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==>Runescape Quest Guide List<==
Runescape Quest Start: Begin by talking to Lakki the delivery dwarf who can be found south of Ice Mountain
Runescape Skills: 10 Construction, 10 Farming, 10 Hunter and 11 Thieving
Quests: None!
What You Need: Compost or Supercompost, Watering Can (with water in), 2 Planks of any type, 2 Nails of any type, Hammer, Saw.
Recommended Items: Glory Amulet or Bracelet of Combat
Important Quest Locations & People
Getting Started
Head to Lakki the delivery dwarf who can be found south of Ice Mountain and talk to him.
He will explain that one of the crates he is supposed to be delivering to Drorkar's power station, which is powering Nurmof's pickaxe machine, has gone missing and he may lose his job because of it. You will find the Crate by searching the bushes next to the path to the west of Lakki.
Once you have the Crate, head to Drorkar in the building west of the Dwarven Mine entrance to the north and talk to him. He will explain all about how dragons' stomachs are some of the most efficient heat production systems in the world and when the young are fed coal they will burn it more efficiently than any furnace with a cut-scene to help you obtain a better understanding. Of course this is highly unethical, but the dragons are the property of the Keldagrim Mining Consortium so animal welfare must be ignored when industrial progress can happen. He will give you a letter written in impenetrable dwarven script which you should take to Brother Bordiss who can be found in the garden in the northern part of the Monastery.
Upon attempting to talk to him, you will find out from Brother Althric that he has taken a vow of silence, however upon giving him the letter he will mention Zamorak's fiery hooves and explain that it is a disaster for dwarves and other creatures. Brother Althric will then notice that his roses are dying because it is too hot for them. To fix this you will need to use both some Compost (or Supercompost) and a Watering Can with some water in on the Dying Roses.
The Roses will then grow again, however, as if on queue, a Gnome will parachute in with an urgency to get to the mountain. Brother Althric will give directions and the Gnome will rush off without even saying thanks. Brother Althric will suggest that you speak with him, so head onto Ice Mountain and talk to Professor Arblenap.
He will explain that he is there to collect Baby Icefiends because a Spirit Tree told him that they are at their limit for tolerance of temperature and it is still getting hotter. If he fails to do anything, they will become extinct and since they help keep the world cool it would be a disaster! As all characters you meet during Quests appear to be, he is terrible at doing what he is trying to do - catching the Baby Icefiends. Due to this, he will give you an Icefiend Net and tell you to catch 4 Baby Icefiends which can be found on the mountain.
Once you have all 4 Baby Icefiends, talk to him again and there will be a cut-scene in which the ground shakes. He will leave in a gnome pod, then the screen will become white in what appears to be a bad attempt at trying to show an avalanche happening. Your character will confirm that this actually happened, so head to the north of Ice Mountain and talk to the Oracle.
It will become apparent that the Oracle's tent was severely damaged in the avalanche and is now in a broken heap at the bottom of the mountain (next to where the character in Monk Robes is in the above image). Offer to help and you will find out a brand new synonym for kindness in case you had not managed you work it out on your own.
Head down the mountain and take the tent. Upon doing this, you will notice that to repair it you will need two wooden planks, two nails, a hammer and a saw. With these items, head back to the Oracle and use the Tent on the Remains to build it where it fall from.
Now having a tent to live in, the Oracle will predict a future with no snow, hotter seas, a desert from Varrock to Lumbridge and limited crops that people fight over, eventually making everyone die. Yes, it's another annoying lecture about how global warming is going to come and kill us all, but since this is RuneScape rather than real life, there is one simple problem - Drorkar's power station - and because you are the hero (or heroine), you must go and stop it because the future can still be decided!
Head into the Dwarven Mines and speak to Nurmof who can be found at number 1 on this map. On your way to Nurmof, if you wish to do so, you can take a short detour and pickpocket Drorkar for a key that will be used later in the Quest, although this can be left until later if desired.
Tell Nurmof that the power station needs to be shut down to save the world, however he will complain because it would stop his trade and the only other option would be the lower quality Pickaxes that can be bought from Keldagrim. Although this may be the case, Bordiss mentioned an alternate method of power before he left, so head back to the Monastery and speak to Brother Bordiss and mention the other power source. He will break his vow of silence and explain how he left because the day before the meeting, he drank too much alcohol and the Key to the Chest with his plans in was taken.
Head back to the Dwarven Mine, taking the detour to pickpocket the Key from Drorkar if you decided not to earlier, and make your way towards Drogo's Mining Emporium at number 6 on this map. On the way in is the chest that you should open to find the Plans which are covered in technical drawings and mathematical equations. Use the Plans with Nurmof and you will view a cut-scene in which the eco-friendly plans are shown.
Make your way through the cut-scene in which Drorkar makes a number of statements with no evidence to back himself up and you will complete the Quest!
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3:28 AM
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==>Runescape Quest Guide List<==
Runescape Quest Start: Talk to the Mercenary Adventurer at the Burgh de Rott Ramble start point, east of Paterdomus.
Runescape Skills: Level 20 Construction, Level 29 Agility, Level 31 Slayer, Level 35 Mining, Level 40 Firemaking, Level 47 Crafting, Level 49 Magic.
Quests: Darkness of Hallowvale (Myreque Part 3) .
What You Need: Combat equipment for at least two different combat styles, pyre logs (teak and above).
Recommended Items: DDP++, Meiyerditch Shortcut Key, Pickaxe (to shorten travel time), Ancient Mace, Vyrewatch clothes, Teleportation to Canifis or Ectophial, food
Getting Started
Items needed: None. Bring some combat equipment for at least 2 styles and some food though, so you won't have to bank later.
Talk to the Mercenary Adventurer (and NOT the Adventurer) to start the quest. He wants to get to Burgh de Rott, but has seen something suspicious happening in Paterdomus... A few Saradominists and Zamorakians were seen entering the main Paterdomus temple, and he suggests that Drezel should be warned about this.
Go inside the temple and talk to Drezel.
He'll agree on the fact that it is strange, and he'll tell you that some strange things have happened in the Colombarium below. In fact, some tombs have been broken and weird writings were found.
Head towards the Colombarium (exit from the gate west of Drezel, then go through the stairwell in the northern wall), and look around.
In the northeastern part of the room there is a wall storage that has been broken and something shining can be seen from outside: search the wall storage and see - it's a blood talisman!
You can't seem to be able to open it, though.
Conspiracy! Conspiracy! Conspiracy!
Items needed: Combat equipment (2 styles), food. You DID bring them already...did you?
Optional items: Ancient mace, DDP++
The rest of the Colombarium is uninteresting for now, so get out of it, and head towards the main temple (take the path west of where you get with the stairs). Enter the temple, and go up two flights of stairs.
A cutscene will start, showing you three Zamorakians and three Saradominists discussing what seem to be battle plans.
After a while, though, you are discovered. Four guys teleport away, and two stay behind to fight you.
They are both level 80: one uses Ranged and the other uses Magic and Melee attacks. As easy as one might think they are, they use prayer throughout the fight, and can switch prayers from one to the other, which is why I advised to bring items for two or more combat styles. I personally found that melee and ranged work pretty well, along with ranged armour. They are also vulnerable to poison, which is why it's a good idea to bring a poisoned weapon with you. When you bring one of them close to dying, he'll get knocked out and will be unable to resume the fight. If you have an Ancient Mace from "Another Slice of H.A.M.", you can use it.
When both are almost dead, they'll teleport away.
Search the crude table nearby, and you'll end up with a Zamorakian book page and a glove with Saradomin's symbol on it.
Ramblin', Cruisin'
Items needed: some food and combat equipment for your preferred combat style. You can bank in Canifis.
You'll end up doing a Burgh de Rott Ramble. You can choose either of the three routes: Route One is the easiest, Route Two is intermediate, Route Three is the hardest one. If you fail, you'll have to restart from Paterdomus.
As soon as you successfully arrive in Burgh De Rott, the Mercenary will reveal himself to be Ivan Strom (who you had to escort and save in the quest In Aid Of The Myreque) who came to help the rest of the resistance, despite he was warned not to.
When Ivan leaves, go to the dilapidated inn (there is an Inn symbol, you can't miss it) and down the trapdoor to the Myreque hideout, and talk to Veliaf about all the topics you can, particularly about the Saradominists and the Zamorakians you saw.
He'll give you a crate of supplies, which you'll have to bring to Safalaan, in Meiyerditch's Myreque hideout. If you still have your Shortcut Key, take it - it eases the trip through Meiyerditch by a longshot.
Welcome to Meiyer, ditch
Helpful items: Vyrewatch clothes, Pickaxe, Shortcut Key, 3 air runes and 1 cosmic rune, some good food to maximize free inventory slots. If you bring all of this you won't need to bank anymore until almost the very end.
Navigating through Meiyerditch is hard, since it's a city built in an extremely chaotic way. For instructions on how to get through Meiyerditch to the Myreque hideout, refer to Darkness of Hallowvale (Myreque Part 3). You can use the shortcuts indicated in the map if you have your Shortcut Key - if you don't, you can always pick another up from Safalaan, but you'll have to navigate through Meiyerditch to reach him. If you have a Pickaxe with you, just wait until a Vyrewatch notices you, and you'll be sent to work in the Daeyalt mines, which are in the northernmost part of the city.
As soon as you've gotten in the Myreque hideout trapdoor, talk to Safalaan, in the northern room.
He'll say he's pretty busy and will redirect you to Flaygian Screwte, his researcher. Talk to him (he's in the same room), and he'll explain how his research shows that Vampyres and Vyrewatches alike have a kind of limited "mind reading" ability, so that they can predict your next attack and take countermeasures to avoid taking damage from it.
It seems that silver weapons are a little more unpredictable compared to normal ones and that's why they hurt vampyres (along with the famous repulsion the undead have for silver), but one needs to be a better method in order to be able to hurt vyrewatches, which seem to be immune to all materials.
Now, ask one of the fighters (Andiess Juip or Kael Forshaw) what they think about unpredictable weapons, and, after some thought, their conclusion will be that a flail is indeed an extremely unpredictable weapon which requires mastery in order not only to attack the opponent, but to not hurt oneself! They'll also mention that a recruit was reading a book on weapons as bedtime reading, and you should get information from it.
Search the lockers and the bunk beds in the central room until you find a book on weapons.
Be sure to note down the pages where flails are discussed, because you'll need them soon, and are random for everyone!
In fact, Flaygian asks where to look as soon as you tell him - he looks like a busy man indeed. When you tell him the correct page number, he'll give you a hammer and ten nails to make a makeshift stair, à la Meiyerditch style. You, also, are told to check out the conditions of an old furnace in the northern part of the city.
Disco Inferno
The house is the one circled in red in the map above. The furnace is hidden by a pile of rubble and the door is locked, but the next door house (circled in pink) has a wooden beam you can use to construct the makeshift ladder Flaygian told you about. Use the nails with the wooden post in the center of the house and climb it.
After you've climbed the post, jump to the floorboards on the east, then on the ones north, and look for a damaged wall in the house with the furnace, and jump through.
Climb the ladder up. You should then find a bronze pickaxe, some coal and a tinderbox: if they aren't there, just wait for them to respawn.
Look in the nearby trough: you'll notice a furnace funnel, therefore the furnace has to be there, downstairs!
Climb the ladder down, and then down again. Search the mass of debris, and your character will start picking away the rubble from the furnace.
Once the furnace is free, use the coal with it, and then the tinderbox: the furnace will be operational again! Go back to the hideout and tell Flaygian. If you don't have any tinderboxes in bank, keep it since you'll need one later on.
He'll tell you about Silvthril, which is an alloy of Silver and Mithril, which is said to have particular properties against vampyres, and that a flail is made of a chain and of a heavy object at the tip of the chain: he knows that the chain can be made of Silvthril, but he has no clue about the head of the flail.
Take the mithril and the silver from the barrel (you need just one of each), a blessed silver sickle from the shelves (you'll need it later) and the chain mould from the crate in the southern room, next to the stairs up.
Stroll to the furnace, craft a chain, and report back to Flaygian, who will ask you if you found a suitable headpiece for the flail: show him a blessed silver sickle (if you haven't gotten it before, it's on the shelves near Flaygian), and after some thought, he'll agree on the fact that it can be a great flail head, and he'll take both the sickle and the chain from you.
He also states that, if you managed to stick an emerald on the sickle, the flail's stun charges could be raised to 30.
Talk to Safalaan, and he'll introduce you to his two fighters, Andiess and Kael. He will, then, propose an expedition to the laboratory (see Darkness of Hallowvale), and he'll set off with Andiess and Kael, telling you to follow him. Before doing so, take a saw from the shelves next to Flaygian, go to the laboratory and as soon as you enter it, a cutscene will start.
Indiana Jones ain't got nothing on me
Enter the laboratory, and you'll see that Safalaan, Andiess and Kael are lying unconscious on the floor. Look at them, and they'll jump up scaring you to death. Ha, ha, ha, some jesters they are.
After this little prank, Safalaan will tell you that the doors themselves are very solid, however the terrain around them is very unstable, and digging or breaking the door will probably make everything collapse.
Using the saw you picked up earlier, you can cut off a piece of the doors so that you can pass without compromising the doors' stability (use the saw with the doors).
Safalaan and the others will run forward, and they'll tell you to meet them deeper in the dungeon. Follow the path, and as soon as it opens in two rooms, RUN past the Mutated Bloodvelds (level 146 monsters) and turn left as soon as you are forced to, and then go forward through the path until you come across a big room: enter it.
Safalaan will then instruct you to check out some rocks in the northern part of the room while they will look at other room's features. Look at those rocks...they resemble a Runecrafting ruin, don't they? Wait, they ARE Runecrafting ruins, although you can't enter them since you don't have the talisman.
Be sure to search the corpse next to the ruins, to find 1 law rune, 1 cosmic rune, 4 air runes and 5 fire runes. Keep the cosmic and air runes, as you will need them later on, but feel free to keep or discard the others as you wish.
Report to Safalaan, who will say that he's worried about the mission being in danger... a cutscene will follow: one of the Myreque will be knocked out instantly, while the other will run as he had vyrewatches behind him...well, he does.
You're left with Safalaan to fight off the Vyrewatches, but neither of you can hurt them.
As soon as Safalaan loses enough hitpoints, though, something strange happens to him. A burst of supernatural power bursts from him, blasting the Vyrewatches away.
After that, you walk back to the hideout (you don't have to actually walk back).
How to flail
In the hideout, talk to Safalaan again, and he'll give you four items: a sickle, an emerald, a silvthril chain and a Rod of Ivandis. Use the emerald on the sickle while having a chisel in your inventory (you can pick one up from the shelves), then cast Level-2 Enchant on the sickle, and then use it with the chain.
You'll have made the Flail of Ivandis!
Talk to Safalaan again, and he'll congratulate you on your success: now he has a task for you, test the flail's effectiveness in against a vyrewatch!
Vyrewatches can be found anywhere in Meiyerditch - just stay outside the houses and you'll see one eventually. They can be anywhere from level 110 to level 130, and attack with melee only.
Tip: To find one of the weaker Vyrewatch, head north of the house that you used to jump across to the Myreque hideout. After a few paces you will find a level 110.
You don't need to use any stun special if you don't want to; just pummel the vyrewatch until it dies, and pick up the vyre corpse it will leave behind.
Take the corpse to Safalaan, who will instruct you to report to Veliaf and Drezel.
Woo, arson!
Items needed: Teak pyre logs or better, a tinderbox. Bank in Burgh de Rott or Canifis.
Note that, if you don't have pyre logs, you can buy them on the Grand Exchange (unlikely) or use sacred oil on logs to make them pyre logs. If you need more information about making sacred oil, refer to the Shades of Mort'ton guide.
Stop by Veliaf first, who will listen to your adventures, although with some disbelief, but will ultimately redirect you to Drezel for more detailed instructions on how to deal with the corpse. Hop over to Paterdomus.
Talk to Drezel and exhaust all the speech options: he will acknowledge the existence of a poor, tortured soul in the corpse and asks you to set it free. How? You've learned it when you first set up funeral pyres.
Go into the Colombarium, use the pyre logs with the pyre beds,
then put the vyre corpse on it,
and then light the pyre,
releasing the soul.
It will leave an ornate key on the pedestal, which you can use with the broken locker to retrieve a blood talisman!
Talk to Drezel again, who will appreciate your gesture, and then tell everything to Veliaf, who will then give you the much-deserved rewards.
The Flail
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3:20 AM
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