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Sunday, March 15, 2009

Making Money in RuneScape as a Member player

Aviansies method

  1. Get 70 ranged & 60 strength/agility/

  2. Go to God Wars Dungeon and take a mith grapple and crossbow with mithril bolts/

  3. Make sure you are wearing an Armadyl armor piece. The pendant from the guardians in Temple of Ikov is the cheapest.

  4. Bring 100 Bones to Peaches tablets, Excalibur, 100 nature runes, 500 fire runes, and the aforementioned mith grapple (Wield Ava's accumulator!)

  5. Go into Armadyl's Eyrie, and find any aviansie and kill it.

  6. Take the bones and any good loot. The bones will eventually replace your food slots, this is when you use one of the tablets to get peaches. This allows you to stay for long periods of time.

  7. The best loot from these is 4 noted adamantite bars in one drop. These can sell for up to 3k each! After a couple of hours you can pay off all your equipment and then some.

    • Note: This is not the fastest way to make money in the game, but it does add some excitement to the moneymaking.

Barrows Method

  1. Get to level 85 or above.

  2. Read up on the Brothers:

    • Melee Brothers:

      • Dharok the Wretched

      • Verac the Defiled

      • Torag the Corrupted

      • Guthan the Infested

    • Magic:

      • Ahrim the Blighted

    • Ranged:

      • Karil the Tainted

  3. Stock up on lobster, shark, pray potions, runes, and use lots of armour!

  4. Bring teleports for faster travel to the Barrows area, which is tucked away near Port Phasmatys, in Morytania.

  5. Find the barrows: follow a player or use a map.

  6. Go into one of the barrow mounds. You will fight some stuff and eventually come to a treasure chest guarded by one of the Brothers.

  7. Kill the brother!

  8. Loot the treasure chest. You will find some stuff worth a bit, and if you are lucky you will find Barrows armor. Barrows armor is armor that resembles that of the Brothers. There are 6 sets of Barrows armor, one set for each. You will not always get armor pieces but after many runs you will have a full set!

  9. Sell the set for a few million (or individual pieces for a few hundred K). Alternatively, you could KEEP the set, show it off to your friends, and use the great armor to kill other money-making creatures.

Blue Dragon Scale method

  1. Get the following:

    • dusty key

    • 50+ combat

    • anti-dragon shield

    • (Optional) Lvl 25 Magic and Varrock Teleport Runes

  2. Head to Falador's west bank and equip your armor and anti-dragonfire shield. Take the dusty key and teleport runes/tab in your inventory.

  3. Climb over the broken wall west of the bank.

  4. Continue north-west until the dungeon symbol (!) appears on your minimap. Climb down the ladder.

  5. Continue down the hall. Stop at the gate with two suits of armor next to it, and a "Cauldron of Thunder", and enter.

  6. Go through the southern Gate. Keep heading east until you reach a two-way junction at the end of path. Don't go into the room of giant bats.

  7. Head south from this junction until you reach a room of magic axes. From there, continue south from the room until you reach a junction. Head west (If you see hill giants, you've gone the wrong way).

  8. Continue along the path until you reach the lesser demons. Use your Dusty Key on the only gate in the area.

  9. Pick up blue dragon scales. You will now see baby blue dragons and blue dragons. You don't need to fight them; your job is to get the scales that other players have left on the ground.

  10. Fill your inventory and teleport back to Falador. Bank the scales.

  11. Repeat this process until you have 1,000 dragon scales. Grind the 1,000 dragon scales into dust.

  12. Sell the dragon scale dust in the Grand Exchange. There's a lot of demand for them so you should be able to sell at a high price.

    • Notes: Not recommended for anyone who feels uncomfortable running around the dragons. If you're really worried, consider taking an anti-fire potion to render the dragon's fire attacks harmless. Take a break and try something else once in a while.

Bolts of cloth

  1. Take 20k and go to the sawmill.

  2. Buy a full inventory of bolts of cloth.

  3. Bank or sell to Grand Exchange for maximum price.

  4. You should make 5k per inventory.

Chocolate Dust Method

  1. Buy chocolate bars at the Grand Exchange.

  2. Use a knife on them to turn them into chocolate dust. The dust sells for more than the bars cost. Beware, however, that you may occasionally cut yourself with the knife and lose a few hitpoints. The protect against melee prayer is ineffective against this.

  3. The only way to prevent this is by using a pestle and mortar.

Combat Method: Fire Giants

  1. Get to level 65 Combat with appropriate armor and weapons.

  2. Get Fearless of Chaos Tunnels.

  3. Get some Teleport Runes (In case of Portal Backfire. Read below.)

  4. Head to Edgeville with the supplies.

  5. Head North of Edgeville, to the mage named Zamorak (Monk of Saradomin). Beyond him, you should find a red (!) mark. Climb the rope down. You'll immediately find an immense number of Giant Rock Crabs.

  6. Head towards the North-West Portal. You should find yourself in a room of Fire Giants.

  7. Head towards the westward end of the room, so you can pick them off one by one rather than 2 at a time.

  8. Then, start slaying any you see.

    • Note: If the portal takes you to another room (which uncommonly happens), you'll have to teleport out and start again...that is unless you can find your way back to that specific room. Don't worry, it's not a bug. It's just part of how the Chaos Tunnels work.

  9. Teleport out (once you have all your loot), or simply take the way out the way you came.

  10. Sell whatever loot you want and be happy with your cash.

  11. You usually get about 200k-300k for every trip.

Canfis Method: Meat

  1. Go to Canfis (do Preist in Peril)

  2. Buy raw meat or chicken from the meat store

  3. Bank

  4. Repeat until you have 1-10k meat/chicken

  5. Sell in Grand Exchange for about 68 each


Wear light clothing to keep you're run energy up

Combat Method: Wolf Bones

  1. Get a high enough combat to kill Level 26 to 78 wolves, as well as decent armor and weapons.

  2. Head to Barbarian Village.

  3. In the center, you shall find a hole.

  4. Go down.

  5. Go north, then go west at the first place you can.

  6. Kill the wolves until you have a full inventory of Wolf Bones. You may also kill wolves on white wolf mountain, and bank in Catherby.

  7. Bank in Edgeville.

  8. Repeat until you have enough.

  9. Sell on the Grand Exchange for about 430gp.

Dragons Bones(Rangers only)

  1. Get the following:

    • Any kind of axe.

    • At least 2000 Gold.

    • Must know the Brimhaven Dungeon.

    • 70+ ranged

    • Black dragonhide, spined boots, Archer ring, Archer helm.

    • Wealth ring.

    • Rune crossbow.

    • Broad bolts. They are just as good as adamantite bolts.

    • Anti Dragon Shield.

    • Bring at least 12 antifire potions.(if you wear an Antifire shield you will get 100% fire protection)

    • Either a charged Amulet of Glory, or some sort of teleportation tablet(Ardougne teleport suggested).

  2. Head to Tzhaar and make sure you have the above.

  3. Make your way to Brimhaven dungeon entrance, give the guy 875 G.P and enter the dungeon.

  4. Once you make your way to fire giants, go to the last vine.

  5. Switch run on, and run past Black Demons. The North chamber leads to Red dragons, East chamber leads to Bronze dragons, and South chamber leads to Iron/Steel dragons(recommended).

  6. If you go to the Iron/Steel chamber, drink your antifire potion. There are sure to be a lot of people there, so go to the East part of the chamber. There are usually any people in the iron dragons there. If you are looking for Steel dragons, head to the middle. Kill one, and pick up dragon bones.

  7. If you go to the Bronze dragon chamber, make sure you have drunk a dose of antifire potion. Kill a dragon, and pick up the dragon bones.

  8. Teleport out of the brimhaven dungeon and bank.

  9. Repeat the process. Each trip you could possibly make 30K+. It depends on how many dragon bones you get. If you collect 20, then that is 40K+. If you get the rare draconic visage drop, then teleport out of there, head to the Grand Exchange, and sell it.

Equa Leaves

  1. Go to the Tree Gnome Stronghold and buy a large number of equa leaves for 2gp each.

  2. Go to the Grand Exchange and sell for about 50 each.

    • Note: this way might not always work but it often does because people are too lazy to go to the Tree Gnome Stronghold just to get equa leaves.

    • If you buy 500 equa leaves for 2 gp each and sell in the Grand Exchange for about 50 each, that's 23k profit!

Gnome Deliveries

  1. Compete Tree gnome village and the grand tree, and bring at least 150 gp and running restoration items.

  2. If you didn't learn gnome cooking from Gianne Sr, do so.

  3. Then get hard deliveries from Aluft Jr.

  4. Deliver them and you'll get great rewards such as half key, gems, gnome scarf (approx 600k), gnome goggles (30 k), seeds, herbs (snapdragon or three toadflax) and more.

Fishing: Lobsters Method 2

  1. Get the following:

    • lobster pot

    • optional:68 fishing to get in the fishing guild,or 76 fishing to fish sharks.

  2. Head East of the Bank until you find fishing spots. Start fishing until you have a full inventory. When you're done simply bank and repeat.


  • You can always fish at the fishing guild, which is West of Seers Village and North of East Ardougne. It's similar to Catherby fishing, but its less of a walk. Requires 68 Fishing to get in.

  • You can substitute fishing lobster with sharks if you have the level (requires 76 fishing).

Fishing: Monkfish Method

  1. Get the following:

    • Small Net

    • Optional: 85 Fishing for best results

  2. Complete "Swan Song" quest.

  3. Head to the Piscatoris Fishing Colony.

  4. Start fishing for Monkfish. Bank whenever you have full inventory. Repeat until desired amount reached. Do not cook them unless you want to gain cooking xp and lose money.

  5. Sell the Monkfish in the GE or to players on the forums since you can get up to 460gp on each monkfish, and they are sometimes easier to catch than lobsters at a high level, this is one of the best ways you can make money of of fishing in the entire GAME.

Flax/Bowstring Method

  1. Understand that this is method is good for spending a large amount of time in RuneScape. It's also a great way to level up your crafting level-which can be used at high levels to make even more money!

  2. Get the following 10+ in Crafting skill to spin bowstrings

  3. Go to Seers Village bank, and store your Backpack's contents there. Head south from the Bank, to the flax field.

  4. Pick an inventory of 28 flax.

  5. Go to the top floor of the building to the northwest of the field (just North of Church property) to spin the flax into bowstrings if you have 10 crafting level.

  6. Put the bowstrings in your bank in Seers Village.

  7. Repeat the process until you have a substantial amount of bowstrings.

    • Alternate method: Buy 2k of flax on the grand exchange, go to Lumbridge and spin it all then resell on the G.E for profit.


  • If you don't have level 10 crafting, you can do the following quests which reward crafting experience (m = members only):

    • Sheep Shearer

    • Goblin Diplomacy

    • Dwarf Cannon (m)

    • Murder Mystery (m)

    • Elemental Workshop (m)

  • Pick the flax and spin at the same time. It is a lot easier than going back and forth to and from the bank to the spinning wheel.

  • It takes about 45 minutes - 1 Hour to pick 1k flax if you do nothing but pick flax and the connection of your internet is not flaky.


  1. First of all get 60 woodcut and cut yews west of catherby.

  2. then go to grand exchange.

  3. Fletch then into yew longs (70 fletch needed) and then pick flax and spin them into bow strings.

    • Then they sell for a lot of money.

Goat horn method

  1. Go to Nardah and kill goats (level 21) west of the bank. Goats drop horns 100% of the time.

  2. Bank these or use a pestle and mortar on them to turn them into horn dust.

  3. Sell horn dust on the grand exchange for around 800gp each.

  4. Optional: Turn them into goat horn dust to sell for 900gp (774gp The G.E. is dropping the price)

    • There is a Bank right near the Goats, really only about 15 steps*

H.A.M. Caves Method

  1. Get the following:

    • 17 in Mining

    • 23 Agility

    • 23 Thieving

    • Ability to kill level 50s with help from an NPC.

    • Beat The Lost Tribe and Death to the Dorgeshuun quests

  2. Go into the H.A.M. caves and pick the lock the trapdoor INSIDE the cave (it will be invisible if you haven't beaten the quest). You should find some H.A.M. guards. #Pickpocket the guards and obtain the keys. It's possible to obtain a clue scroll (lvl 1) while doing this.

  3. Open the Chest with the corresponding key. The bronze key you will have to go through a crevice in the south-west of the room, the silver you have to pick-lock the door in the north-west corner of the room, the iron is in the the north-east corner with the locked door, and the Steel is in the south-east or in the big northern room with chests. The chests give jewelry or coins.

  4. Sell to grum in Port Sarim once your inventory is full. The jewelry is gold-diamond and each run will give you about 15k-20k.

Herb Method

  1. Go to Taverly Dungeon and go to the chaos druids(They are level 13).

  2. Kill them until you have a full inventory of herbs. Get herbs ranarr or higher.

  3. Sell your herbs at the Grand Exchange or save them for another time.

  4. Repeat the process. Bring teleport runes so you don't waste time walking back and forth.

    • Tips: I recommend being level 25+ to make the killing faster. If the world is too crowded change worlds.

Honest Way 1

  1. Get the following:

    • 60+ level

    • Appropriate armor (bronze or higher is best)

  2. Head down to the stronghold of security.

  3. Go to the second level.

  4. Find a room with flesh crawlers but few people.

  5. Begin to kill the flesh crawlers. After awhile, you'll notice that they are dropping tons of herbs, runes, ores and such. Pick up ALL iron ore, ALL fire runes, ALL nature runes and only the ranarrs, kwuarm, and all the other high ones. After you have over 2000 fires runes and 75 nature runes, you should have a full inventory of herbs.

  6. Sell all these things in the Grand Exchange! You should now have at least 34.3k. You can have more then 2000 fires and 75 natures you may also pickup a few dust runes on the way, there just estimating when you will have a full inventory.

  7. Using the Ring of Wealth also helps. It increases the chance of rare drops like ranarrs!


  • If it is too crowded, change worlds.

  • When there is a lot of people ask them what ones are the best.

  • There is a cabbage garden nearby so visit it if you need quick, free food.

  • A best weapon is a scimitar, because it has a good mix of power and speed.

  • Cut yew: 60 woodcutting level 300k experience for 60 woodcutting.

  • Also try cow hides as they sell for 100gp each at the Grand Exchange.


  • The hobgoblins are level 28-42 so if you aren't ready to fight them yet, bring food. You will also gain combat levels.

  • All monsters attack until you are twice their level +1. It is safe at level 57.

Jungle Spiders

  1. Get 60+ in Combat before doing this. They are level 44.

  2. Go to Yanille either walking from Ardougne or going to Port Sarim paying from 1k to 2k to Port Kharzard and walking. Or you can go to Karamja from Port Sarim, go over the volcano to the members area and catch another ride north of the town to Ardougne

  3. Yanille


    Go to the small island east of Yanille.

  4. Kill a lot of them until you get at least 100 or so. The 100% drop is a Spider Carcass.

  5. Go to the Grand Exchange and sell them for 650-700(today its 894gp) each. Based on your combat level, this will earn you about 70k in about 30 minutes for combat levels 70+!

Magic Tree Cutting

  1. You need the following:

    • 75 wc (Faster at 80+)

    • Rune or Dragon woodcutting axe

  2. Go to the Sorcery tower and cut magic trees. There are 4 magic trees in front of the Sorcery Tower and 3 directly northwest of it. Magic tree logs give 250exp each.

  3. When your backpack is full, deposit your logs at the Seers Village, Ardougne, or Catherby bank.

  4. Repeat.

  5. Try to get 500 or 600 logs a day. In a week you will have over 4mil!

  6. Sell at the Grand Exchange.

    • you can also cut them behind the duel arena outside of the mage arena, bank in duel arena or in the gnome stronghold.

Mining Method: Coal 3

  1. Go to Ardougne with the best Pick axe you have.

    • There's a mine to the east of the city gate, it is normally empty and has lots of coal rocks.

  2. Fill up your inventory there, there should be no competition so you should get them quite fast.

  3. Bank them in Ardougne east bank, this is only about 25 seconds walk away. If your making cannonballs there is a furnace close to Ardougne west bank. There are also iron ore spots there so you can make steel easily from that city.

Mining Method: Pure Essence

  1. Requirements- 30 mining

  2. Go to varrock and enter the essence mines

  3. Mine Pure Essence untill u have full inventory

  4. Leave the mines and bank them at the Varrock east bank above you

  5. Repeat this utill you have the desired amount of pure essence

  6. Sell at GE for about 150ea

  7. Every 100 pure essence should be about 15k

Mining Method: Coal 4

  1. Get the following:

    • 50+ Combat (recommended so the giant bats don't attack you)

    • 20+ Agility

    • Pick axe

    • Decent armor that doesn't weigh you down.

  2. Go to the seers village bank.

  3. Go north-west until you reach a building with coal trucks.

  4. Follow the coal tracks until you reach a river.

  5. Go south and you'll see a log that you can cross.

  6. Walk across and you are now in the mining area.

  7. Mine coal until you have a full inventory.

  8. Click on a coal truck and deposit the coal there. You can fit 120 coal in at a time.

  9. Fill your inventory once the truck is full.

  10. Go back to the bank and deposit the coal.

  11. Go to a building slightly north-west of the bank with a mining symbol on it. There is a truck in there that holds your coal.

  12. Get your coal out of the truck and transfer it all into the bank. This is the fastest way to mine coal.

Mining Method: Gold 3

  1. Get the following:

    • 40+ in Mining

    • Best pick axe you can use

  2. Go to Karamja.

  3. Go to the volcano.

  4. Climb down the volcano.

  5. Enter the cave. In the cave there are various shops and a crafting mine south of a bank.

  6. Head east of the entrance to get to the mine.

  7. Get as much gold as possible, but don't sell there (they don't use gold pieces).

  8. Sell in the Grand Exchange at market price. Gold should sell fast and at about 430gp per ore.

Mining Method: Gold 4

  1. Get the following:

    • 40+ in Mining

    • Best pick axe you can use

    • A bit of cash

    • Completed Shilo Village quest

  2. Go to Brimhaven

  3. travel to the northwest to a ring of gold rocks

  4. Mine the rocks and pick up the ore that spawns there too

  5. Go to Brimhaven near the docks, and right click and select pay cart(dont talk to the guy near it or he will charge u a bit more)

  6. Travel east and go to the bank in Shilo village

  7. Go back to the cart and travel back to Brimhaven and mine.

  8. Repeat until you have a desirable amount of ore, and go to the grand exchange and sell

Mining Method: Iron Ore 1

  1. Equip the Ring of Forging (which can be used for 140 times before it melts)

  2. Buy lots of Iron Ore at the Grand Exchange for about 95gp

  3. Go to Falador or any place where a bank is near a furnace then sell the Iron Bars for 200gp at the Grand Exchange

  4. Repeat the process.

Mining Method: Iron Ore 2

  1. Get the following:

    • 41+ in Mining

    • Rune Pick axe

    • 8 Ring of Dueling(8)

    • 20 Combat

  2. Use your ring to teleport to Al Kharid Duel Arena. From there, head out the gate and walk/run North until you reach a mining pit.

  3. Enter the pit and head all the way to the northern part of the mines. You should see 3 iron ore rocks. Start mining until you get a full inventory.

  4. Use your Ring of Dueling and teleport to Castle Wars. Bank and repeat steps 1-3 until desired amount reached.

  5. Sell your iron ore in the Grand Exchange or to a player.

Mining Method: Coal 3

  1. Go to Ardougne with the best Pick axe you have.

  2. There's a mine to the east of the city gate, it is normally empty and has lots of coal rocks.

  3. Fill up your inventory there, there should be no competition so you should get them quite fast.

  4. Bank them in Ardougne east bank, this is only about 25 seconds walk away. If your making cannonballs there is a furnace close to Ardougne west bank. There are also iron ore spots there so you can make steel easily from that city.

Rune-Running Method: Law

  1. Get the Runecrafting skill. This method will earn you money and a lot of experience.

  2. Get pure rune essence.

  3. Go to Falador's east bank.

  4. Remove all of your armor and weapons, then put them in the bank.

  5. Withdraw 27 pure essence. (MAKE SURE IT'S PURE)

  6. Go to the monks in Port Sarim and take the boat to Entrana. It's free but you're not allowed to take weapons or armor. While there, world hop to 66; it's the Law running world.

  7. Trade people who are saying "open".

  8. Put up your 27 pure essence. They SHOULD put up 27 noted pure essence and 27 law runes. Although often it is just 12 to 17. If they don't, just decline and trade someone else.

  9. Accept, and leave Entrana.

  10. Walk to Draynor or Falador Bank, from Port Sarim. You can also visit the Void Knights Outpost bank, which can be quicker.

  11. Un-note the essence and deposit the law runes.

  12. Repeat this process until you have the desired amount of law runes, then sell them at Draynor Bank; Void Knights Outpost doesn't really sell.

  13. Sell them. When you do, they sell for around 300-350gp each. Get about 5000 law runes and sell them in bulk, you get more cash! You can make 1,400,000gp (that's about 1.4mil!)

    • but another way is...

  14. get the Lumbridge/Draynor achievement diary finished to use cabbage-port

  15. get as many pure ess as you want (make it easy make it a multiple of 25).

  16. buy as many Falador teleports as you need to make the amount of trips you will need

  17. get your law tiara/tally, fally teleports and explorors ring 3, and 25 pure ess

  18. go to etrania and make your laws

    • don't forget any weapons or armour

  19. telly to Falador and bank

  20. cabbage-port to the cabbage field above port sarim

    • rinse and repeat


  • There are other worlds than just world 66. If they're stuck with the trade limit, try another Law running world if it's empty.

  • There is a solution to this in many ways: Complete the Troll Stronghold quest to obtain a Law Talisman and the ability to craft Law Runes. Obtain the desired amount of essence you want, head to Entrana any way you choose (with talisman in inventory if not equipped a Law Tiara) and enter the Altar. Request Assistance from anyone inside if your own RuneCrafting level is not high enough. Rinse and Repeat.

  • Another way is to use the Zamorak Mage after completing the Mini-Quest (about 10 mins.) He will grant you access to the Abyssal Space, a dangerous place that give you access to every available rune Altar in RuneScape (except Soul, use the ZMI altar for that). More info on this will be released.

    • Note: This won't work anymore because of the limits RuneScape has imposed on trade.

Smithing Method[1]

  1. Finish the easy level of the Varrock diary to be able to use the Edgeville furnace.

  2. Save up 300k in RuneScape GP and invest it in 20 rings of forging and 3k Iron ores. (Alt. method; smelt and enchant rings and mine ores. This is time consuming.)

  3. Smelt most of the 3,000 ores to bars using up the rings. With the ring you get 100% success.

  4. Go to west Varrock and smith the bars into iron arrow tips. You get 15 tips per bar.

  5. Go to the Grand Exchange and sell the arrow tips. They sell within a day normally.

  6. Add up your profit. You should get between 65-80 gold profit per bar.


  • Let your character automatically smelt or smith. You can do two things online at once.


  • Mining and enchanting takes time, but level up mining and magic.

  • Smithing iron can be a bit time consuming.

  • If your character stops, look for the melted ring or random event. Character will log out within a few seconds of last action often.

Summer's End Quest

  • Requirements:

    • You need a lot of players on your team.

    • You must have completed Summer's End quest to fight the Corporeal Beast!

    • Level 23 Summoning

    • 23 Woodcutting

    • 35 Hunter

    • 45 Mining

    • 47 Firemaking

    • 55 Prayer

  1. Must be finished with Spirit of Summer and Ability to avoid a Level 752 Spirit Beast. It hits hard and it has 2000hp! That's why you need a team to kill it.

  2. When you're in the Beast's Lair. kill it with your team. It drops very rare stuff that you can sell at the Grand Exchange!



    • Where Found: North of the Ruins in the Wilderness

    • Drops: Coins (37743), Gold charm (13), Crimson charm (13), Blue charm (13), Green charm (13), noted Pure essence, Uncut gems, Bracelet of regeneration, Onyx bolts (e) (175), Cannonball (2000), Pure essence (2500), noted Green dragonhide (100), Anti-poison++ (40), noted Desert goat horn (120), Tuna potato (30), Cosmic rune (500), Death rune (300), Law rune (250), Watermelon seed (24), Half of a key, Soul rune (250), Magic log (75), Mahogany log (150), Blue mystic robe top, Blue mystic robe bottom, Mystic air staff, Mystic earth staff, Mystic water staff, noted Raw shark (70), Ranarr seed (10), Whiteberries (120), Adamant arrows (750), Nature talisman, noted Teak plank (100), noted Adamant bar (35), Runite bolts (250), noted Adamantite ore (125), noted Runite ore (20)

    • Top Drops: Elysian sigil, Divine sigil, Arcane sigil, Blessed sigil, Spectral sigil, Holy elixir, Spirit shield.

  • How To Kill?

    • The Beast is weak against Stab attacks and will sometimes spawn the Dark Core where it is. It is best to use range as its magic attacks do no more than 15-25, and it's melee doing as much as 51 damage. It's always best to be in a big group of 10+ highly skilled warriors.

Seaweed picking

  1. make 200 gp each with seaweed you pickup.

  2. all you need is no equipment.. and have started at the

the fremmenik trails and have not done any of the things you have to do..!

  1. Go to the rock crabs and pick up all the seaweed.

  2. then go to the man that says you are not going to wear something.

  3. then make him empty your inventory..

  4. Then put it all in the bank.

Steel Method

  1. Start out with enough money to buy lots of coal and iron ore.

  2. Complete the Quest called "Ghost Ahoy".

  3. Go to the Grand Exchange and buy as much iron and coal ores you can afford.

  4. Equip a Ghost Speak Amulet and Use your Ectophial to reach Port Phantomy-thing. (Don't forget to refill the EctoPhial!)

  5. Go all the way south-east till you find the bank.

  6. Get out 9 iron bars and the rest with coal ore.

  7. Go to the smelting furnace and smelt the Ores into steel bars. When you are done making the bars sell them at G/E for any price because people will buy it.

    • Remember that the ratio is 1 Iron ore : 2 Coal ores.

    • It will take some time but be patient.

    • Start by small amounts so you can see the progress.

Tar Method

  1. Teleport to Lumbridge.

  2. Head south to Lumbridge swamp.

  3. Get 100 swamp tar items.

  4. Sell at the Grand Exchange for about 18.8k

(Swamp Tar can be stackable so don't worry about banking)

Better Tar Method

same idea as above, but faster:

(must be members with slayer level to kill cave slimes)

  1. equip a spiny helmet

  2. go into lumbridge slayer dungeon

  3. kill cave slimes and pick up swamp tar

  4. They drop 1-10 tar per kill, so it's much faster

  5. beware--cave slimes do minimal damage with poison, but it adds up, also, bring a lantern (must be a lantern or swamp gases will explode)

Thieving Method

Requirements: Thieving skill lvl 15

  1. Go to Ardougne.

  2. Empty your inventory in bank.

  3. Steal from cake stall.

  4. Steal until inventory is full.

  5. Repeat steps 2-4 until you have 100.

  6. Go to Grand Exchange in Varrock (or general store).

  7. Sell merchandise.

    • Amount of money can vary

  8. Repeat if desired for more money.

    • Note 1: At first, he says you can make about 72k w/ 100 cakes. I'm assuming this happened before G.E? As you know, the average price for each item can vary in RuneScape, with all the commotion of rising and falling prices.

    • Note 2:In order to do this method, you MUST be a member. It is a member skill.

Tzhaar Method: Melee

  1. Get the following:

    • 85+ Combat (90 recommended)

    • Food in bank. The amount and type depends on the time you wish to spend there (more for longer trips)

    • Good armor and weapons.

  2. Go to Ardougne or Port Sarim and take the boat to Karamja.

  3. Enter the volcano and into the cave that leads to the Tzhaar City.

  4. Attack the Monsters inside, be aware of your health as they are quite strong. You also leave with full HP and prayer; this is useful but time consuming. A Ring of wealth is advised as it makes those drops more rare.

  5. Know the Monsters in the City and what they are famous for dropping:

    • TzHaar-Hur (Lvl 74)

      • Tokkul (Small amounts)

      • All Uncut Gems

    • TzHaar-Mej (Lvl 103)

      • Tokkul (Small amounts)

      • All Uncut Gems

      • Obsidian Cape

      • Obsidian Staff

    • TzHaar-Xil (Lvl 133)

      • Tokkul

      • Obsidian Cape

      • Obsidian Knives

      • Obsidian Sword

      • Obsidian Throwing Rings

    • TzHaar-Ket (Lvl 149)

      • Tokkul

      • Obsidian Maul

      • Obsidian Cape

      • Obsidian Sword

      • Obsidian Sheild

Tzhaar Method: Range

  1. Get your range level to 40+.

  2. Use an amulet of glory to teleport there or take the boat to Karamja.

  3. Go to the volcano, marked with a (!) on your map.

  4. Enter through the cave to your right.

  5. Equip your bow and range armour.

  6. Find sulphur vents to hide behind, while ranging monsters. Try to get the level 133 and 149 monsters - do not try the level 74s. They drop Tokkul.

  7. Trade them for expensive items!

Unicorn Horn Method 1

  1. Go to a non busy server.

  2. Kill unicorns in Camelot or Unicorns in the Wildy.


  • Although collecting them is easy, it's very time consuming-so it's not a very good money maker.

  • If you are doing the Wildy method, watch out for Revenants. They can kill you easily with their freezing darts.

  • It's best if you recharge your prayer before going into the Wilderness.

Unicorn Horn Method 2

  1. Complete the Tower of Life quest.

  2. Buy roughly 200 cowhides. They are fairly cheap, approximately 100 coins.

  3. Acquire an inventory/bank of at least 14 cowhides and 1 unicorn horn.

  4. Visit the Tower of Life.

    1. Teleport to castle wars with a dueling ring.

    2. Run east to Yanille, and the north of the town once you've passed through it (east to west).

    3. Continue North, and there will be a bank nearby in west Ardy.

    4. Enter the Tower of Life.

    5. Go into the basement and head towards the North East corner of the large basement area.

  5. Use "cowhide" and one "unicorn horn" with the fountain-like structure labeled "Symbol of Life".

  6. Right click on symbol of life, and select "Activate" with the help of Homunculus. A level 25 "unicow" will be created.

  7. Kill the "unicow", and a total of 2-4 unicorn horns will be dropped.

  8. Repeat the process until you have used up all of your cowhides (cow hides wont be replaced when the "unicow" dies).

  9. Take your full (or nearly full) inventory of unicorn horns to the bank. To do this, hug the coast and run north into east Ardy.

  10. Sell each horn for approximately 850 in the Grand Exchange.

Unicorn Horn Method 2

  1. Buy around 10 or how ever game necklaces many it depends on how much money u want to make.

  2. Teleport to bounty hunter and go south-west and kill the black unicorns.

  3. Then when you do a load walk back or teleport back to bounty hunter.

  4. Use a pestle and mortar on them.

  5. Sell them at the Grand Exchange.

Yew Longbow Method 1

  1. Get the following:

    • 70+ in Fletching

    • 60+ in Woodcutting

    • 10+ in your Crafting level

  2. Cut yew trees and get the yew logs.

  3. Fletch the yew logs into unstrung longbows.

  4. Pick some flax in the flax fields in Seers Village.

  5. Spin the flax on a spinning wheel.

  6. Repeat the process until you get a couple thousand strung yew longbows.

  7. Sell them for about 600-620gp each.


  • Get your magic level to 55, then cast high alchemy on all of your longbows. It will get your magic level up as well.

Zogre Flesh Eaters Method

  1. Get the following:

    • Completion (or started) Zogre Flesh Eaters

    • 50 range recommended

    • At least 250 mithril brutal arrows

    • 1 relicym's balm (3/4)

    • food for lower levels

    • Ogre comp bow

  2. Go into the zogre tomb, before the stairs go down the gap between the ogre coffin and wall and range the zogres/skogres collect the keys and bury the bones

  3. Open the coffins with the keys.

For Profit Only (Hard)

  • Okay, if you do this right, you can easily make 1m or more in a week.

  • REQS: Kingdom of Misc/Royal Trouble

  • High-ish CB Level [preferably 80+] ; if not AT LEAST 65 WC, preferably. 70+ 32+ Farming.

  1. Go to your kingdom, and deposit roughly 500k [or as much as you can] into the coffers.

  2. Come back everyday, and chop a few logs to keep your rating at 100%. You should get back MINIMUM of 700k probably more from this. For ultimate money, put ALL your villagers on flax, and the rest on coal.

  3. After you do that, buy a good amount of SUPERCOMPOST & RANNAR SEEDS.

  4. Now, go to the catherby farming area, plant your rannar seed using super compost.

  5. Go to the farming area SE of Fally, and plant your rannar seed again using super compost. Now, you can wait for them to grow. And while you're doing that, for the high cb levels; either barrow, or kill Green Dragons. [Fastest $ is the dragons.] You get about 3k-6k per dragon, roughly.

  6. Now, after a few inventories, go check on your herbs. And as for the kingdom, you only have to check once a day!

Spinning flax

Requirements: - 10 crafting - 500k (less works but you get double what you paid for the flax) - Time

1. Buy the most flax you can with your money. 2. Go at lumbridge castle and spin all the flax. The wheel is on the second level and the bank is on the top. 3. Sell your bow strings for double of what you paid.


Requirements: - 5 theiving

1. Steal cakes from Bakers stalls and sell for 20 coins. the more you steal the better. This is easyer with higher thieving level.

Non Members

Requirments: - 60 or above woodcutting

1.Go to eastern varrock bank and get out your rune axe, run north until you get to the museum with a yew in front. Begin chopping away at that tree until you fill up on logs, bank them and repeat until you have about 100. These sell from anywhere inbetween 430-700 a piece depending on the market. At 444 a piece (The average) you can make about 46k an hour at level 60 woodcutting. By level 70 you can make about 75k an hour on yews alone, at level 99 woodcutting they still cannot be XP cut but they can easily be made lots of money off of at a stunning 180k an hour at 444gp a piece.

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