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Special Thanks To Neo Avatars, Golden Arm42
Beneath the stagnant swamps of Lumbridge are hidden caverns waiting to be explored. Just before the entrance of the dungeon is a Candle Seller who will sell you candles for 1,000 gp each.
Use a rope with the Dark Hole to enter the caves (note you only need to use a rope with it once). If you wish to navigate the cave you will need a lightsource. The better the lightsource the more light it gives off and the less likely it will ignite the swamp gas. The swamp gas, if ignited, can explode and cause your character a lot of recurring damage which may even kill you.
Sources of Light
Candle: Candles are the worst form of light. They easily ignite the swamp gas and provide little light. You will need level 1 firemaking to light a candle.
Candle Lantern: Candle Lanterns are a step up from the basic candle. They provide a little more light and are less likely to ignite the swamp gas. Candle Lanterns require level 4 firemaking to light.
Oil Lamp: Oil lamps are an average form of the light. They are brighter than Candle Lanterns, but the open flame makes them more vulnerable to the swamp gas. Level 12 firemaking is needed to light this lamp.
Oil Lantern: Oil Lanterns are brighter than Oil Lamps and are less likely to cause an explosion. You will need level 26 firemaking to like these.
Bullseye Lantern: Bullseye Lanterns are the best type available. The light up the entire cave and very rarely, if ever, cause swamp gas explosions. 49 Firemaking is required to light these lanterns.
For more information on making lanterns, please visit our Crafting Guide.
Tears of Guthix
The Tears of Guthix mini-game is the main reason many people visit the Lumbridge Swamp Caves. It can be played once a week and provides experience in your lowest skill. For more information about this mini-game, please see the Tears of Guthix mini-game guide.
Fishing Spots
The cave also has several places to fish with a small net or fishing rod. All bait fish and small net fish can be caught here.

Dorgeshuun Mines

The Dorgeshuun mines are accessible after completing the Lost Tribe Quest . There are nine iron rocks and 12 silver rocks here. You can also sell your ores to Mistag for 13 gp each iron ore and 60 gp each silver ore.

Wall Beasts
Wall Beasts will probably be the first creature you encounter. Wear your Spiny Helmet at all times because without it the Wall Beasts can inflict up to 13 damage on you. You need 35 slayer to kill them.
Cave Bugs
Cave bugs are one of the most abundant critters in the cave. They are weak yet still require 7 slayer to kill.
Cave Slime
These gelatinous blobs of slime are found through out the cavern and require 17 slayer to kill. Remember to bring Antipoison potions if you are going to kill them. Their potent poison can hit up to 8.
Cave Crawlers
Cave crawlers crawl around the cave and only people with 10 slayer can kill them. Like Cave Slime these creatures are also very poisonous, so bring lots of Antipoison.
Rock Slugs
Rock slugs have really hard-shells. You need 20 slayer and some bags of Rock Salt to finish them off.
Big Frogs
Big frogs hop around many parts of the cave. They drop big frog legs, a popular Gnome delicacy.
Giant Frogs
Several Giant frogs make their home in the Lumbridge Swamp Caves. They are level 99 and fairly strong. Occasionally they drop Giant frog legs which can "feed a Gnome family for a week."
Light Creatures
In the deepest and darkest regions of the cave the mysterious light creatures thrive. They can not be killed and will ferry you to the other side of the chasm if you shine a lantern with a sapphire lense at them.
Cave Goblins
The docile Cave Goblins are afraid of outsiders and don't put up much of a fight. They will be more willing to talk to you once you've done the Lost Tribe quest.
Kazgar is found just outside the Lumbridge Castle cellar and will lead you to the Dorgeshuun mines after you have completed the Lost Tribe quest.
Mistag is a friendly, one-armed Cave Goblin. He will buy ores off you, teach you some goblin history, and lead you back to the Lumbridge Castle cellar.
Cave Goblin Guards
The Cave Goblin guards protect the Cave Goblins from outsiders. They are fairly weak and drop bone spears and clubs.
Cave Goblin Miners
Cave Goblin miners mine the iron and silver rocks in the Dorgeshuun mines. They don't like combat and can drop Mining Helmets when killed.
Juna is the guardian of the Tears of Guthix and is the snake that you must talk to to start the Tears of Guthix quest.
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