While Guthix Sleeps per powerlevel
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The, Recipe for Disaster, Summer's End, Swan Song, Tears of Guthix, Zogre Flesh Eaters.
Item: Axe, Knife, 1 log of any kind, Ring of charos, Mind rune, Law rune, Death rune, Fire, Water, Earth or Air rune (depending on returning blast), 30 Air Runes, 3 Cosmic Runes, Uncharged Orb, Snapdragon seed or 29,000GP (Seed can be bought from Thaerisk), Seed dibber, 5gp, Lantern lens, Papyrus, Charcoal, Iron chainbody, Bronze med helm, Sapphire lantern.
Other: Be eligible for entry to the Warriors' Guild, have defeated Bork in the Chaos Tunnels, 270 Quest Points.
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