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Written By Scary Monkey
Special Thanks To Mrcsupertrain, Princess Sjd, Evolution, Fishfriend22, Warren, Stevenbrant, Tim, Ambo100, Neo Avatars, Anubis, Virgil, The Only One He Ever Feared, Damaged500
The Temple of Ikov is mainly used in the Temple of Ikov Quest. In here, you'll find boots of lightness, ice spiders, lava rivers, the legendary staff of Armadyl, and lots more!
Before you can go very far in the dungeon at all, you will need to start the quest by talking to Lucien in the Flying Horse Inn in East Ardougne and he will give you a Pendant of Lucien.
Before you go in, make sure you have some decent food (lobsters or better), a tinderbox, a lit candle, your Pendant of Lucien, and that your weight is 3kg or less.

After you come down the ladder into the dungeon, you'll be in this scary place with a couple of bats and you'll be wondering where you are and where these two gates go. All this will get explained throughout the guide.

(2) Down Some Stairs We Go!
Just a little bit west from the center of the dungeon (point 1 on the map), you will see some stairs. To go down these stairs, you will need a lit candle or a lit lantern. Don't forget the tinderbox!

Down here, there are boots of lightness - which take away 4kg off your weight, very useful. You need a sharp weapon to slash through the spider web to get to the boots of lightness.
There's also a giants spider, and a knife next to the Boots of Lightness.

(4) The Bridge
Try to go through the north gate, what happens? Some kind of force will push you back!

To get past, you need to be wearing a Pendant of Lucien. You get this at the beginning of the quest Temple of Ikov. Lucien can be found in the Flying Horse Inn in East Ardougne. Go north-west and you will see an old bridge. This is where the Boots of Lightness come in - equip them to decrease your weight by 4kg, and cross the bridge.
Warning: If you weigh more than 0kg after you put the boots on, you will fall into the lava and get hurt for 20 damage! Ouch! If you fall in, you'll need to go up the ladder to the west and try again, after banking your items.
After you cross the bridge, open the door and go inside of the room. Take the lever in the southwest corner and then cross over the bridge again. Head back to the ladder and use the lever on the lever bracket just south of the ladder, then pull it, and this will open the south ladder - point 4 on the map.
Tip: If you don't want to have to go all the way back to bank, make sure nobody's around, drop all your items, run across the bridge, pick up the lever and then run back, and then run back and pick up everything you dropped.
(5) Deeper in the Dungeon
After going north of the bridge you'll come to a place where you can either go north or west. Go west and you will come to a door. The door is locked and to unlock it, you need to go back and go north instead.
If you have already completed the quest you will not need to pull the lever and you can just continue west.
You'll be in a small room with two trapdoors and a lever. If you try to go through these trapdoors and little message will pop up saying that you can only open the trap doors from the other side. On the wall to the north you will see a lever. Before you pull the lever, make sure you check for traps or you will fall down through the trapdoors and lose a few points of hit points.

(6) Lava and Skeletons
After you go through the west gate, you will come into a room with lots of blood on the walls, skeletons, corpses, bubbling lava everywhere!

(7) Winelda the Witch
If you go north from here and go through the door and then walk a little bit west, you'll see an old witch called Winelda and a river of lava.
She will teleport you across the river of lava, but for a price. If you haven't done the quest you'll need to pay a price of 20 limpwurt roots and she'll teleport you. After you pay once, every time you come back ask her to do the honors again and she'll teleport you quickly and easily. There are a few Skeletons (level 45) around.

(8) Lessers and a Shiny Key
After you get teleported by Winelda, go north, then west, and then south. There are a couple of lesser demons (level 82) and a Shiny Key on the ground. Pick up the shiny key if you plan on going into the Armadyl Hideout.

(9) Armadyl Hideout
It's pretty easy to find, you just need to walk a little north-west of where Winelda teleported you. Lower levels should watch out for the skeletons. You need to push a secret wall in order to get in.
Once you're in, you'll see lots of tables and chairs, as well as a few Guardians of Armadyl (level 43 and 45). In the north-west corner you will find the Staff of Armadyl. Before you can take it you need to make sure their's nobody around. If someone sees you, fight it and then take the staff.

(10) Ladder
To get out of this big scary dungeon, there is a ladder just south-east of point 7, the Armadyl Hideout. It will take you to a small house just north of McGrubor's wood - which in case you didn't know, is north-west of Seers' Village. After you walk out of the little house the door will lock so you won't be able to go back.

(12) Chests and Spiders
After you have pulled the lever, go a little bit south from point one on the map, you will see a gate. Go through this gate, east and then north and it will be all icy everywhere, with quite a lot of ice spiders (level 61). These do quite a lot of damage, so it would be useful to bring food! You will also notice lots of chests.

Travel a bit east through this tunnel of ice, and you will notice lots of chests. These are used during the Temple of Ikov quests to find Ice Arrows. There is only one chest with ice arrows in it and when you search it and you get the arrows, the chest with the arrows in it will change.
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