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If youre looking for a guide to pking, you will be disappointed. This is for how to build a pure. Ive seen a lot of guides to pures lately, and they havent been up to standards
First off, theres a large difference between pures, stakers, and tanks. Im not here to discuss stakers and tanks, pyro made a damn good staking guide, and tanking, hopefully you could figure that out on your own. (Ill probably end up making a guide on that too though)
This guide will assume you have money on your own, not an infinite amount of money, but if you just started playing the game 10 minutes ago, dont bother (why are you making a pure anyway?)and at higher levels, membership as well. If you dont plan on having membership, you can just use the guide up until the point which i start talking about members only things.
Personally, I consider a pure and a "hybrid" to be the same thing, people just like to sound fancy i suppose... 9/10 times a pure will be using 2 forms of combat anyways, generally mage/melee or range/mage.
First off: Tutorial island... Its a pain in the ass, but it has to be done.
This should go without saying, but, never actively train defence.
~~*READ*~~ Dont actively train defence, anyone know whos anything about being a pure should know this, but also, dont be a perfectionist, its a waste of time. If you accidentally get a def lv or 2, dont dump your character and cut yourself over it. My pure has 3 defence atm, and still owns.
OK, now the actual guide. Melee first, since from experience, its the most bad ass. If you plan on going hybrid, which i suggest, (I also suggest mage/melee) just do both of them, take time to plan them accordingly so they are both close to maxed out for your level.
To save some time, transfer over a few sets of full iron over, a strength ammy, and an iron, steel, black, mith, addy, and rune scimmy over, as well as some food (I transfer over tuna usually, i put around 500 over, just to be excessive) Maybe some leather boots/gloves and a cape too if you want to look more professional. I generally just use a black long sword for low levels instead of black scims, since scims are a little harder to find, and black longs are at the varrock sword shop.
Now that you have your weapons and armor for all your f2p'ing days, time to head off to varrock. Just north of varrock east bank, there is a room filled with training dummies. Just continually punch it for 5 attack exp per. It will automatically give attack exp, so dont bother trying to get str. You will only be able to get 8 attack before you "can no longer learn anything new from this dummy."

At this point, you can walk to edgeville to train on men if you want, it works decently well, but its crowded f2p. I usually go into varrock sewers (youre already there) and train till 10 attack and strength on giant rats. At this point, its time to move on.
This isnt exactly a secret spot, but at the same time, it isnt as well known as it should be for its usefulness. Go to the monestary, and start training on monks. They have 1 attack, strength, and defence, level 5, all of their levels are put into hit points. Also, they heal themselves, so they last a long time. Another great point to note, you dont need food here, which is good, because you will be here a while. Talk to any of the monks when you arent in combat, and they will heal you for free. Train here until 40 attack and strength. My personal strategy was to get 20 attack, then 20 str, 30 attack, 30 str, 40 att, 40 str

My pure wasnt a member at this point, so I went to train at scorpians in the dwarven mine, using fally east as my banking point. Personally I always train potted, but thats just me. Get yourself hooked up at the warriors guild, 10 attack/str pots in stock per world, 10 geepee per pot.
This is the point in which you become members. Some people became a member before this, but I dont see the point until now. Now its time for the famous Rock Crabs
A quest that isnt a requirement, but I did it, and I suggest that you do too, is the Waterfall quest. It is relatively short and easy, and gives a great deal of attack and strength exp.
If there are any quests that you want done for personal reasons, a specific thing you want your pure to be able to do, but you still want to only have 60 attack, you should do those quests now, so you can get as much attack exp before training as possible. If you do the quests after getting 60 attack, you might wind up with an odd number like 63 attack. *tipped by weedman*.
There is a very nice afk spot on waterbirth, it costs 1k to go to waterbirth, just bring food (and pots if you feel like keeping up with them). There is a spawn point of 3 rock crabs, just stand there and they will attack you 1 at a time automatically, easy exp. I suggest getting 60 attack before strength. Dragon weapons own, end of story. If you need to bank, and havent trained mage, you can use camelot teletablets, you dont need the 45 magic req to use them, strangely enough (Im not complaining).
Once you get 60 attack, do lost city. No need to explain how to train the stats for it, or how to do it. If you cant figure it out, you dont need to be making a pure.
I would go back to rock crabs and get 60 strength now, since its mostly strength now.

You can get prayer whenever you want, however you want, to whatever level you want. Appropriate levels however, are: 13, 25, 31, 43, and 52. 13 and 31 are for str prayers, 25 for protect items, 43 for prot melee, 52 for smite.
~~*READ*~~ Be sure to read up on quests that give prayer exp. It saves money, and it might be a prequesite to a quest you might plan on doing, such as.. Desert Treasure?
At this point, its time to do Recipe for Disaster. You can get up to mith gloves, so, go get them figure it out yourself, just use a guide. You have to do the opening, the dwarf part, the pirate pete part, the goblin part, the chompy part, and the evil dave part. Dont bother attemping the other parts, it wont work out. You need defence exp to get the rest. Why do recipe for disaster you ask? Mithril gloves! (I currently have black, Im too much of a lazy ass to do evil dave atm) Mithril gloves give +6 melee attack, +6 ranged attack, and +3 mage attack.
Up until now, its been mostly by the book. Now youll actually have to start making your own decisions. I personally, dont pk. It sounds weird, I know. But thats because my pure is designed to KO mains at higher levels, and hes not there yet, as opposed to being a pure thats designed to other pures. I honestly dont see the point in making a pure that can only fight other pures, but not mains. I plan on pking when im all set up, which will be about 85 att 95 str 52 prayer and 3 defence (already have 3)
One last thing I suggest, is to do Monkey Madness. Dragon scimitar is a great weapon to train with, much faster than dragon longsword. Your choice. When im bored I use torag hammers to train with >.>
Time to make your own choices now, but its still decently easy to follow this guide. From here on out, its Pest Control. Sounds boring? It is. VERY boring. But theres nowhere else to train as fast, and its worth it when youre raping barrows in the wilderness later.
One last place you can train: Experiments. They are in canafis, you have to have started the Creature of Fenkenstrain quest (takes preqs, figure it out) They are under a gravestone, are level 25, have over 90 hp, and max hit of 1, good for training. I still suggest PC though, just because its faster.

People say PC is for bitches? PC is for bitches AND pures
Its up to you at this point on how to customize. 60 attack or 70?, 1, 13, 25, 31, 43, or 52 prayer? things of this nature. For prayer levels, I suggest gilded altar, if that fails, you can ectofunct them, but that either requires the Ghosts Ahoy quest, or a friend to run things for you. I personally prefer 70 attack, 52 prayer at this point, since Ive done all quests already for prayer, and I dont pk yet. Might as well have it the way i want it for later.
If you plan on fighting other pures at this point, its all about strength. Whips own though, if youve got the balls to bring it in wildy.
Another quest to do: Horror from the deep. Not neccessary, but gets you a zamorak book +5 prayer, and +8 melee/mage/range attack if you fill it with zamorak pages (approx. 800k priced)
One more quest to do: Death Plateau = Climbing boots = +2 strength = rawr!
Now for Pc, this is what I wear (Improvise depending on your cash flow situation) Whip, Unholy Book, Monks top, Monks bottom, Climbing boots, Black gloves, Amulet of Fury, Berzerker ring, Saradomin Cape, earmuffs (15 slayer required, does nothing but damn im sexy in them )
My attack and strength are equal atm, I PC with whip, put my points on str.
For improvisation, this is how it would work:
Whip > Dragon Scimitar > Dragon longsword > Rune scimitar
Unholy Book > Book of Balance
Monks robes > Iron armor
Climbing Boots > No boots
Mith Gloves > Black gloves > Steel, Iron, Bronze, Leather
Amulet of Fury > Amulet of Glory > Strength Amulet > Amulet of Power
Godcape > Obsidian Cape* > No cape
*I see pures with Obsidian Capes all the time... WTF? You have 1 defence, do you really think that little +9 def bonus is going to save your ass? Because it wont. Get a godcape, get ancients, and own with bursts.
Another note: I also see pures with iron plate, and green/blue/red/black d hide legs. Unless you plan on being a melee/ranger, this will only hurt you in the end. I made the mistake of getting 40 ranged, but it wont hurt that badly, its the black d that does it. D hide legs arent going to save your ass from a mage, they wont be splashing on you because of those. Just get some prayer robes, they work better. Also, getting ranged gives you HP exp, something you DONT need. If youre going to stake, hp helps. This is a guide for pking, not staking, and pures dont need hp. HP= cmb levels, cmb levels are satan.
~~*READ*~~ Be careful when training with whips. If you accidentally set on anything other than accurate, you will start getting defence exp (why do you think I have 3 defence >.<)
If you have prayer 31 or 34, pray str and attack while pcing, it helps, and you will get your prayer back every level. At low levels, just kill monsters (like a leech) but when you get a little better, do the nice, honourable thing and attack the portals, it really does help, trust me. I took a portal to 1/4 on my own because i dared to actually help the high level bitches PC. Dont forget your dds spec when pcing, your bar is recharged every round, its quick exp and damage total.
When puring, strength owns other pures, attack owns mains.
hats pretty much it for melee. The range and mage guides now. They wont look as complex, I know Melee is generally the best way to PK if you plan on making a business out of it, and even if you dont... Melee is the most complex, range/mage is easier to train. Besides, this is a guide to building a pure, not to pk anyways.
*note* its 2:48 in the morning, and im starting to get sleepy. If i start losing my grammar, dont mind it.
Magic: If you plan on being a pure mage, you will need some hp exp, but generally mages are hybrids with range/melee, so you will get hp from those stats.
Firstly: Transfer Full wizard over from a main character, ( I suggest wizard (t), its hawt) as well as plenty of every type of rune. If you can, also trade over a master staff, (+20 mage) as well as wizard boots, and a seers ring
Cast wind strike/fire strike on skeletons under varrock sewers, you stand where the scorpions are and cast over at the skeletons. Do this until level 45 magic, it might take a while :S . You can upgrade to fire bolts if you want, itll be more epensive, but I found it to be worthwhile. From 45 until 55, use Camelot Teleport, and from 55 until 99 magic, just buy and high alch yew/mage longbows.
^The above is just the standard way. There are a couple other ways to train it as well. It is mentioned that at some point you should start using crumple undead. I havent personally tried that method, but Ive heard good things. Another thing you can do is buy a mud staff, body runes, put on full iron, dont wear an amulet or rfd gloves, and cast curse on black dragons under taverly over and over. Remember to bring an antipoison for that. At higher levels, use the same method, but with stun (lv80 magic) If you are a pure mage, no range or melee, I suggest using PC, just cast spells there, and put your points in HP, since you will need some.
When you reach level 60 magic, you need to get a godcape. Go to level 55ish wilderness, and get one. Figure it out yourself, its really not hard. 37 prayer recommended for godcape, or else... ouch.
Whenever you feel ready, you need to do desert treasure. This isnt a guide for quests, so do it yourself. Ancients are what most mage pkers use, and even if you dont, ghostly armor is the best mage bonus a true pure will get.
At some point, you need to do horror from the deep, for the unholy book, +8 mage attack, or book of balance +4, if youre poor.
Some pures get level 20 defence for mystic, thats your choice. Personally, i think it takes away from the "purity" of a pure.
**Something to consider** I was tipped off by this from M E T A L L I C A, it wont work if youre a pure mage though. You could always do PC as a melee, then just put your points on magic. This applies to ranged as well. If you were to do this, I would suggest putting the points on ranged, as it is much harder to train than magic is.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Accepting tips on Ranged, not my strong suit~~~~~~~~
First: transfer everything over that you will need, such as all the different types of bows, thousands of bronze/iron arrows, if you can, a ranger set and archer ring. Also, a wealth ring if you use a tip suggested later.
**Something to consider** You hit more accurately and for more damage set on accurate, but you fire faster on rapid. Accurate is the speed of a whip, rapid is even faster . It is widely considered faster and more effective training to use rapid however.
At first, you can train ranged the same way as a melee pure, except for the punching bag. Go to the monks, and range them until around 40 ranged.
Quests to do: BIohazard, Roving Elves
Theyre helpful, just get them done.
**Something to consider** Cannons: If you can afford it, its a great way to train, fast exp, no hp exp, just find a good spot to hide while the cannon does the work. Just reload every 25 or so shots so you dont have to restart the cannon, and pick up and re set up the cannon every 300 or so shots so it doesnt decay.
At 40 ranged, I would train using Lathas training ground until around 60 (Biohazard required) Most people train using bronze/iron arrows, I found it to be too slow though, and used addy.
At 60 ranged I found it most profitable to range blue dragons. You make quite a profit doing this. At 70 ranged you can get very fast experience ranging blues and selling the hides using a crystal bow. The hides and bones will pay for the c bow and then some, once you get it to 180k per bow.
--a little trick-- When ranging blues, bring some wind strikes. You can attack them faster, and therefore get the kill as opposed to rangers trying to take the kills. Figure it out.
Instead of blue dragons, you could also do PC, but its a little more difficult with ranged. Its hard to pick up arrows, so it could get expensive. An alternative is to train melee as well, use melee at PC and put the points in ranged.
**Something to consider**
If you have determination (Serious determination) You can train your pures slayer to 65, and range dust devils. They is rarely anyone else there, plenty of safe spots, they have low defence, they arent naturally aggressive, and they can drop a dragon chainmail. (wealth ftw) Dont forget a face mask during this, or you will die rather quickly...
From 70-99, I would suggest blues, PC with melee, or dusties, my personal favorite being blues, but thats because I have 70+ agility, and Im a skill whore who loves crafting those hides.
Prayer is your own issue, many range pures dont even bother with prayer, your choice.
Well, thats all for my guide, I know it looks like theres a lot more for melee than for mage/range, but I hope it could be agreed that melee pures have quite a bit more complexity..
Accepting positive criticism.
Rate and post please. Dont be a bitch and read my guide and not even bother to post.
*prays for sticky* Im trying to become well known for good quality FREE guides
If you want to post my guide elsewhere, ask my permission first, and give me credit for it. Failure to do so will result in me bitch slapping you and molesting you and you asshole.
Also, If you rate below a 9/10, please post a reason why so I can edit it in if i feel it neccessary.
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