miniature earth tremble. Some small rocks will conveniently fall onto the goblin's head, rendering it dizzy, and the Dragon will retreat down from where it came from.

Seizing the opportunity, Vant will hand you a Training Sword and Shield and tell you to experience some combat with the dizzy goblin. Walk over and attack the goblin, and when it gets down to its final health point it will wake up possibly from the sword hitting him and fight back. Don't worry though; he won't do much damage to you. After slaying the goblin you will see that it will drop some coins and bones.
Pick up both of them and head over and talk to Vant, who will eagerly explain “loot.” Now, what's the point of loot if you have no where to put it? Luckily enough, Vant will explain that you have an Inventory where you can store up to 28 items. Some important items like Magic Runes and coins can be stacked up so you can carry large amounts with you at one time.
Along with showing you your inventory, Vant will also explain some tricks you can do with some items in your inventory. For example: using an item on another to produce a certain effect.
Talk to Vant again and he will tell you about a feature on most games: Quests. For a warm-up, Vant will write down some things for you to do so he can slay the Dragon. When asked, open up your quest journal and click on your current quest: Learning the Ropes. This lets you track where you are in the quest, and what you still have to do.

Once you have looked through the quest journal, you must talk to Vant. He will explain about what happens when you die. Now that you have finished talking to Vant about the unfortunate dying part, he will briefly talk about Random Events. Out of the blue, the dragon will return with an ally: A Chaos Druid. As the dragon attacks Vant, the Druid will stand behind the dragon and cast magic at him. Since Vant can't maneuver around the dragon due to its large size, he will tell you to hurry off and talk to Nemarti about the basics of ranging. Let Vant take on the Dragon and Druid and climb up the nearby ladder into the wonderful city of Lumbridge.
The City of Delusion
Upon entering Lumbridge you will notice a flashing Spanner in one of your boxes like the one your inventory is in. Click on it and it will bring up all your graphical and audio controls as well as an option to run, which you will need to toggle on to continue. You will notice a flashing red arrow on your mini-map as well as a yellow circle with and arrow under your feet too. Both of these indicate where you need to go next; in this case it's the Lumbridge Tutorial Household. Go inside and talk to the Range Instructor.

Upon briefing her on your troublesome dragon troubles, she will hand over a training bow and 30 training arrows. Equip the bow and arrows and the Range Instructor will explain about your Worn equipment panel.
Click on the flashing man in armor and you will see the items you have equipped (you shouldn't have anything on you but your bow and arrows.) A button in should flash in the bottom right hand corner with a skull and a picture identical to the one used for your inventory. If you click on this it will show you which items you will keep on death. Close that off and a button next to it called Worn Equipment will flash, this shows you a full model of your character is their worn items and includes Attack, Defensive, Prayer and Strength bonuses.
Now a panel with flash with two swords on it, this is your combat style panel. In this panel you can choose what style you want to use your weapon in. Since you have your training bow equip, it will have three attack styles and one large one called Auto-Retaliate.
Now that you have your three ranged attack styles down, it's time to test one of them out. Select any style (Long range would be preferred since you will need it in the next part) and fire at the archery target with a yellow arrow above it. Now you can head back to Vant to get rid of that pesky Chaos Druid for him.
Talk to Vant and he will tell you to kill the Druid, using the Long-ranged style mentioned early, attack the druid and kill him. The druid uses strong magic that hits threes on you, but you will stop taking damage at five hitpoints. The druid isn't that hard to kill, and as soon as you finish him off, Vant will damage the Dragon enough to make it retreat again.
Now it's time for another errand, this time it's getting some food for Vant. The brave warrior has been fighting for a while now and needs to heal his wounds, and this is where food comes in. Vant will tell you to find the Fishing Tutorial Guide, so climb up the ladder and follow the arrows till you find a lone man sitting in front of a river.

Talk to him and he'll gladly help you, and hand you a Crayfish Cage which is used to catch… Crayfish! Who would have guessed?! Now, fish in the river over some of those bubbles and you should catch yourself a nice Crayfish. Talk to the guide and we will explain to you about your “Stats” and experience. Open up the flashing picture of a graph and you will find all your skills, so click on the flashing Fishing one.
This will bring up an in-game guide. Have a browse through; see what levels you need to catch fish and what equipment you can later on unlock. When you are done with your fishing guide, close it off and you will have to catch another Crayfish. Do the same as you did last time and you will now have two nice crayfish sitting in your inventory.
Since you can't eat a raw fish (well, not in this game) your best bet is to cook it. Luckily, there is a Cooking Guide near-by, so head over to him by following your mini-map or yellow circle of knowledge and talk to the chef there. He will explain about cooking to you, and then you will be able to cook those two crayfish on his range. Use one of the crayfish on the range and you will get and option of cooking it, right-click the picture of the crayfish and select “Cook All.”
You may find you burnt the first one, but don't worry because everyone burns something occasionally, the cooking guide will also tell this to you and a solution to get rid of the burnt ones are to just drop them on the floor. Now you should have a cooked crayfish, ready for Sir Vant's grumbling stomach so after talking to the cook about burning food and what not, head over to him and talk to him. He will tell you to use the crayfish on him. Right click “Use” the crayfish on him and you will find he will eat it up nicely.

Now it's time for you to learn about some magic! Vant will send you on your way after devouring the crayfish, so head up the ladder and back to the Lumbridge Tutorial Household. Talk to the Mage Tutor there and she will explain the basics of Magic to you.
After giving you the low down, she will hand you 30 Air and Mind Runes. Talk to her again, and she will unlock your Magic Tab. Click on the flashing spellbook and she will explain the free Lumbridge Teleport Ritual and offensive spells. When asked, click on the Wind Strike spell and then on the dummy to attack it with that spell. Now you know how to demolish things with your new skill, the Tutor will hand you a Rune bag to give to Vant. So head of over to him and hand him the bag.
After talking to Vant about the dragon, he will mention that he has prayers to fall back on. What on Runescape could he be talking about? To get an explanation on Prayer, he will tell you to head over to the Prayer Tutor in the Lumbridge Church.
Talk to the Prayer Tutorial Guide and she will explain that you can active prayers to aid you in battles. You will notice a flashing Star has been unlocked, click on it to open up your Prayer Tab.
To gain prayer experience (or exp) you need to bury bones, since you conveniently have some with you, you can bury those into the floor. When you open your Prayer Tab, you will find you have one prayer unlocked. When prompted, click on the prayer and then the Church Organ to watch some creepy skeleton hands play it. It's obvious now that skeletons and church organs go hand in hand. The tutor will tell you that you will need to recharge your prayer points when they run out. Click on the Altar over the other side of the church to regain your points, and then talk to the Tutor again.

Now you can choose what to learn next, out of an option of: You don't mind, Banking, Smithing or Woodcutting. Each one will be explained, but perhaps not in the order that you may have chosen.
Knowledge is a Powerful Thing
Banking: Run into the giant Lumbridge Castle and up the indicated stairway and keep going till you get to the top. Run over to the banker and she will offer to open a bank account for you. You may be unsure why you should do this, so the kind old lady will explain that you can't store everything in your inventory. After agreeing to the point of a bank, the nice old lady will happily open your account. Now, to get used to the system, you will be asked to deposit some coins you obtained from that pesky goblin. Now that the coins are in your bank, you can place them into one of the tabs next to the Infinity symbol. Click on the tab and you can get rid of it by right-clicking “Collapse.”
Now you have your own bank, it's time to do another task.
Mining: To learn to mine, you must first enter one. Run over the bridge that is near a furnace and into the giant cave. In here you can find your mining instructor. Talk to him and he will give you your very first pickaxe. To be able to make what you need, you must prospect the rocks to find out what they contain. Right click “Prospect” the indicated rock to find it contains Copper, so mine the rock to obtain it. Talk to the Tutor and you find out that you need Tin as well as Copper to make what you need, so prospect the other indicated rock and mine that to get some Tin.

Now you have yourself the two ores needed to make a bronze bar, head out of the cave and to that furnace you passed earlier to get to the cave.
Smelting and Smithing: Talk to the Tutor to find out the basics of Smelting, and all you need to do is: Click on the furnace, click on the bar you want and presto! You have yourself a nice, fresh Bronze Bar.

Now it's time to make something out of it, so head back to the mining cave and then to the Smithing Instructor.

After a brief conversation with the nice man, he will hand over a hammer. When asked, use your bronze bar on the nearby anvil and a table will come up with every smith-able bronze item. You will need a Bronze Axe to continue, so smith yourself on of those. Now you have yourself a bronze axe, it's time to continue on your quest of knowledge, so leave the cave and head over to your next Tutor: The Woodcutting one!
Woodcutting: Talk to the Tutor with your new axe and learn to act of the Cutting of Wood. Chop down one of the trees to obtain its wood, and then talk to the tutor again. You will find out you need to light a fire with it. Head over to the General Store with the money you got from that goblin, and talk to the Store Owner. When asked, right click trade with her and you should get a whole list of the shop products. Buy yourself one of the tinderboxes and head back to the shivering Vant. Talk to him and he will tell you where to light the fire, so stand in the fire pit and use the tinderbox with your logs.

Vant will take a piece of food and cook it for himself, and explain that cooking on an open fire has more of a chance to burn food. Thanks to the smell of cooked food, that horrid three-headed dragon will return! Oh fiddlesticks!
Luckily, Vant has recovered and can now battle the dragon with ease. Using magic and his sword skills, Vant will easily fend of the dragon. After a small battle, the dragon will stumble over and ram into the wall causing an earthquake! The miners and smiths in the mine you learn to mine and smith in will make a break for it and escape the dangerous cave!
Due to the earthquake, the mine will collapse on itself and block everyone from entering it.

Again, the dragon will retreat and Vant will do a little victory dance to celebrate. After wondering why Vant is acting like he has a thorn in his foot, Vant will explain he is using an emote to show what he is feeling and thus: Opening the Emote Tab.

After briefly explaining emotes, you can choose one for yourself and try it out. Now, what's the point of a victory if there is no music to make you sound more heroic? Don't worry, Vant has that covered! He will unlock your Music Tab, with some songs already unlocked. When prompted, choose any song colored in green to play it. Since you helped the brave knight out, he will explain to you the Friends List. Followed by the Ignore List and Clan Chat. Now, follow his instructions and turn your Friends List to “Friends,” Public Chat to “On” and will then explain the report abuse function.
To make your (or Sir Vant's) heroic victory complete, the Lumbridge Guide will come down the ladder and thank both of you on getting rid of that pesky dragon. After all the talking is done, you are free to leave the cave and end up with…
Quest Complete!

- Two Reward Lamps, which when used will each give 250 experience to any skill of your choosing.
- Freedom to explore the rest of RuneScape.
- Ability to use the chat system.
- 1 Quest Point
==>All Runescape Guide List<==
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