Whew! Now that you are past that first 100k, wipe off that sweat and relax! You have made it past the hardest part on your quest to becoming a Millionaire! Its all smooth sailing from here on in.
From this section and beyond, we will focus on making quick, smart, and profitable business deals. No more do you have to do manual labor by having to run other people's Rune Essence or walk around collecting feathers! The time for business is now!
To start off, proceed by heading to the Grand Exchange. If you already have 1000 Clay Ores, then go to the next paragraph. Trade the Exchange Clerk and offer to buy 1000 Clay for about 100 GP Ea. You should have some money left over, if not, its okay. Now that you have spent 100K, don't be scared, because once your are done with this method, you will quadruple that first 100K! If you can, try to also purchase 1000 Jugs of Water. If your offer isn't immediately accepted, you have to get the jugs yourself.
1. Trade this guy in order to access the ONLY F2P General Store that sells Jugs with water ALREADY in them!

3. There is a Depositing Bin right across from the Gnome guy General Store. Head over there and deposit all your Jugs of Water.

4. Repeat the process until you have deposited 1000 Jugs of Water! Before you would have to buy regular Jugs from the Fallydor General Store and bank them, then worry about having to fill all of them up with water. With this method, you'll be done in no time.
Now, head over to any bank and withdraw 14 clay and 14 jugs of water in your inventory. Click on one of the Jugs of Water and use them on one of the clay.

A little menu will appear on the chat box area. There you will see a picture of Soft Clay. Right click on it, and select "Make All".

Now, all the clay in your inventory is turning into Soft Clay! Keep doing this until you run out of jugs of water. Then just refill your jugs with water and finish turning all the clay into soft clay. And Viola! You have 1000 Soft Clay!
Guess what? These soft clays can be sold at the grand exchange for about 180 GP EA! And what's more is that members buy them very often, because it is something they use to gain fast EXP for their crafting skills. So you won't have to keep your trade up on the grand exchange for long before you are loaded with GP!
1 comment:
i tried but it did not work can u make another fast way plz from ur buddy jaydogs1
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