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==>Runescape Quest Guide List<==
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Written By Neo Avatars
Special Thanks To Da Scotsman, Morty, Kingme, xmoneyx, iFree, heb0, Stevo, zellychan, Lizzard, Kuemperfan4lyfe, mole leader, Thomas154321, iRocky, Agent F, Tis Meh, Blackness, Full Mith777
Runescape Quests Start: Talk to Bill Teach on his boat in either Mos Le'Harmless or Port Phasmatys
Runescape Skills: 60 Agility, 63 Thieving, 66 Crafting, 69 Smithing - using boosts such as Evil Dave's Stew will not work
Runescape Quests: The Great Brain Robbery, Part 4 of Recipe for Disaster.
What you need: Pirate Bandana, Pirate Leggings, Pirate Boots, Book O' Piracy, 2 Bronze Wire, Hammer, Ghostspeak Amulet, 25 Ecto-Tokens or 10 with a Ring of Charos (a), Fishbowl Helmet, Diving Apparatus, Charcoal, 20gp, a bank that has enough spaces that you can store all your items in it and need to carry nothing
Getting Started
Head to Bill Teach who can be found on his boat in either Mos Le'Harmless or Port Phasmatys and talk to him, asking to talk about Rocking Out.

You want to know about Rabid Jack, but he refuses to say anything. To find out anything you will need to talk to Young Ralph, although he's managed to get himself locked up in the Customs and Excise prison 'The Rock', so you'll need to get yourself arrested to get there.
Head to the Customs Office in Rimmington wearing a Pirate Bandana, Leggings and Boots, which can be bought from Mike's Shop on Mos Le'Harmless, and talk to the Customs Sergeant.

To check that you really are the Pirate you claim to be, several questions will be asked that you need to correctly answer which vary for each person.

Having been told you are going to be arrested, you will need to store all the items you are carrying in the locker which will then transfer them to your bank, remembering to remove all items that you have equipped. Talk to the Customs Sergeant again to be transferred to the prison and see a cut-scene in which you are put in a cell.

Although there's a hole in your cell wall, this is no problem because the island is surrounded by water filled with Sharks, Crabs and Piranhas. You're ordered not to escape and agree, so are clearly going to obey orders!
When the cut-scene ends you will find yourself in a small room with a missing wall. Shout through the Barred Window on the eastern wall to Young Ralf, however you will be told that he is deaf, meaning you will have to find another way to get his attention.
Grabbing the Attention
To obtain his attention will require you to create a clever contraption and the first step requires you to step outside your cell and Search the Rubble.

Upon searching you will find a broken Accordian that could be used as the base of what you make.
Next, shout through the door to get writing equipment so that you can 'write a confession'. Since this would be a good deed, you are given Paper, an Ink Bottle and a Quill to write with.
Take the Tin Cup from the floor in the corner of the cell, then choose to 'Tap pipes' on the Pipes under the Barred Window. You will send a message to a prisoner in a lower cell who will reply back, but tap so hard that the Pipe will vibrate off the wall and you will automatically take it.
The next task will once again involve the Tin Cup. This time, keep using it on the cell door asking for some stew until you eventually get some thrown at you after several attempts.

Upon having the stew thrown at you, your top will become a Fishy Prison Uniform Top, stink of Fish and you will be unable to equip it.
Use the Ink Bottle with the Paper to get Inky Paper, then use the Ink Bottle on the Sharp Rock outside the cell to get a Smashed Bottle. This bottle could either be used to fight or do something... less stupid.
Use the Smashed Bottle with the Accordian to make a hole in it, then use the Pipe with this to put it into the hole. Unfortunately the Pipe doesn't fit properly, so you will need to use the Inky Paper with the Accordian to get a Vacuum Pump, the downside being that your fingers become icky.

Head outside the cell and use the Fishy Prison Uniform Top with the Perch Rock.

This will attract a Seagull, so use the Vacuum Pump with the Perch Rock to suck it in and get it wedged in the pipe.

Use the Vacuum Pump and Gull with the Barred Windows to send the Seagull flying into the room to get Young Ralph's attention. You will shout through the window to convey your message, being reminded that he is able to lip read so you don't need to make any noise at all. Ask about Rabid Jack and he will refuse to explain the story because you do not have the marks from each of the five captains.

To leave the island the prison is on you can either jump off the pier to the east and find yourself near the Gnome Glider on eastern Karamja or use the Home Teleport spell to get to a potentially more convenient location.
Obtaining the Marks
The five captains you will need to get marks from are:
- Captain Braindeath on Braindeath Island
- Captain Bill Teach on his boat in Port Phasmatys or Mos Le'Harmless
- Captain Brass Harry Hand on Mos Le'Harmless
- Captain Izzy No-Beard at the Brimhaven Agility Arena
- Redbeard Frank in Port Sarim
Note: The marks can be obtained in any order, although the order listed below aims to help minimize the amount of traveling you need to do between the various locations.
Captain Izzy No Beard
Head to the Brimhaven Agility Arena and speak to Izzy. He will say that he will give his mark if you can do a small task for him, explaining that Wanda the Fish died in the prison and her belongings are stored there. He will give you his mark if you can get her Brooch.Make your way back to the prison via the Rimmington Customs Office and upon arrival search the Bed to find a Crude Lockpick.

Use the Lockpick to Open the cell door, then kill one of the Customs Officers.

Pick up and equip the items that they drop to stop any more Officers starting to attack you, head south and climb up two flights of stairs to reach the evidence room. Open the door to go in and, after a short conversation, you will be allowed inside. Search the cabinets until you find the one with the File for Wanda the Fish in.

Take the File and talk to the Locker Officer who will give you the Brooch.
Head back to Izzy either via the Pier or the Home Teleport spell and he will give you his mark.
The Rest of the Mark
Note: Unlike Izzy's mark, the rest involve going to very similar places, meaning obtaining them one by one would be inefficient. Instead, grouping them together means less moving from one place to another and back again.
Head to Port Sarim and speak to Redbeard Frank who will want more proof of Rabid Jack's return before giving his mark, asking for a letter from the monks who were terrorized by him.

Ensuring that you have access to two Bronze Wire and a Hammer, make your way to the Ectofuntus and head north to the pier. Talk to Pirate Pete who will take you to Braindeath Island where you can head west and speak to Captain Braindeath who will give his mark if you get the Barman in the Rusty Anchor Inn (the Pub north of Redbeard Frank) to sell his 'rum'. To help you in this, he will give you five disguises that can be worn.
Head to Bill Teach on his boat and he will explain that he will give you his mark if you get the Idol of Many Heads from 50 Ships Mufassah. He will also give you an Introduction Letter so that Brass Hand Harry will speak to you.

Get Bill Teach to give you a boat ride to Mos Le'Harmless, climb off the boat and talk to Brother Tranquility. Although he will write a letter about the events that happened, he will not say that Rabid Jack did it since he wasn't actually seen and a Monk lying would be a terrible act.

Carry on north to the Pub and climb upstairs where you will find Brass Hand Harry wandering around.

Talk to him and he will explain that he is unable to sign his mark because his hand is broken and he cannot give a palm print for the same reason. Thankfully, you are skilled enough at Smithing to be able to make a new hand from five Broken Hands he will give you along with two Bronze Wire and a Hammer.

Take apart the Broken Hands to obtain a Wrist, Fingers, Hand, Thumb and Brace. Use one piece with another and up will come a screen to let you put the hand back together.

The hand pieces will appear in the top-right section and to select each one, click on it. The white directional arrows will move the piece a short distance in the corresponding direction and the curved arrows will rotate the piece. Clicking on the Sun will reset the puzzle, as will closing it and using one piece on another again. Pieces will not fit within the outline exactly and in the above image simply moving the wrist to the left will complete the hand.
Talk to Brass Hand Harry and he will give you an Ink Pad and Paper. Use the Brass Hand with the Ink Pad to get an Inky Hand, then use the Inky Hand with the Paper to get Brass Hand Harry's Mark.
As a sign of respect, show the mark to Brass Hand Harry, who will say that it looks great, meaning you have a second mark.

Talk to 50 Ships Mufassah, who can be found near to Brass Hand Harry, and explain that you want to see the one who owns the Idol of Many Heads for honor value. You'll ask if you can see it, finding out that it is only possible if you join his crew, something which you do instantly. An explanation will be given as to how you will need to be able to hold your breath for a long time to see it, so make your way to the rowing boat in Port Phasmatys that heads to Dragontooth Isle. You should only bring a Ghostspeak Amulet, Fishbowl Helmet, Diving Apparatus and 25 Ectotokens (10 if you have a Ring of Charos).

Once you've reached Dragontooth Isle, head north-east until you reach a Chain that you can use to dive down into the water.

Underwater, swim east until you find a Karamthulu then catch it to get a key.

With the Key, head onto the Ship in the center of the underwater area and climb up the Stairs. Open the Chest to find a Crowbar, getting back down to the main deck before the level 60 Giant Lobster does too much damage to you.

Climb down the ladder to the lower section of the ship and Dig the Mess at the far end of the room with both the Crowbar and your hands until the Idol of Many Heads has been revealed and you can take it.

With the Idol, head back to Bill Teach to get his mark.
With the Letter from Brother Tranquility, the disguises from Captain Braindeath and 20gp, head to Port Sarim and speak to Redbeard Frank. Upon reading the Letter, he will explain that it is not enough proof and you will need to get more before his mark can be given.
Talk to the Bartender in the Pub to the north and ask for some 'rum'. He will explain that he will only stock the 'rum' if five other people ask for it, the disguises aiding in this process. Talk to him and choose the "I'll have a drink...and you have one too!" five times until he becomes drunk. Now, head outside and put on one of the disguises, come back in and ask for some 'rum'. Repeat this in all five disguises and he will decide that he will make an order. Head outside and remove any disguises you happen to be wearing and talk to the Bartender again who will give you an Order to the to Captain Braindeath for the 'rum'.
With the Order, some Charcoal and wearing a Pirate Outfit like when you initially got arrested, head back to Captain Braindeath to get his mark.
Climb down the stairs in the south-east corner of Braindeath's 'rum' factory and head south to talk to Captain Donnie.

He'll give you some Plans which could be used as evidence, however the bottom part became damp when they washed ashore so has now become unreadable. Thankfully, he thinks he may have accidentally tripped and carved a copy into 50% Luke's leg at some point while drinking alcohol mixed with gunpowder and cinnamon.
Head north-west and use a piece of Charcoal with 50% Luke to get a Charcoal Rubbing of Rabid Jack's signature.

Of course 50% Luke will notice, although you have an... 'interesting excuse' about what happened based around Hydroendocardiospatulaitis syndrome - a skin problem that requires Charcoal as treatment.

With the Charcoal Rubbing, head back to Redbeard Frank to get his mark and complete your set of five.
Finishing Off
Head to the Customs Office in Rimmington with all five marks and speak to the Customs Sergeant, asking for a folder to put the confessions you wrote in. Use one of the marks on the folder and they will all go in. Talk to the Customs Sergeant, store any items you may have in the Locker, then speak to him again to be taken back to the prison.
Repeat the process that you used previously to get to the evidence room, but when you arrive talk to the Locker Officer and ask for your own file, which he will give you instantly because he hadn't got round to filing it yet.

Head back to your cell and shout through the Barred Window to Young Ralf who will now explain to you the story of Rabid Jack and what happened to him, with a cut-scene to help explain.

If you try and talk to any of the characters in the cut-scene it will stop and you will have to shout through the Barred Window to start again from the beginning.

The cut-scene will feature some Kittens, then you will complete the Quest!

- 25,000 Thieving, Smithing, Crafting and Agility experience
- Free access to the Brimhaven Agility Arena
- The ability to catch Pirate Implings
- The ability to steal from Customs Lockers
- Three new music tracks: Jailbird, Something Fishy and A Pirate's Life for me
- The Locker in Rimmington that can be used to deposit items to your bank
- You can get a magical cage from Bill Teach to keep ex-ex-parrots which can be obtained from 50 Ships Mufassah, requiring level 71 Summoning
- You no longer need to have the Book of Piracy to speak to the Pirates on Mos Le'Harmless
- 2 Quest Points
When you get an ex-parrot from 50-Ships Mufassah, use it with the Magical cage you get from Bill Teach. Use this with the stone slab with a black mask on it outside the entrance to the Cave Horrors cave. The ex-parrot will then turn into an ex-ex-parrot. Let it out of the cage and then you can drop it and let it follow you around like any other pet, 71 Summoning required. Use a chisel with the same black stone slab to get food for it.
Customs Lockers
There are 18 Customs Lockers located upstairs in the prison and upon looting will give you 75 Thieving experience as well as an item such as:
- Eye Patch
- Bronze Scimitar
- Iron Scimitar
- Steel Scimitar
- Rune Scimitar
- Steel Sword
- Iron Bar
- Gold Bar
- Mithril Bar
- Stripy Pirate Shirt
- Pirate Boots
- 300gp
- Uncut Sapphire
- Uncut Emerald
- Uncut Ruby
- Uncut Diamond
- Shark
- Clue Scroll
After looting a cabinet, you will have to wait for it to reset. You may be noticed looking through the cabinets by one of the level 35 Customs Officers in the room who you will have to kill before carrying on looting.
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