Magic is known to be as one of the easiest skills to master on Runescape. The reason for which it is believed to be one of the easiest is that it only takes a short amount of time to achieve 99 when in comparison to some of the harder skill-capes to get such as construction. To get 99 Magic from level 1 it takes around 5-7days playing time (depending on what spells you use),when compared to other skills this is super easy and i recommend going for this skill-cape if you do not already own it. Now on with the guide :)
What spells to cast at what levels?
Levels 10-21 = Cast Wind Rush on the Lesser Demons at the top of the wizards tower.
Levels 21-25 = Cast Low level Alchemy on any item. I will include a link to tell you what items are currently best for alching further on in the guide under the high alchemy section.
Levels 25-31 = Casting Varrock Teleports
Levels 31-37 = Casting Lumbridge Teleports
Levels 37-45 = Casting Falador Teleports
Levels 45-55 = Casting Camelot Teleports
Levels 55-99 = High Alchemy, the calculator will be included lower down in the guide. You will make 55-75k xp per hour depending on how fast you cast. Here is a link to the alchemy guide calculator : , this calculator will tell you what items are currently the best to alch and how much of a loss/profit you will make from it.
Levels 80-99 = Stringing Jewelry on the Lunar Spell book; if you choose to do this method to 99 you will make a huge loss but it is much faster than alching.
Levels 86-99 = Another method to 99 is plank making on the Lunar Spell book; this is a very fast way to 99 and is the method that i used, you can also make profit from using this method so this is the method that i recommend that you use. Use either the Duel Arena bank chest or The Castle Wars bank chest as this will be faster than right clicking a banker at a bank. You will make between 160-180k xp per hour depending on how much you concentrate.
How many spells will i have to cast?
Varrock Teleport = 200 casts
Lumbridge Teleport = 309 casts
Falador Teleport = 614 casts
Camelot Teleport = 1895 casts
High Alchelmy = For levels 55-80 = 27,992 or for 55-99 = 197,697
Stringing = For levels 80-86 = 19,419 casts or for levels 80-99 = 133,113 casts.
Planking = From levels 86-99 you will need to cast 104,852 spells.