==>All Runescape Guide List<==
==>Runescape Quest Guide List<==
Runescape Quest Start: Begin by speaking with Ava in Draynor Manor's ground floor.
Runescape Skills: 19 Crafting, 30 Ranged, 18 Slayer, 35 Woodcutting.
Quests: Ernest the Chicken, Priest in Peril, Restless Ghost.
What You Need: Ghostspeak amulet, 20 Ecto-tokens, 5 iron bars, a hammer, two woodcutting axes (a Mithril or better one, and a simple Mithril one), a Holy symbol (strung and blessed), Buttons, 1 hard leather.
Recommended Items: Games Necklace (2+, to teleport to Burthorpe), Glory Amulet (charged, to teleport to Draynor and Al Kharid), Ectophial.
Recommended Quests: Ghosts Ahoy!
Recommended Skills: 51 smithing to smith the Mithril Axe yourself; 20 Thieving to pickpocket HAM members.
Getting Started
Items Needed: Ghostspeak Amulet, Ecto-tokens

To start the quest, talk to Ava in Draynor Manor's ground floor. To get into the room, search the bookcase on the wall. She looks like she doesn't enjoy the place she lives in, and she would like a better interior, namely, a more comfortable bed.

Tell her you will be happy to make her home a better place.

She will tell you she needs help in fixing her bed - she needs two undead chickens. Notice, she needs them ALIVE! Dead undead chickens (forgive the pun) won't work. Now to exit the room, pull the lever on the wall.
Instant Messaging Service in the Flesh

Go to Alice's farm, on the road between Port Phasmatys and Canifis. Ask her about the quest, and that you need some poultry of hers.

She'll tell you to speak to her dead husband, located in the field to the west of her. Talk to him, and he will just tell you to talk to Alice again.
Alice wants you to tell her husband she loves him but she can't find their savings and needs his help. He'll say he put their cash in the bank, as he used to do before getting affected by Necrovarus's curse. Go back to Alice and tell her this.
She'll then tell you to ask her husband for his bank password; he, though, refuses, calling you a scammer.

When you tell Alice that her beloved husband refused, you'll suddenly come up with the idea of a modified ghostspeak amulet so that Alice can talk to him herself. Alice tells you that a witch that lives nearby can modify ghostspeak amulets. She mentions that the Old Crone lives west of the Mausoleum and east of the Slayer Tower. Unequip your Ghostspeak Amulet and go talk to her.

Once you tell the witch your problems, she will use one of Alice's hair she finds on your shoulder and a bit of the unused essence from your Ghostspeak Amulet to craft a Crone-Made amulet created specifically for the two farmers.

Go check it out with Alice's husband, whose name is still unknown.

Give him the amulet - and then talk to him again; he'll try and catch a couple chickens for you, with a very nice cutscene to boot, involving a level-123 "Cow31337killer".

He'll be selling them to you - but only if you have ecto-tokens! It's 10 ecto-tokens per chicken (that equals to ectoing 4 bones to get the whole 20 tokens you need). If you need bones, kill chickens - the farmers, strangely enough, won't have objections.
Buckets and pots are for sale in Port Phasmatys general store, and you can buy buckets of slime from charter traders.
After you bought the two chickens, head off to Ava. Speak to her and you will be told the undead feathers will help her sleep better, as they are cleaner than normal feathers. But after Ernest's ordeal, who had been turned into a chicken, she can't kill any.

Getting a Magnet
Items Needed: Items needed: Iron Bars, Hammer.
Ava will tell you complicated stuff about unlimited feathers from undead chickens, and she'll send you to the witch next door.

The witch will talk to you in a rather patronizing tone, and she asks you to bring her 5 iron bars.
After you bring those to her, she'll tell you to go to the mine northeast of Rimmington, and use a hammer on a "selected iron" bar she just gave you, all this while facing north.

Do so, and then check back to Ava. She will say that the magnet will enable the chicken to fetch arrowheads! (50 crafting xp)

In Need of a Wood Source
Items Needed: the two woodcutting axes, Holy symbol
Ava will tell you that she needs a wood source, and sends you to woodcut one of the trees in Draynor Manor with a Mithril Axe, or better. But you'll find soon enough that it does NOT work!

Go back and talk to her about this. She will then send you to Turael, in Burthorpe, whom she saw threading among those trees.

He'll tell you that you need a blessed axe, and that he can give you his own, if you bring him a Holy Symbol and a Mithril axe.
Get those items for him, and he will give you a Blessed Axe. It's no use for normal woodcutting, just for undead trees.
Once you cut a twig from any Undead Tree (the ones that come up as yellow when you right click on them and that attack you), talk to Ava again.

She will give you some Research Notes, read them.
By reading those notes, you are confronted with a puzzle; you need to have the 2nd, 5th, and 9th lights green, the others red, like in the picture.

Completing the Quest
Items Needed: Hard leather, Buttons
Once you translate those notes, talk to Ava again, and you'll obtain "a pattern", and sent to get buttons (obtain them by pickpocketing HAM members. Be patient, it can take some work), and some hard leather.

Combine polished Buttons
(just click on them to polish them), the pattern and hard leather, and you will get "A Container". Give Ava the container, and...

- Ava's Device
- 2,500 Woodcutting experience, 1,000 Crafting, Fletching and Slayer experience.
- Access to Ava's stock of feathers, arrowtips (iron and steel) and arrows (iron and steel).
- 1 Quest Point
Ava will give you a device, called "accumulator", that will get you free steel arrows (that will go in your quiver) by moving! This pack will also pick up your arrows, so long as there is nothing between you and the target of your attack. And sometimes, you'll get some other metal items too, such as steel armor, iron ore, etc. It can't be worn at the same time as most metal chest armor, though.
There are two types of accumulators, a 'simple' one for those with less than 50 ranging, and an 'upgraded' one for those with more than 50 ranging. If you're already above 50 ranging, you'll get the upgraded version already upon quest completion; if not, when you get 50 ranging, you have to bring 999 coins and 75 steel arrows to Ava, and she'll upgrade it.
Undead Chicken stats:

Blessed Axe stats:

Ava's Accumulator [basic version] stats:

Ava's Accumulator [upgraded version] stats:

Important People:
Alice's Husband
Old Witch
Old Crone
==>All Runescape Guide List<==
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